♚Royal Lemon application;

username: [put yours here]
date of birth: 
uljjang: [pick an uljjang and please supply 2 to 3 photos of them. include their name so i can do graphics later, please!]
blood type: 
enlistment: [military enlistment, done or not?]
personality: [be as descriptive as you can without writing a novel]
likes: [+3]
dislikes: [+3]
background: [be as descriptive as you can without writing a novel]
family members: [name/relation/age]
Stage information
stage name: [make one, NOT your name]
position: [list is below, pick three]
group persona: [moodmaker, the quite one, happy one ect]
trainee experience: [are you a trainee from another company like SM or are you Royal Lemon from the start?]
years trained:
side job: [do you have a side job like part time work?]
Love-life information
love interest: [can be another member!! or a male idol]
are you dating:
how did/do you meet:
first impression:
extra: [anything you want here]

  • Leader
  • Vocalist
  • Rapper
  • Dancer
  • Jack of Trades
  • Composer


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username: namhayoon
name: Nam Hayoon
date of birth: 25 march 1999
uljjang: well i don`t want an uljjang, so can i pick LeeHi as my face?
blood type: 0+
weight: 40kg
enlistment: not
personality: quiet, kind of emo, lives with music, can go crazy when it comes to music and dance, hardly smiles and laugh
likes: +ice-cream,+show,+winter
dislikes: +clowns,+balloons,+pink
background: comes from a rich family, had once live in washington,went through audition when i was 10 years old.
family members: +NamHoseok,dad,46, +NamAejin,mom,46, +NamWoohyun,bigbro,23
stage name: NHY
position: Rapper,Dancer
group persona: the quiet one
trainee experience: was a trainee from cube ent.
years trained: from 2006(9 years)
side job: no
love interest: suho exo
are you dating: too young yet. (can I?)
how did you meet:
first impression: I love Suho
extra: suho knows that I like him (can I?)