❛ twenty & married // 노향민.



•••••••••• frozen-baozis    summer   2.5    english is not my first language ••••••••••


❛ panic cord 

The runaway bride and the perplexed best man of two years ago are now happily together as man and wife. He has always been the one to hold the indecisive heart together, but now, when her ex-fiancé comes back anew and she finds her heart starting to waver, he might have more to mend than just her tentativeness.

full name — Noh Hyangmin ( 노향민 ).
nickname — 
    » Min ( 민 )  A shortened version of her name, used by friends and close relative.
   » Mongju ( 멍주 ) By combining mong (lost) and gongju (princess), Yixing invented this nickname to depict how his wife gets lost and tangled so easily in her thoughts. It is supposed to be only between them, but everyone soon finds out and the nickname just spreads like wildfire.
date of birth / age — 27-10 / 21.
ethnicity — Korean.
birthplace / hometown — Seoul, South Korea.
languages — 
 » Korean  fluent // mother tongue.
     » Chinese  conversational // taught by Yixing.



ulzzang #01 — Park Girim.
    » pictures — ( )

ulzzang #02 — Kim Seukhye.
    » pictures — ( )

appearance —    

» elephant tattoo Remember those bucketlists that teenage girls swoon over in the beautiful times of your high school years? Some say these are lame, some say these are the key to your free future. Noh Hyangmin, of course, belonged to the second side. When getting a tattoo was the thing for girls in high school to do in order to get themselves some reputation, she was among the group who wanted to get an infinity or a bird tattoo, but it's less than predictable to say that her parents strongly opposed to that suggestion. She snuck out to a tattoo shop with her friends, and was so scared that when asked what to mark on her skin forever, she randomly blurted out "elephant", and the rest is history.

» ear piercings — Another trendy thing that girls had to do just to be liked by the ones from their cliques, an ear piercing. Using her advantage of having long, untouched hair, Hyangmin allowed herself to get whatever kind of piercings she wanted, but now in restrospect of it she just finds them to be extremely childish. As a result, during times of reminiscence when she rethinks her life values, Hyangmin gradually takes off her piercings, only letting those she really likes or treasures stay. 

fashion style — 


Hyangmin's sense of fashion stays on the girlish side. She often wears clothes of pastel colors, mostly pink and she is also the type to wear a lot of skirt and dresses. Having an insatiable for pastel colors and floral patterns, she ends up applying those to ninety percent of her dresses and ends up being quite a petite princess in those, or should we say her age seemingly runs backwards. Hyangmin sometimes has a for laces and woolen cardigans. With a combination of Oxford shoes, ballet flats or perhaps ankle boots, nothing is impossible and Hyangmin is there, ready to dominate the world. Though it's kind of hard to run around clad in her girly choice of clothes, she doesn't really notice it though. After all, she's more of the type to socialize and be airheaded, not those who run around like mad hyenas with face-splitting smiles and wobbly knees. That's just her opinion, and mostly everyone sees that the statement is totally irrelevant to the topic, however no one cares to tell her so.



character traits — vacuous • indecisive • quixotic • vivacious • reliant


» "Wait, can you say that again?" and "I don't get it" are just a few of Noh Hyangmin's notorious catchphrases. If everyone is destined to be a crayon portraying their mind, she would possibly be assigned to the grey one — the color of vagueness and ignorance. With her logic at the receiving end of head shakes even from the most lukewarm people, she fails to make sense out of anything logical, like how to multiply fractions and how Santa Claus cannot exist in Antarctica where the temperature is below zero (yes, the girl still believes in Santa, feel free to judge). What's more, Hyangmin finds concentration a luxury — multi-tasking has always been her ultimate fantasy. when she is too busy prancing around taking photos and baking cupcakes. Being spoilt and pampered ever since a young age doesn't really help but letting her be however ditzy as she wants to be — the airhead now even experiences difficulty when it comes to making decisions on her own. "Yixing, should I get the milk first or make coffee first?", "Yixing, I know I asked you earlier but do you really think this dress is cuter than this one because I tried both of them on and I'm torn", "Hyorin, should I choose this sushi or that sashimi?", "Fei, should I put this one outfit or that one on the mannequin?" are other mantras frequently voiced by yours truly. Hyangmin is well-aware of the fact that she isn't as mentally capable as the majority of people, so she keeps on wrecking her brain by weighing all the possible consequences back and forth again and again, until her mind feels like it's going to explode any second soon (if she has a mind, that is). 


