This is annoying

Okay today I have absolutely no where to be and because my hair and skin are
they decide it would be a great day to look good....

That pisses me off..


I wish I could just wake up and be like " Skin.. Hair.. you're gonna look damn y today.."


Never happens..






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tiggerlover97 #1
That just means your body wants to look fabulous at all times. You're having a moment where you capture your inner Key and you need to work it anyway :)
Cutie. This post made me lol. -life4you
That poor lamp.. =P
Kidding - pretty!
LittleNobody317 #4
You're really pretty! :o
Takeru_Jjong #5
I can't wake up and look like that, I always look like in the morning, so sad D:
Anyway~ you're so pretty!