동화 사랑 ( ♔ ) it's a fairytale love / kim eunah.

kim eunah
shirouen // kae // 08
» one of a kind
NICKNAME: Button || It's Sungyeol's petname for her, since she has a fondness for clothes with buttons.
DATE OF BIRTH: September 18th, 1990
AGE: 23
PLACE OF BIRTH: Seoul, South Korea
ETHNICTY: Fully Korean
HOMETOWN: Seoul, South Korea
+ Korean (Fluent, Native)
+ English (Fluent) || She went abroad to London for a summer, and has been learning this in school her whole life.
» this is me
CURRENT SCHOOL: Chonbuk National University 
CURRENT JOB: Model (Part-time), Graduate Medical Student (Full-time)
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

Defining Traits :: Mature, level-headed, forgiving, cautious, intelligent, adaptable, envious, submissive, paranoid, pessimistic, faithful.

Eunah was one of those children who people often mistook for being much older than they actually were. Since her sister was born, Eunah abandoned most of her childhood in favour of looking ahead to the future, and what she could become. She's a mature girl, and uses logic and reasoning to make her decisions rather than relying on her emotions. She knows how to take care of things on her own, and thinks with an adult mind -- expanding her world and structuring it so that she'll become a proper woman in it. She's a level-headed person, in that she thinks clearly, without making room for obstructive views or thoughts. More often than not, once she's focused or concentrating on something, she will be able to work on it diligently and without distraction. Her level-headedness and maturity also makes her calm in most situations, and usually she doesn't stay angry or upset for long periods of time because of this. She easily forgives people because she's able to quickly understand things for the most part, and doesn't want to keep situations troublesome or tense.

Probably because of her maturity, Eunah also grew up to be a cautious person. She exercises a lot of care with her work and studies, as well as her relationships with people. She hates when she feels rushed, or stressed, and easily submits to things or tries to solve problems early (even if she has to give things up) just so that she can have her peace. Since her dream is also to become a doctor, her caution prevails her. She is extra careful when it comes to people, and can be quite paranoid if things go wrong. No matter how level-headed she tries to be, when push really starts pushing, she breaks down into fear and worry. She can't help but be concerned and pessimistic about the outcome of the situation, which often leads to her bad ideas coming true because she lost control of herself.

Even if she's seen as easily adjusting to things, her adaptability is mostly a stem off her caution. She knows that she can break down, even if she tries her best to cover it up, and so she tries to quickly apprehend any situation she gets into. She changes herself and her mannerisms to suit the situation, and since she's an intelligent girl, usually she gets it right on the first or second try. She has a lot of natural, born talent for things, most of which she's unaware of, but will use to her advantage when she can, or realizes she has it.

Perhaps due to the her upbringing, Eunah is also an envious person. She tries to bury this as deeply as she can, but more often than not she can't help but think nasty about people who have more than herself. Whether it's the pretty models that she works alongside or her younger sister who so easily garners happiness and attention, Eunah has quite the jealous streak. More often than not, she doesn't act on it because of her paranoia and caution, but it's there, and just waiting to get out of hand. She tries to snap herself out of it, but sometimes she can't help but glare and glower when someone is receiving something she wants. Her pessimism and darker thoughts surface here, and a lot of her outer shell of being a mature adult cracks, and the childhood self-centered girl she left behind so long ago comes back to haunt her. Her envy had once gotten the best of her, and she had nearly hurt her little sister because of it in the past. She hasn't gotten over the incident, and she's afraid of herself because of it, even if she knows she can't help the feelings in her heart. She's never spoken to anyone about them, and wishes she didn't have this darker side to her that she can't help.

While all these things hang over Eunah's persona, she also does maintain a sweet form. She's a motherly kind of person, who takes care of people and cherishes them sincerely. Even if she's envious of someone, it won't keep her from caring about them, and feeling guilty because she can't help her darker feelings. She is a kind girl, and very faithful. When someone trusts her, she will do her utmost best to keep it, and tries never to break a promise or lie. She'd rather avoid situations where she feels that she has to fib to make someone happy. Her intellect makes her formidable when it comes to her studies and planning, so she's an organized and neat person, both outside and in. She has a responsible nature, and looks out for her future.