» While her IQ is constantly being put into question, one can never deny the fact that Hyangmin is a true idealist at heart. From a young age, she has been the type to stare out into nothingness and sighs dreamily while dreaming about her Prince Charming on a white horse. When she reached adolescence, Hyangmin busied herself with staying up late till midnight watching and sobbing over soap operas, and distracted herself in class by writing pieces and paragraphs of romantic novels she swore to publish one day. While doing the only thing she is focused on — playing the piano, that is, the girl always makes sure to pour her heart into every notes, even to the point where she bursts out into tears mid-practice without reason. A hopeless romantic, Hyangmin is so naive that she believes in all thing glitters and rainbows in this world — even Maleficent and Ursula are good people, it's just that the circumstances had driven them to the point where they stand. She thrives to seek only the good and skipping over the bad parts, or she doesn't even notice them at all. The modern day Snow White, Hyangmin is the epitome of credulousness; regardless of how people pin her down as too innocent for her age and note her as an all too easy target. Still and all, she loves everyone she can and everyone knowing her loves her back; so can one really blame her for behaving like that?


» If Noh Hyangmin were born with a sole mission like those RPG heroines, she would be most likely to be assigned to the task of breaking all the barriers and misconceptions built up between different social classes. Having never experienced such things as "times of sorrow" or "heart-breaking moments", she never looks at the world through a less than colorful perspective. A day in a life of Hyangmin is painted in technicolor, or so to say it is a puzzle where all pieces are unique and all are hiding different mysteries to be seek. The mysteries are then, again, hidden in the eyes of the people that she is yet to meet; so she considers it her lifetime mission to go out there and make friends. Rolling in and approaching them with all the bright sparkles needed to add up to the finish touch of her ever-so-bright aura, this young lady is blessed with the ability to make friends with a simple handshake and a lot of blinding smiles. While others choose to condense their words into simple sentences and stoic facial expressions, Hyangmin finds normal words impersonal and sometimes distant. This is where her talkative nature steps in and begs to differ, and along the way she finds herself talking with not only her voice, but her entire body and heart. With made-up words followed by a whole lot of adverbs and arm-flailing movements, she finds herself more comfortable in voicing her thoughts out loud. Other than the originality in her everyday talks, this perpetual socialite finds it easy to hold people close to her, with a satisfactory amount of skinships and a whole lot of caring for others. Enchanting the world with her animated self and deemed as the queen of vivacity on campus, this princess has theoretically completed her mission of breaking the wealthy's unchanged façade and bringing a new wave of friendliness into town.


» Born with a silver spoon in while growing up to be pampered with all sorts of toys and spoiled with all the love in the world, it is inevitable that someday Hyangmin will become apart of one of those clingy princess we all know about. Thus, Hyangmin is truly what people would describe as a perpetually loving stray puppy. She herself is the sole definition of an attention seeker — Hyangmin is truly that type of person to cause as much chaos as possible to keep eyes glued on her. This also calls for the dire need of being clingy, like a magnet, she finds herself attached to people by a seemingly coincidental brush of their finger or by an affectionate but not-so-gentle punch on the shoulder. With her rapid mouth and small figure, sometimes Yixing chuckles and refers to her as a ninja chaser: one to follow her targets without letting them know of her existence until she is already safe in their embrace. Were utmost individualism something required to survive, Hyangmin wouldn't be able to make it, as idealistic and dependant as she is. Sure, she is not always one to put others before her, but when there is time for her to get her stories straight, the first thought to come into her mind would be that of others. Though she is possibly too old for fairytales and lives in a world that isn't so full of rainbows like she expects, Hyangmin still believes in the sparks of first love, about how one true love kiss would save the life of a princess and all that jazz. Too dense to actually admit it, Hyangmin doesn't stress on independence because she is in all honesty insecure and scared, so she clings onto other people while showering them with touchy actions to make sure that no one would betray her. That plus her sense of gullibility makes Hyangmin the perfect victim for scams and pranks, or exactly what others would do to benefit themselves when she herself is alone against the world.


