2014.05.31 || Decisions || Personal Blog

hey, guys. o/

i am so done with life right now. well, done with life's stupid curveballs and definitely done with school.

stupid AP World final, stupid grades, stupid- yeah, nothing good is coming my way, yet.

Well, my birthday is in a week. :D

yeah, nothing good is happening then, either.

i have to go to summer school. o~o

my grade in AP world was terrible; needa go to summer school and get at least one term of credits back.

so, guess what my summer is filled with? AP summer homework, studying for my permit test (which is someday in the future), getting ready for SAT and ACT (which is kind of...bleh), and summer school.

whoop. dee. doo. \o/


oh, the decision i made. whelp. dunno if you guys would like to hear this.

i'm....going to stop writing. don't get me wrong; i love writing. it helps me cope with the stress and frustration that builds inside, but i figured that if i'm already unable to balance my schoolwork now, i don't think throwing in fanfics would help me at all. stopping now would allow me to readjust myself, let me have a "new" beginning. once i'm ready, i'll definitely come back with a couple new one-shots (and possibly chaptered stories) for you all.

for now, i just need to encourage myself to do well in school and stuff. i hope you guys understand.

i'll see you all again someday, okay? hopefully it won't take me too long.

bye, guys. c:



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