» Background

Eunah grew up in a very loving family and environment. Her grandparents were both bakers, who grew up together, married, and started a bakery in Seoul, where they raised their lovely daughter Eunsoo. Eunsoo would then meet the man of her dreams, Kim Seong Woong, and marry him into the line of bakers. Together, they had two beautiful little girls, Eunah and Ah Ryeong. For the first few years of her life, Eunah was a very happy, bubbly child, with a lot of spunk. She was everything a little girl would normally be -- sweet, shy to strangers, passionate and filled with childish dreams and desires. She loves dresses, playing with her dolls and friends, and being smothered with affection by her father and mother.

Then Ah Ryeong was born. To say the least, Eunah didn't know at first how to react when her mother told her she'd be joined by another little girl who shared her parents. She was confused, and not very excited. In fact, she felt fearful the bigger her mother got with her little sister. She didn't know what was invading her life, and she didn't like it. Over the year her mother was pregnant, Eunah began to change, and become more reserved and cautious. She didn't know what was going to happen to her in the future, and she was afraid of it. Rather than concentrate on her fears, she began to try to ignore them by thinking about her future and how she could make it more stable. Eunah learned to grow up too quickly. When Ah Ryeong was born, Eunah realized she loved the crying infant who brought such happiness to her family, but her changes to herself stuck around for good. Eunah matured.

She also learned about her envious streak at this point. With Ah Ryeong around, Eunah didn't garner attention anymore. She was no longer the apple of her parent's eyes, and that didn't sit too well with her. While she loved her little sister who smiled and cooed when she came around, the jealousy was still there. In a bout of anger, Eunah opened the window to the nursery overnight, and let the cold winter air in to disturb the usually heated room. By morning, Ah Ryeong had been taken to the hospital for high fever, and Eunah hasn't forgiven herself once she realized she endangered Ah Ryeong's life when she just wanted to make the baby uncomfortable.

Since the incident, Eunah became more cautious, and afraid of herself. She locked away her faults as best as she could, and matured even more, starting to think with an adult's mind so she could properly nurture and care for her playful sister. Taking care of her sister made her a motherly person, and taught her to be playful, but at the same time she kept the paranoia that she would submit to her jealousy again. As she got older, she began to concentrate on her studies, and sought to become a doctor, like the ones who saved Ah Ryeong's life. Thinking of it as part-retribution, and then also because she wanted to care for people. She thought it was only appropriate, and she loved the sciences anyway, so she focused on that with her life. Eunah went through high school as the studious child, and ended up within the top of her class, and then went on to attend Chonbuk National Universityon a pre-medical track.

Part way through her sophomore, she ended up scouted to be a model. Eunah was a beautiful girl, who had kept healthy despite her studious nature, and her body had followed her healthy, cautious habits. It took a few days to mull over, but she thought it was a good way to make spare change and start on helping her family repay her college loans. In the end, she took the job, and went for her first shoot toward the end of her sophomore year. There, she met Sungyeol, who approached her and brought her a whole new perspective on life. She was already used to taking care of a playful, childish kid, so dealing with Sungyeol wasn't a problem. In fact, she found him amiable in every way, so they became close over their years at the company together.

** History continues in Love Interest portion.

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes
  • one: Reading, particularly mystery novels
  • two: Promptness
  • three: Buttoned clothing
  • four: Candies, particularly jellies
  • five: Flowers
  • six: The library
» Dislikes
  • one: Being rushed, or hasty
  • two: Revealing clothing
  • three: Pre-exam Anxiety
  • four: Winter, and cold in general
  • five: Gossip, or gossiping
  • six: Fighting, arugments, or curses
» Fears
  • one: Ghosts and ghost stories
  • two: Frogs, toads, slimy creatures
  • three: Her envy
» Hobbies
  • one: Reading novels
  • two: Sewing
  • three: Tutoring her younger sister
» Habits
  • one: Playing with the buttons on her clothes
  • two: Twirling her hair when she's nervous
  • three: Over-highlighting her textbooks
  • four: Chewing her lip when she's nervous
  • five: Sleeping completely wrapped in her blankets
» Trivia
  • one: Her nickname for Sungyeol is "Smarties."
  • two: She is near-sighted, but wears contacts.
  • three: She carries her laptop everywhere she goes.
  • four: She has never had an energy drink before.
  • five: She can curse like a sailor if she's mad.
  • six: Her favourite animals are ducklings.
  • seven: She doesn't cook very well yet, but is improving.
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
ULZZANG NAME: Seo Sung Kyung
» Backup Faceclaim
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
PLOTLINE: Black and White
BACKUP: Kim Jonghyun

