Say Goodbye by Wang Lee Hom (Exo situation)

I cant believe the last video i will see Kris in is overdose. My mind just can't wrap around it. This situation is so sad and unreal... Kris was my first bias in Exo and now i have to be okay with the fact that i won't be seeing him with Exo ever again. What's worst is that SM is putting them against each other and fans are fighting. Still Tao is reaching out with singing the song Say Goodbye by Wang Lee Hom. When i looked up the lyrics i almost cried. I wonder if Kris got the message I hope he sees that they still love him.. My heart hurts. I hate the break up and the circumstances. I hate that it had to happen to Exo. I hate all of it.. I remember watching Exo Showtime and thinking they were gonna be happy and together forever.. Where did that go? Can't they just go back to that? I don't want Kris to go :(


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