family background

» Noh Hyangmin is the first child of the Noh household, the girl who surpasses them all not only in terms of appearance but also in terms of downgrading intelligence. Even so, with the lack of parenting skill and plenty of credit cards to flaunt, Noh Minjun and Kim Hayeon pampered her with everything she had needed, shoving aside the fact that it was her brain, not her need, that needed attention (although her piano skills is quite amazing compared to her mental capability — she's quite a musical prodigy, which shocks many). Throughout her childhood, she's experienced life in pink — walking on sunshine and drenched in the sunlight of bliss they often call ignorance. While getting decent grades in her class (her father might have bribed a teacher or two, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her), Hyangmin made tons and tons of friends just to lose them a month after — what she didn't know and doesn't know even until now is that there are some who wants more than just her clumsily braided friendship bracelets. It was not until when she turned eighteen that her life began to shift bit by bit. Along with her acceptance letter from a fairly prestigious university came Hyangmin moving out for the first time to taste life on her own, came Kim Minseok, came the wedding that had come to pass, came Zhang Yixing, came a lot of things she both appreciate and regrets — everything that has made her into the person that she is today.



» University has never been exactly the thing for Hyangmin, she quit after two years of trying and stuffing economic terms into her brain; but fashion is quite the thing. Now working full-time at Feifei's fashion shop, tending to people from all walks of life (including Byun Baekhyun), Hyangmin feels like playing dress-up for her Barbie dolls when she was young but keep the opinion to herself nonetheless. At approximately five in the evening, the shop will be closed down and it is Fei who often drives her home (everyone has been insisting on driving her ever since the last time she got lost on a bus). Back at home she reunites with Yixing (who calls her every half an hour to check up on what's going on) and together they do everything they need to (eating Chinese food, cuddling, watching movies, showering together, et cetera, et cetera). Blame her parents for their habit to push several buttons when it comes to her, or maybe it's something she's actually good at, but Hyangmin has another part time job to play the piano in a tiny, pretentious tea room downtown every Friday nights. On those ocassions she often drags her husband along, and they eat out for a change afterwards. Sometimes when her mother comes home, they make a brief visit in which everyone will complain that the lovebirds look too thin. Sometimes Yixing also misses Changsha, but they're still saving for it (note the tiny jar hidden waaaaaay in the back of their fridge, the only thing that they never seem to forget).


trivia —

» likes :

♥ pastel colors » Dubbed as "the pastel queen" for her favorite color tone, it's no doubt that Hyangmin finds them extremely lovely and mesmerizing.

♥ bouquets of roses » She just sees them to be absolutely romantic. Your argument is invalid. 

♥ classic films » They are called masterpieces for a reason, doe.

♥ cherry blossoms » Again, absolutely romantic and breathtaking. It calms her soul everytime she sees the color of fluttering cherry blossoms.

» dislikes :

♥ coffee » Too bitter to be called an ideal drink.

♥ centipedes » She has a bad childhood memory when she cut one in half but the head ended up still crawling.

♥ potatoes » Again, bad childhood experience. She had been stuffed with potatoes to the point of making a vow not to touch one anymore.

♥ spicy food » It makes you have pimples, besides there is not always enough water to cool down your burning tongue.

♥ killer heels » The sounds they make are just so annoying.

» hobbies :

♥ socializing with others » It's already a habit of the perpetual socialite.  

