Sneak Peek - Collateral Damage [again]

Sneak Peek - Collateral Damage
So I'm almost finished with my newest chapter and even though I already posted the new poster as a teaser I figured I would give a tiny bit of text to go with it too. Should have this posted tonight, but if not early tomorrow it'll be up. Hopefully I'll finish in the next hour or two though. Hope you guys like and I can get some feedback on the chapter once it posts :p it's been a long time so I think most of my followers are gone now.


Inside the Chapter:

"Hey, Mir, it's me."

"Kris!" The redhead exclaimed, his voice so hoarse and cracked that it actually hurt to speak.

"Are you there?"

"Yes, Kris liste-"

"I guess not."

At that moment it dawned on Mir that his communicator had been damaged in the fray which was really no surprise since his body had taken enough of a beating on it's own, but at least if nothing else he could hear Kris' voice. He closed his eyes allowing himself a moment to collect his thoughts while his muscles continued to throb with pain, a very distinct stinging in his right leg indicating it might very well be broken, but it didn't matter now that he knew Kris was alright.

"-nyway I thought you might be back by now. I don't know why I'm even bothering to talk to myself I guess I just miss you.. crazy, right?"

"No.. it's not crazy." Mir mumbled weakly, opening his eyes enough to allow slow tears to roll down his cheeks.

Whether they were tears of physical pain or mental anguish he couldn't differentiate between, although something deep down told him it was probably a mix of both given everything which had just happened within the last ten minutes alone. And even though he couldn't have a proper conversation with Kris it was relieving to hear the man's voice and to know the elder had successfully completed his mission as well.

"We need to talk when you come back, really talk. There's so much I want to say and-"

Mir frowned deeply when the elder was cut off by a voice in the background which he instantly recognized as Seunghyun beckoning him and it was then the redhead realized that he was wrong- Kris was definitely not okay or safe. Seunghyun couldn't be trusted especially lately with this sudden side mission he'd just so happened to have for Kris to accomplish while Mir went off to face his on vendetta. He remembered the last few moments he'd spent with Kris in their shared bedroom where he had asked the Chinese man not to go, he had expressed his gut feeling and in the end there hadn't been anything either of them could do since Seunghyun had already assigned them both missions. All Bang Mir knew was that he had to get up and find the strength to get back to base- now.

"I have to go, but I can't wait to see you again.. so I can tell you that I love you, Mir." he paused, chuckling in spite of himself "You deserve to hear that in person so I guess it's better you're busy."

"No..." He whispered as if just by uttering the simple word he could stop Kris from disconnecting, but unsurprisingly the static came then the line went silent just like he knew it would. He panicked, eyes widening and heart skipping several beats as he screamed to no one "No! No, Kris! Damnit..!" 


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oh you're back!! yay it's really good to see that you're back and writing again ((: Collateral Damage is one of the fics I was really looking forward to, but most of all I'm really excited for Phoenix! hehehe :P

hope everything's alright with you and I'm really happy you're back! ((:
Karenkitty1092 #2
Oh god please not Kris and poor Mir I hope his ok.