SIA Disciplinary Committee- [The Secretary | Jung Seok Hee]


Disciplinary Committee || [Jung, Seok Hee]
 << Midnight-Tinkerbelle | Imma | 8-10 >>


The Basics

Plotline: The Secretary 
Full Name: Jung, Seok Hee 
      Other names: N/A
Seokhee - used by everyone because it's her name
Angelic Demon - her committee members because she may look like an angel but she has evil personality

Gender: Female
Birthdate: June 27
School Year: Third Year
Nationality: Korea 
Ethnicity: Korean 
Birthplace: Busan, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Blood type: AB
uality: Straight but she sometimes do yuri in her female committe members but mostly to the Vice President


Face: Gam Da In
Links:  +
Backup Face: El/Lael
Links:  + 
Height: 174 cm
Weight:  53 kg
She has an angelic appearance, soft facial features; almond-shaped eyes, cute pointy nose, pinkish thin lips and fair skin. Her natural hair color is brunette, her hair sometimes
curly or straight. She wears her uniform neatly when she goes to school but always has/wears knitted sweater.


Keywords: Reserved, Evil, Calm, Intelligent

Seokhee is the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, with the given position she always keeps tracks of all the committee's planning, requests and all that involves paperworks in order
to keep the President and Vice President updated with documents and papers the committee handles. Her manner of dealing the clients is calm but evil because her personality is way different from her physical features. She may have a face and a body of an angelic young girl but she's a silent type of person. She's not rude or snob, she just doesn't talk to people who can't benefit her which shows her politeness to people who are in power.
Seokhee is reserved and evil but very intelligent. She's the only one who enjoys handling the paperworks and technical works of the committee, meaning having her netbook and tablet always around her. She is the type of girl who is reserved, someone who doesn't reveal her emotions easily to the point that people would never know or find out what she's feeling at the moment. No one can also identify if she cares or just ignore everything because this trait. She doesn' talk a lot too but when she does she give sarcastic remarks, blunt jokes and sadictic mannerism but when it comes to serious matters she gives a correct and updated all-out information because it's her duty as the secretary. She's evil in a way where she always messes up with her committee members (pranking them, joking them as if she was insulting and being straightforward in everything), though she may look like an angel in the group but she's a spawn of satan on the inside.
Her intelligence is evident in conning and convincing people or clients to agree or sign a deal with them because she uses her calming mind-game demeanor to get what she wants, threatening and bribing their clients in a manner that the client woulnd't notice. She's also the first one to realize things that her committee won't understand at first shot and keeps that to herself just to amuse herself and let things happen on their own. When this happens, she just laugh at her members rants for not telling them everything earlier. Though her committee members see her as daughter of Satan, she is respected for being the most calm person ever existed on this planet. She shows calm and patience in every meeting they have, Seokhee is the kind of girl who doesn't like panicking, instead she'll take this slowly for better understanding of the situation and better solution. She believes that panicking will never result to a good outcome. In some heated situations, you'll see her just watching everything happen because at that  moment she'll try to analyze things before coming up with a decision.

- Piano, Violin, her Netbook
- Fall/Autumn
- Pastry & Hot Chocolate

-  Failure & Expectations
-  Annoying people
-  Medicine & Hospital

- When frustrated, she will bang or flip something then walks out.
- When happy, she will show her rare genuine smile and laugh.
-  She is always the first to answer to any of the member's question. 

-  A day wouldn't pass by without Seokhee messing with the committee members, most especially the President and Vice President.
-  She calls the president Kaichou.
-  Seokhee and the Vice President of the Student Council are secretly married, due to business ties that's why they're married. They are only married in papers but they don't live together,
this is Seokhee's biggest secret.
-  She enjoys night time.
-  She considers the Committee as her family members but obviously hides it from them because of her established character and image in the committee.
-  She always bring pastries and hot chocolate whenever she comes to the office, but she don't offer them to her members unless they ask first.
-  She enjoys seeing lightning if she sees one.
-  She knows how to play piano and violin.