♥ daydreaming » Why stuck in reality when you can totally transfer yourself to some place else very different?

♥ taking walks near lakes, or river » The chilly breezes are always so refreshing.

♥ playing the piano » it's just her thing.

» habits :

♥ happy & contented » Pinching her cheeks so that she knows it's actually real.

♥ excited » Burying her face in her hands and screaming like there is no tomorrow.

♥ scared & sad » Shuffling her feet randomly while making awkward sounds.

♥ bored » Pretending to be a shark and trying to bite anyone in a two-foot radius around her.

♥ angered » Stomping her foot and whining like a five-year-old demanding his/her favorite toy.

♥ stressed » Jerking her hair out of her scalp.

♥ for no reasons » Clicking pens furiously, shaking her legs once in a while, humming random songs or pretending to bite a steamed bun.

» fears : 

♥ claustrophobia » The fear of small spaces. Growing up in a mansion where everything is exceedingly huge, she's never come to get easy with tiny spaces.

♥ coulrophobia » The fear of clowns. She hates their appearance, their behaviours, their everything.

» trivia :

♥ Among her favorite colors, she still likes pastel rose the best; and her lucky number is twenty-seven (27).

♥ She lacks sense for direction — can't even tell the difference between her left hand and right hand.

♥ Hyangmin can't ride a bicycle for the sake of her life.

♥ She's a very heavy sleeper, and she also sleeps a lot — sometimes twelve hours or more isn't enough.

♥ She is left-handed and does mostly everything with her left hand, but always uses her phone with her right hand.






family members 

» father — Noh Minjun : 53 : businessmen : clumsy  attentive • calm  intuitive : Don't ask Minjun why such a clumsy person like him have the ability to reach his position today, because he doesn't know. However, he does have a soft spot for clumsy people like him, and with Hyangmin somehow being the exact replica of his maladroit nature, it's safe to say that he gets along pretty well with his child. Unlike the situation of other well-off families where parents hardly take a look at their children, Minjun always wants to keep her somewhere in his reach, eventually getting a little bit conservative-minded and overprotective around her — no boy except for Yixing is allowed to talk to her in an informal way. Though he is the more disappointed one when it turns out that Hyangmin isn't the brainiac type of daughter, he understands her for the way she is, because nobody is perfect and at least she is still more of a social extrovert than he is (but sometimes when she doesn't notice, he would still secretly express himself. The first person who taught Hyangmin how to laugh, the one to cherish her first baby steps, it is obvious that he is her first and eternal love, one whose existence is appreciated with all her heart (though she might not be able to comprehend the word "appreciate" in a span of a few seconds, but who knows).

» mother — Kim Hayeon : 49 : journalist : motherly  thoughtful  vivacious  inspiring : The best mother and daughter around, let's have a round of applause for Kim Hayeon and Noh Hyangmin. Despite their difference in generation (and possibly intelligence as well), Hayeon is considered by Hyangmin as one of her best friends and ultimate faithful advisor. At the age of fourty-nine with downgrading health, Hayeon still pursues her dream of travelling and being able to write touching articles, so it's a matter of fact that Hyangmin can't see her as often as they both want. This explains the temporary awkwardness between the truth when they reunite in some certain occassions, but Hayeon is the most understanding shopping buddy ever and after a trip to the mall Junghee would start talking all over the place again. However, she has the tendency to underestimate her little girl a little bit to often — Hyangmin is forever considered as the six-year-old hogging up all the limited edition Barbies while having difficulty in remembering how much one plus one equals if it is not a window.