Sungyeol is one of those people who take awhile to fully understand. When he's not around people he's close to or friendly with, it seems like he's closed off and most of his actual personality shuts down. To a stranger, he may come off as cold or distant, or even mean. Then you put him around people he likes and it's like you broke a pinata. He isn't known as the naughty type without reason; he loves playing jokes, laughing, and is easily a very childish person, rivalling even Eunah's own sister Ah Ryeong in immaturity. He's loud, overdramatic, and extremely excitable, even at the smallest successes. He's an exuberant person, with a lively heart and a child's mindset. While perhaps he's a little brazen, it doesn't make him less passionate and pure hearted, with a powerful confidence in himself. He is also very emotional, from getting jealous easily, or crying, he will act as he feels, as long as he's near by someone he is comfortable with. When he's uncomfortable with someone, it does get awkward, and he is reluctant to speak or return to his usual personality.


Sometimes people would wonder how in the world Eunah accepted Sungyeol's affections for her. They met when Eunah was scouted to become a part-time model in the company Sungyeol was already working for, towards the end of sophomore year of college for Eunah. She received a relatively warm welcome with her fellow female models, and quickly adapted to her new job, posing quite naturally in front of the camera despite having little prior experience modelling. Sungyeol was also a newer model, with only a half year of experience after his close friend Myungsoo referred him into the company. At first, he admired her from a distance, impressed with how easily Eunah seemed to push her way into the company and garnered praise from the head photographer, when he himself only just started to receive praise for his work, instead of criticism. After he asked one of the other female models about how much experience Eunah had after her second shoot, he was flabbergasted to learn she had never worked professionally as a model before.

Completely impressed now, Sungyeol broke out into excitement and approached Eunah after her second shoot was done, and quickly introduced himself, and ended up telling her straight up he admired her work. Eunah was a little surprised at the sudden appraisal, but nonetheless enjoyed the sincerity Sungyeol portrayed, and they become friends from there. They would talk to one another during breaks, and Sungyeol soon learned about Eunah's aspirations to become a doctor, and couldn't help but admire even more how the girl seemed to have her future so well put together. Admirance grew into amour. After two years of being co-workers and becoming close friends, talking with one another, laughing together, and building their relationship, Sungyeol asked Eunah out. Without a reason to reject his advances, Eunah found herself accepting him and they began dating.

For the first year, it seemed like things were perfect. They really did like one another, a lot. Perhaps it wasn't love, but it was a kind of relationship any couple could be envious of. They spent plenty of time together, and loved every moment they had to spend together. They both deeply cherished each other's happiness, and both worked sincerely to keep their relationship alive and warm. They were very honest with one another, and always willing to compromise, putting their relationship ahead of themselves. They've had their fair share of dates, will hold hands and lean against one another in public, and always enjoyed whatever it was they were doing together because they had each other's company. Eunah loved how lively Sungyeol was, and Sungyeol stayed in love with Eunah's maturity.

Things began to change when Eunah entered graduate medical school. At first, it seemed like things were still going well on the exterior; they were affectionate, happy, and spoke lovingly to one another enough to make their friends call them cheesy and embarrassing because they were such a "perfect" couple. Behind the scenes though, things were becoming tense. Sungyeol had confirmed to himself that he was "in love" with Eunah, not just liking her enough to kiss her cheek and hug her in public. He began to desire more from their relationship, and Eunah wasn't ready to give it. Eunah herself, was content where they were, not seeing a reason to change or accelerate their progress. Sungyeol on the otherhand, pushed. He got much more public with his affections, and the sweet commentary between them started to get a little dirtier, and a little less cheesy. Uncomfortable with the progress, Eunah pushed away from Sungyeol, afraid of the subtle hints he was dropping instead of his usually sincere outbursts. She was too careful in nature to get pulled along by the younger male, and he was turning into something she didn't want to see from him.

