How to Appreciate Lucky Star

If you ask me what I think of most Shinee Japanses releases, this is my answer:

Yeah, not a fan. And the newest SHINee offering is no exception to the rule

Awful song once again. But I have received a word from on high that told me I am missing the point. There is a vital component I have been forgetting this entire time and I now feel stupid for not noticing. This is not a song...this is an anime title sequence.

Stay with me. This song, upon blind listen (since that is how I listen to all SHINee songs the first time because visuals give me heart atacks) is a peppy, synthy tune that uses a lot of the typical elements found in that kawaii type of shonen that I can imagine a 11-year old girl bopping to. It's a style so typically anime that you don't have to look long to find similar themes.

And let us not forget the themed character outfits... where have I seen a group of handsome guys in somewhat matching outfits before?

Okay, let's be more specific and say matching school outfits...

How about live action?

So even though this song is not my style, now that I am listening through anime ears, I just want to know when the eng subs of SHINee's Lucky Star OVA 2 are coming to Crunchyroll.


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Also 2mins faces in that fanart just **gushes adoration**
I love SHINees japanese stuff usually. Keeping Love Again, Run With Me, Seesaw, Kiss Kiss Kiss, Stranger, 1000年, Kimi ga iru Sekai, Colors Of The Season, I'm With You, 3 2 1, Sunny Day Hero--they're all good. But then they have ups like Breaking News and Boys Meet U and you wonder what suddenly happens to the production house in the middle of an album promotion. Like... idk it's ask if the lose their ability to think????