» younger sister — Noh Jimin : 17 : high school student : irascible  audacious  independent  clever : The polar opposite of yours truly, it seems like Jimin has inherited all the intelligence and dry wit that failed to made it into Hyangmin's brain. Nonetheless, it doesn't stop them from bonding well — around her older sister, Jimin feels a sense of motherly instinct, an urge to protect her innocent sister no matter what (even when it is supposed to be vice versa). Attached to the hips ever since they can even know it, they can both read each other without much difficulties (though Jimin doesn't really understand her choice of husbands and Yixing himself, to be really honest). After Hyangmin left home, the two still keep in touch, with Jimin dropping by every once in a while to cook the spouses a decent meal. Things are going alright, but Hyangmin wishes they can cuddle more often.


friends and colleagues 

» best friend + employer  Wang Feifei : 25 : clothing shop owner & stylist : motherly • sanguine • courteous • sensitive : This woman, despite being a whole four years older than Hyangmin, has somehow become an essential part of her life or to put it in a straightforward way, a person to answer her endless questions and treat her to dinner thrice a month. They first met in Hyangmin's first year of attending university — clueless, scared and undoubtedly lost. Fei then knew exactly what to do with the young girl standing in front of her, for she used to be just the same quite a long time ago. After Hyangmin left school, Fei was kind enough to offer her old underclassmen a position in her boutique. Surprisingly enough, between answering calls and sketching out outfits with her boss, the younger girl actually finds the place somewhere she truly belongs.


other relationships 

» ex-fiancé — Kim Minseok : 23 : coffee shop owner : taciturn • assiduous • lenient • solicitous :

past: Kim Minseok was (and in one way or another, still is) one of the best things Hyangmin had (has) ever had in her life. She was a mere ditzy and talkative freshman when he was already a junior when they first met — Hyangmin swears she still remembers the sudden jolt of electricity running through her spine and the way that her palms started perpirating in all of a sudden (and she doesn't remember a lot of things, in all honesty). He was the quiet one with a face rivaling the best of Kristen Stewart, while she was the epitome of all things pink, happy and frilly, but that didn't stop him from coming into each other's life. Soon enough they started dating — he was her first kiss, her first date, the first person she introduced to her family as more than just a friend. Now, Minseok wasn' t quite the type to speak before he thought; and neither was he the type to be whipped (quote Jimin) so easily, but under the miraculous influence of fate, after they have dated for merely a year, he proposed to her. It was safe to say that Hyangmin was beyond excited — finally her fairytale had come true — and her parents, being the way they were, loved her too much to tell her to wait. Then came the grandeur of wedding preparations, all the dress-trying and food-tasting and invitation-sending, the hectic blur that spun Hyangmin around in ecstasy and she was too ditzy that she only found herself thinking half an hour before the ceremony, holding the bouquet in her hands. Something clicked in her mind then, and Hyangmin could only think of a word, can't. The young bride-to-be has never been that good with decisions — she had even needed help on deciding what time to wake up that day; but it was clear to her that Minseok and her just couldn't simply be: the sparks were gone before she could even know it. Long story short, she ran away from the wedding while Minseok was left at the altar alone, she humiliated him and broke his heart to thousands of pieces. Hyangmin finally found comfort again in her parents' perpetual coaxing, but she knew Minseok could never be healed from the crime she had done to her heart. They never came into contact again, she didn't want to, and really, she just hoped that he would be happy.

present: It's tense, it's awkward, it's nothing like the old Noh Hyangmin used to fantasize about when she first met him. She hurt him, that's given, but never before did she imagine things to go this way. It wasn't him that first noticed her wandering aimlessly around the neighborhood while talking to Feifei at the speed of light — on the contrary, it was her who noticed him walking into a newly built shop a block away (she knew because she had been peeking curious glances at the place ever since construction started) with an entirely different aura compared to the Kim Minseok she knew of. It didn't took her too much time pondering over whether she should approach him or not — Fei dragged her their two days later, and even when the way he looked at her remained the same after all the heartbreaks, she found herself standing up and leaving without sparing him a second glance, just like before. But Minseok could never change, Hyangmin knew. She read enough novels and watched enough soap opera to recognize the sparks in his eyes and the sheepish movement that he made whenever she was near (Hyangmin admitted she couldn't help but stick around Minseok for one reason or another): Minseok was still in love with her. Even until now, things don't get any less suffocating because Hyangmin is starting to find the same spark igniting her own heart, even in dark nights when she is embraced in Yixing's tender arms. He still loves her, and she thinks the feeling might be mutual, but there's Yixing. He is the one she has loved after all these years, and she can't afford to break another heart — especially when he and Minseok were so close. While her fickle heart struggles to find an answer, Hyangmin's mind direct her to run away from Minseok as far as she can, but every time she comes back to him running, just like how he did to her back in the days.