Seokhee is the youngest of the Jung siblings and the only daughter of Jung Kyung Joon. She is born in a family where perfection, honor and success is the main goal in everything. Her family handles a medical business which involves pharmaceuticals, laboratory, hospitals and the likes; a huge contrary to her because she hates hospitals to the fact that a their very own hospital failed to make her mother live again when she was young.

Her father is the owner of Jung Group of Companies, her two older brothers are successors and owners already. Being the last and youngest, she is expected to work as successor as well and knowing that Seoul International Academy is one of the leading schools that has a high standard of education; Seokhee was enrolled to the school. When she started schooling, everything is easy on her and she was looking for something she could be busy of or something that can challenge her; right on time the Vice President found her previous school record and scouted her right there and then to be their committee's secretary. Thinking that it could be a challenging job, she takes the offer and it's been three years since she became the Disciplinary Commitee's undisputable scretary.

Father | Jung Kyung Joon [Face claim: Shin Sung Woo]| President of Jung Group of Companies | Strict, Cold, Aloof | 6-10
Older Brother | Jung Dae Hyun [Face claim: Kim Woobin] | CEO of Jung Laboratories Corp. | Cool, Kind, Competitive | 7-10


Older Brother | Jung Lee Hyun [Face claim: Ahn Jaehyun] | CEO of Jung Pharmaceuticals | Charming, Caring, Cheerful | 8-10





 She lives in their mansion located somewhere in the higher lands of Seoul. Their mansion was huge and spacious but always empty because her family members are busy with work, she's the only one who stays longer in their mansion.
Uniform Adjustments: She doesn't wear knee high socks but wears shiny black shoes and always wears knitted sweaters over her uniform whenever she's staying in the Committee office.

-  Vice President of Student Council | Depends on the author | Depends on the author | 9-10
-  Choi Yura | Helpful, Carefree, Cheerful | 3rd Year | 8-10

Academic Standing:  Top 6, though she probably may belong to the Top 5 her duty as the Secretary is hinders her.
Best Subject: Math, English, Language, Literature
Worst Subject: Science, Sports

Love Interest

Love Interest: Kim Seok Jin (BTS) | 3rd Year. 
Personality Keywords: Naive, Silly, Humorous, Playful

Seokjin is cheerful and always smiling. If you're his close friend, he will always play with you. He's also friendly because of his super-nice-guy aura around him. When he's with his friends, he's the one who'll start the funny conversation because of his mannerism when shocked, laughing and suprised. He's also kind and generous, he doesn't like seeing them sad or lonely and he will definitely cheer them up. Seokjin is the type of guy every girl would fall into (except Seokhee); sweet, caring, gentleman and kind. He will never let you feel down or see you sad, not to mention he's hyper and cheerful as well. He may act childish and really annoying sometimes but he'll make you feel special by his caring actions and sweet words.

Although he's a walking angel, he's super naive. Although Seokhee always rejects him, being sadistic and blunt towards he doesn't care and continue to court her. Everyone knows Seokjin's crazy undying love for Seokhee in which she just shrugs and rejects him all the time. He's a like a masochist lamb to a sadistic lion that he doesn't give and continues to woo the girl that caught his interest.

Backup Love Interest: The Vice President of the Student Council
Personality Keywords: Depends on the author

Bye Bye

Comments: I hope you like her and reviews juseyo! ^^ Well, I paired her personality to Kyoya Ootori because I see the Secretary's personality that way. Hahaha.
If you have any question author-nim about her, please tell it so I can manage to edit my mistakes. ^^

Suggestions: The pairing of Vice President and the Secretary, that the committee members thought they we're doing yuri haha XD
Scene Requests: Just one request scene at the moment; Seokjin found out the marriage between Seokhee and the Student Council's Vice President. Seokhee threaten Seokjin to keep what he knows a secret but the threat doesn't work on him since he holds her biggest secret, for once he wanted just one day that Seokhee will be kind and sweet to him.
Password: flying kiss



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Hi. I just wanted to ask, Is The Vice President of Student Council you're referring to in your application, is my character, the Vice President of the Disciplinary Committee?
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I just wanted to make sure since you say Student Council a couple of times, but it seems to me you're talking about the Disciplinary Committee's Vice President.