Image verse Image; which is better?

Ok, so my dear co-author gave me some links for angst wings for my poster ......... which one suits best? Please comment & vote :D

Hehehe ............ theres another option though, to use brushes on Photoshop ! ;)




Soo is this wing better guys?




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The second! :D
I love them both but the second one is better
omygoshe #3
I like the second one more!
the details are amazing! It looks like it's frosty O.O >w<
omygoshe #4
I like the second one more!
the details are amazing! It looks like it's frosty O.O >w<
I think the second one^^~
I like the one from deviant art. It's like dark and bad like angsty. It's like how angst are. Dark and sharp. The dirt pic up there it looks like butterfly wings and I dot know how to describe the second one. I think it doesn't fit as an angst poster.
cessna_taemin #7
I like the second one ..I looks amazing ..Its like a wings of a snow angel :)
I think the first one is nice..but I prefer the wings to be WHITE..:D
yes it is...
First one. No second. No first.
I don't know their both cool...