» "there's no way your wedding is more perfect than ours"  Byun Baekhyun : 21 : university student : exuberant • zealous • childish • gossipy : In another life or another universe, Baekhyun and Hyangmin could be best friends. Heck, they can even become friends in this very world at this very moment if their picture-perfect wedddings hadn't stood in between. They first met at the wedding planner's place and started the blossoming with their little cat fight over the wedding venue. Two days later, while they met again at the caterer's (oh the irony of fate), he gnawed off the entrance of her dream in three bites and she not-so-accidentally knocked her glass of red wine on his pristine white shirt. From then on, everything went as chaotic as they could be. Sure, Hyangmin was at fault too, and she could have apologized if she was in the mood, but no, Baekhyun just had to be a brat by nature, and until now there had been no peace at all when the two meet — sadly enough, he's a frequent customer of Fei's. They are not really the type I-hate-you-stay-away-from-me-or-I-will-cut-you of rival, they just gets in quarrels, cat fights and sometimes badmouthing each other. Things can't get any better for this duo, really.




husband — Zhang Yixing : 22 : guitar instructor & underground musician : compassionate • serene • self-effacing • enthusiastic • abstracted 
back-ups — Park Chanyeol • Do Kyungsoo • Lu Han


» Zhang Yixing is always the type to sit back and listen, showing empathy to others even though his situation could have totally been worse than theirs. Though he appears as reliant and weak, truthfully, Yixing seeks a person to lay on his shoulder, not a person on whose shoulders he can lay. Even before he has moved to Korea, the man has already been confirmed to be one of those popular but sheepish boys who never ceased smiling at those otherwise deemed peasants despite them literally throwing themselves at his feet. Genuine and sincere, he is the perfect husband material of every single idealist out there — but luckily enough, he loves Hyangmin and only Hyangmin. Despite his seemingly perfect nature and all, Yixing prefers to stand as a flower on the wall, but he remains efflorescing and beautiful as ever. Always putting the benefits of others before his own, the young Chinese is soft-spoken in a way that brings smiles onto everyone's face — and that's the sole goal of his life. Even if it means going black and blue and helplessly crawling down the avenue, Yixing would do ultimately everything and anything for the people he loves, "As cheesy as it sounds, they're my life," he would often explain that to others, with a dimpled grin.


» While he is both internally and externally nothing but an angelic sweetheart, Zhang Yixing still has his, let's say, idiotic sides. The male counterpart of his loved wife Mongju, this guy is eternally dubbed as Mongxing because of the permanently perplexed look on his face, as if screaming questions about his whereabouts in extreme panic. Insisting on the most gorgeous of his .jpg mode while constantly making notes for him in order not to forget (and ending up forgetting where the notes are afterwards), it's safe to say that Yixing is a big disappointment in terms of being graceful. Hardly does a day go by without him knocking things over and getting loss — he seems to be quite a cute helpless puppy, but anyway still very helpless. It is probably that part of him that makes the dimpled prince rather coy and introverted — he's slow to trust, finds it hard to express himself, obviously all the side-effects of being so pristine. Having the tendency to commit social suicidal every two hours a row, while his wife is a butterfly, he is indeed nothing but a potato. Nevertheless, Yixing never gets sick of trying — passionate and determined, he is the one to write down songs and ask everyone to sing along with him until his throat is raw and his eyes are tired, but if that's what he wants to do, he'll get to it. In a nutshell, Zhang Yixing is totally the one for you to marry at any time and space with his lovable and enthusiastic nature. It's just that he gets distracted quite often, but it's okay.