On top of that, Eunah's workload increased now that she was officially a medical student. She started to have less and less time to actually spend with Sungyeol, and that started to push his frustrations. When they were alone together, he'd try to talk to her about his feelings, but he never got the words exactly right. He knew Eunah was an intelligent person, but her cautious nature was wearing his patience thin, and he never seemed to get what he really wanted to say across before something exploded and everything went wrong. Eunah herself, was starting to show her pessimism, and her paranoia was taking its toll, making her prone to retorting in a negative way to an already sensitive Sungyeol who was on his last nerves. Eventually, these talks turned into misunderstandings that would turn into arguments. Unable to deal with both Sungyeol and her studies, Eunah began to choose her career over her love for him, and when they'd argue too much, she'd get up and leave him behind to be alone.

Neither understood that both of them were in the wrong, and soon enough their private issues affected their public displays. They were more awkward with one another, and Eunah was being more cautious with Sungyeol than ever; she was afraid of him, and his pursuit of her, while Sungyeol didn't know how to talk to her anymore. Their dates began to look more like Eunah studying for her tests and Sungyeol playing games on his phone, and they'd ignore each other. The love they had started to develop was dying, and now neither know what to do about the increasing, unresolved arguments that only make it that much more uncomfortable to be together. 

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: Woah .. This ended up.. much longer than I anticipated. I'm so sorry if I got carried away o-o But I don't think I wrote anything completely unnecessary.. I ended up expanding on Sungyeol and Eunah's relationship a lot, I hope that's okay. I kept Sungyeol's personality little since I thought their interactions gave a good look at how he is. Anyway, I'm excited to see the story, the plotlines are really good! Good luck and thank you for reading!
SUGGESTIONS: I know their plotline has them ultimately break up, but I'm a stickler for romance and happy endings ; u; If at all possible, could they reconcile after Sungyeol matures and Eunah learns to be a little more free? They don't have to get back together, but I'd rather not have them forever awkward with one another. Perhaps they could both retain their old feelings from when they first started loving each other, and they agree to start over or wait for when the other is ready or will take them back. I dunno, I'm just being eternally optimistic x3
+ Exam Mayhem :: Right before a huge exam, Eunah gets so stressed from a huge fight she and Sungyeol just had, she can't concentrate at all on studying. Worried for the future, she decides to take drastic measures, and overdoses on medication to help herself focus during the exam. After finishing the exam, she feels sick and woozy, and one of her closer friends tries to see what's wrong with her. She ends up passing out from the overdose, and is hospitalized for day or two. She doesn't tell Sungyeol what happened, in fear of making things worse or causing more trouble, or making him guilty, which only leads to misunderstandings and him thinking she's hiding a secret. This could be a catalyst for their eventual break up. 
+ Ghost Stories :: Sungyeol and Eunah are sent out on a shoot together over the holidays -- an outdoor one where they will camp for a night. While neither are super-excited since their relationship was already tense, they decide they may as well spend some time together. They're awkward as hell, and people notice how the premiere couple at the company was falling apart, and decide to try to ease the tension. That night, around a campfire, someone suggests ghost stories. Eunah immediately tries to leave, but her fellow models sit her down and before she can continue to protest, the story begins, and she can't escape. All throughout, she feels more and more uncomfortable, and Sungyeol knows she hates ghost stories, but it's too awkward between them for him to step in and stop this. In the end, during the , Eunah ends up in tears and screaming and she makes a break for it, and Sungyeol goes into hot pursuit, scared Eunah could hurt herself. He catches her, and they a sweet moment where they bond again, and he comforts her and takes her to her tent to ease her fears, and embarassment. This could be one of the moments that holds them together until they break up.
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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