My new neighbor is so hot..

Guys, Girls, People in general....

My new neighbor that moved in with his aunt and uncle is soo hot..


I saw him mowing his front lawn while I went to go get my mail 
and when I'm walking back I see him strip off his shirt

revealing his beautifully Tanned Toned body.

As soon as that happened I tripped down my two stairs to my front door that I was 
already standing on...



Ohhh Lord... He is hot..


and my other neighbor is a ty little freshman who was mowing her front yard in spandex
short shorts and a sports bra.. than she preceded to ask him from help to start the lawnmower just so she
could lean over and shove her 12 year old boy chest in his face...





Dibs should count for girls as well.. 

Plus he said Hi, Smiled, and waved to me..


Freaking dibs..



I realize I probably sound a wee bit crazy right now, but guys....

my feelz are in full fangirl mode right now..

he's that hot..







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ma gawd, i need a pic of THAT GUY, RIGHT NOW
tiggerlover97 #2
All I have to say is......YAASSSSS BISH YASSS! And tell that ty girl to off and keep her tranny looking self away from your man(or just jump her, that works too)
... I am so gonna come over when I get back!
And maybe we can jump the when no ones looking
Lucky! I ah ep no hot neighbors, only nagging old people :( the only close thing I have for a hot neighbor is my best friend and he is not even attractive, he is more like a sister lol
Wow... You're lucky.. :-(