relationship prior to the marriage

» To say that Yixing is fairly aware of Hyangmin's failed marriage would be a horrendous understatement — he knows the most miniscule details of the events happening, because he was Minseok's best man then. Hyangmin and Yixing first met after she had been dating Minseok for around six months, long enough for him to build up the courage and introduce her to his best of friends. It was just a cozy dinner at a cafe where the gang usually hung out, nothing too fanciful like Hyangmin had expected. Despite his seemingly collected aura, Minseok was friends with a bunch of idiots — one had really scary eyes but turned out to be a Gucci enthusiast, one was really tall and seemed to be high on drugs, but there was this guy that Hyangmin decided she would like. He was Zhang Yixing. The university student with dark bangs covering a part of his eyes and a dimpled beam was endearing to her at best — unlike the other disorderly guys, Yixing was soft and gentle (and a bit lost too, but Hyangmin liked that). Immediately they bonded in a night, and it was Hyangmin that helped Minseok pick him as a best man. Like they said, anything for the bride, Yixing agreed. Hyangmin is still thankful of that moment up to date — if it hadn't been him, God knows where she would have ended up now.

» The incidents that came afterwards weren't exactly the most mushy kind of things that people could think of. Yixing was stuck in between a silent war — his best friend is on one side and his cherished sister is on another. His nature wouldn't allow him to settle down with a decision, so he ran back and forth between a now even more reserved Minseok and a pertubed Hyangmin who refused to stop crying over Minseok as if she hadn't been the one abandoning him at start. What happened, happened. It was a night of obnoxious humidity and of endless sheets of rain when Hyangmin called Yixing, telling him that she wanted him to take her out. Though he hadn't really imagined this kind of scenario to happen — Yixing was an avid viewer of Korean dramas even before he had known Hyangmin, they both ended up on the riverside where she downed an entire bottle of soju and did what she did — she kissed Yixing. It was as if all the desperation and the scare accumulating ever from the wedding had been piling up, and he was the one it decided to land upon. It would be a lie for Yixing to say that he was only fond of Hyangmin as a sister, but old habits die hard — he had to put Minseok before him. She, nonetheless, refused to let go. Yixing was kind of forced violently into dating Hyangmin, three months after she left her ex-fiancé at the altar, but he slowly learned that there was more to the klutz than a filthy rich girl who couldn't even make up her mind before saying yes to what she had claimed to be "the love of her life". That definition had definitely changed in her heart and started to form in his heart. Everything went by, slowly but steady enough. Hyangmin sometimes cried herself to sleep at the thought of Minseok, with Yixing still on the other line of the phone. Yixing sometimes wanted to get it over with because he couldn't do it to his friend. None of those happened. After months and months of tossing and turning in his bed until three in the morning, Yixing marked their second anniversary with a trip to the same riverside park that had brought them together, knelt down in front of a teary Noh Hyangmin, and asked her the seemingly oh-so-old four-word question, only to receive himself the happiest of kisses right in front of a roaring crowd.


relationship after the marriage

» Their wedding wasn't as grand as the one Hyangmin had planned Minseok, but then again it was the same grandeur that contributed to the mishaps of a runaway bride, so they were both satisfied with it. Changsha was the place they chose for their honeymoon — it wasn't a place with ornate resorts and lunches that literally cost an arm and a leg, but Yixing liked it because it was home to him, and Hyangmin enjoyed every single minute of their first week together because if Yixing was happy, she would be happy. Ever since their unceremonious flight home and the little house-warming party thrown in their new, but cramped, apartment, everything has been going as smooth as sail. The first night when they slept on the same bed in their own house led to a string of events that were predictable at best, and Hyangmin couldn't be any less exhilarated at the thoughts of mini-Yixing and mini-Hyangmin running around the house, but he persuaded her to wait. Now life passes by them at the speed it is supposed to go, and they are both satisfied at the very least. Sometimes they do get into small fights, but Yixing, don't tell me you forgot where the keys are again and Mongju, how many times do I have to tell you that we can't just let strays go into our apartment are as far as they can get. They can't be any grosser (quote Jimin, again), but they are happy with it. 

