Insulting My Father's Death

I haven't been around much whether updating fic or writing blogs, but I'll let you guys know that my dad died on May 16 after suffering with his congestive heart failure for 2 years and liver cirrhosis for 1 year.  He was in the ICU for 1 week and 5 days.  Monday, he had a . Then he was getting better.  Thursday, his vital signs suddenly dropped and he was in critical condition.  Then, he was getting better again.  Tuesday afternoon, they placed a temporary pacemaker on him.  His condition started getting worse.  He couldn't seem to cope up with it.  Then he finally died Friday 3:50 a.m. like.... it was just a few hours away from his own father/my grandfather's death anniversary, so we all thought that perhaps my dad was being taken by my grandfather.


Anyway, we found out that he has  some receipts from a pawnshop, so my mom called on the telephone them to ask, but the guy who answered the rude was very rude with the tone of his voice and that way he answered my mom.  My mom stretched her patience, but she finally lost it when...

Mom: What about I bring the death certificate?

Pawnshop guy: And then what? We'll bring him to life? *sarcastic tone*

Mom: Don't you dare talk to me that way. HE just died 2 weeks ago, and there are a lot of things to worry about ((implying that this person doesn't even care about his customer's feelings)).  I have worked in the Development Bank of the Philippines for 25 years. I train the employees how to talk to the customers.  My husband in the Department of Labor.  What's your name? I will talk to you manager.


I'm like HAHA! This guy doesn't know WHO he is up against~ Heck, my dad's brother is a lawyer.  Heck, my neighbor is a lawyer.  Heck, my mom's close friend's son is a lawyer~ Heck, there were a LOT of lawyers who attended my dad's wake. Heck, we could have the Department of Labor to back us up. We can SOOO BRING HIM DOWN if we wanted to.  He said that there's this prank caller and that her voice sounds like my mom's. HA! He is sooo lying~ but even if he wasn't lying, he's still supposed to be polite!! 


Mom:  You should treat everybody as if they just called for the first time. I'm not even that much interested with the jewelries, but I just wanted to get it as a momentum for my daughter since my husband died already.  Five thousand and four thousand? That isn't even much.

Pawnshop guy:  The amount is kind of high...

Mom:  We pay everyday in the ICU 25, 30, or 40 thousand (implying that 5 thousand is not much but we actually still value it and it's still actually a LOT to us, mom just wanted to brag to him)  Anyway, should I bring my IDs? I also have my husband's ID, and we all have US Visa (<--something to brag about too since getting one is not easy even if it's just tourist visa~ Hahaha!)


My mom's conversation with the pawnshop guy is actually longer but it's hard to write the entire conversation. Hahaha!


My blood is still boiling from the incident, but I am so glad that mom really knows how to TALK~  The guy kept on apologizing. Hahaha! We are so going to see him tomorrow~


The guy probably thought we were poor or something since most people who pawn their things would mean that they needed the money, but even with the poorest person, they still deserve to be treated right.  


So I want to tell you guys to be careful when talking to strangers and especially when talking to clients or customers because you never really know WHO they might really be.  My family is definitely not something to be looked down at.


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First of all I feel sorry to hear about your dad's death. Wish he rests in peace. It must have been too hard for you!
And ... yup perfect advice and really liked your mother reaction kkkk also your opinion about respect even for poor or mistaken people. Proud of you :)
Whooaaa thank you for the advice ^^
My heart goes out to you >< and I'm actually reading this whole story laughing my off *pardon my languange haha* I mean,I got a prank call the other day too. The guy told my Mom that my lil bro was slipped on school stairs,his head was bleeding a lot and still not gain his consciousness but heck his school doesn't even have 2nd floor bcz the land is so huge and the school itself isn't a big school lol and very near to a hospital but he said my bro is in another hospital about 15 minutes from his school WHAT A JOKE my Mom was crying like crazy but luckily I heard my friends been fooled like this so I quickly take the phone from my Mom and I swore at the pranker big time. They simply wanted our money ._.
So I called his school and the teacher said there's nothing going on. I was cheering istg hahaha xD better luck next time hehe ;) my bro was like 'WTH?! Who dare pranking Mommy like that?!!' he's Momma's little boy hehe

They're messing with the wrong people like us haha xD /high five/
Fuesaya #3
That pawnshop guy! I really hate rude people especially when they judge you so quickly :| I'm sorry to hear about your dad. If I could hug you I will. My grandfather also died last February so I know the pain. /cries/ anyway, I hope that dude gets fired XD and your Mom is AWESOME! :))
i am utterly disgusted by that pawnshop guy. condolences to your father.
I'm sorry to hear about your father and am frankly disgusted by such a show of disrespect on the pawnshop guy's part; glad to hear that your mother stood up to him and that your family has plenty of people who can help deal with the situation.
My condolences <3
Im really sorry to hear what happened honeypie
I hope you all arehealthy andsafe, through these hard times and i wish you all the best
and if you ever need someone to talk to im always here for you
Wow. I'm sorry sweetie, but your mom is awesome
Condolence dai. I didnt know about it. No wonder you are so quiet for the past weeks.
your mom is the boss. ^^