» At least they think they are. When Minseok swooped back into town and took Hyangmin's little family by storm, Yixing couldn't help but noticing something different in her eyes. The way she came home half an hour later than usual, smelling like the drink she hated the most and spent the night giggling to him about refridgerated buns. The way she got lost in her thoughts. The way she avoided his questioning glance so often it had started to become her habit. Maybe Yixing was dense, but he wasn't stupid — it took him just a few phone calls and a bus ride to figure out that he might not be the only Prince Charming in her life. But he had never been the type to make a fuss out of it, nor did he intend to. Yixing tried what he could. He took his time riding the buss all the way from their apartment to her workplace just to take her home. He used his own savings to buy her trinkets that were just for show. He embraced her a bit tighter at night, loved her a bit more everyday, in hope that she would see he was the right one for her. No matter his attempts, Hyangmin without the meaningless number showing her age was still a child at heart. She still casted glances at Minseok's cafe during work, still went there to ask for a decaf just to see his toned back facing her, still had a place in her heart and soul for the one she left behind. Yixing is determined to save his heart from being broken, Minseok is determined to heal his once broken heart, and the outcome of it all lies in the hand of Hyangmin, who, unfortunately, still doesn't know what she really wants until this exact day.


trivia —

» They are currently living in a rented apartment (Yixing pays the rent, he doesn't want to rely too much on Hyangmin's parents). Isn't exactly that homey, but it's good enough for the price.

» Hyangmin works full time while Yixing works mostly from home. It's clear who's responsible for the chores.

» There are two single beds in their apartment, and both of them refuse to sleep alone so they smush each other on one bed during even days and on another during odd days. Hyangmin twists and turns a lot while Yixing sleeps like a log, literally.

» Planning on having twins as soon as they are financially stable (good luck Yixing) and a pet dog as soon as they can.

» They make really loud and awkward noises during the thing.

» Hyangmin often orders takeaway from a restaurant nearby for dinner. It's a Chinese restaurant, by the way.

» None of them wants to get out of bed before ten on Sundays (they run movie marathons on Saturday).

» They hide one set of spare keys under the doormat and send another set to their neighbor in case both of them forgets there are keys under the mat.

» Yixing only has one suit from the wedding and that's the only thing he wears to see Hyangmin when she performs, every week on Friday nights.

» Sometimes they babysit children in preparation for the baby thing.

» Either Jimin or Feifei would come over to cook them a Sunday dinner every two weeks. Sometimes Hayeon and Minjun also comes, but not too often.

» They make jam sessions while cleaning the apartment (Iggy Azalea is the bomb).


ending — I can't choose between Yixing and Minseok sobs let's end it with something bittersweet ;;





scene requests

» When Yixing forces her to learn to ride a bicycle and she succeeds (miraculously) and they go for a riverside picnic or something otl.
» Failed attempts at provoking y times woops.
» laTeR.



» This fic is really gorgeous can I hug you all I want is a hug ;;
» Click on the plot title to be redirected to Xiulaymin's their song c:

» I'm sorry about my sudden urge to insert Gabrielle Aplin gifs everywhere but she's just so gorgeous do you love her like I do if yes please do spread the love (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

» Sorry this took so long I was playing League.


why should i choose Hyangmin » Because Yixing loves her Minseok (kinda) loves her and everyone loves her you love her too so if she's not chosen Yixing, Minseok and everyone would be sad. No one would like to see a sad baozi and a sad unicorn and sad everyone /slapped.


❛   go back to the story  



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and between minseok and yixing?
just marry baekhyun will you
" sorry this took so long i was playing league " -- i will end you right here right now
i still hate you.
like a lot
pls remember that