❝domino academy❞ ▬ enrolment form kim ah ryeong



Enrolment Form
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name: kim ah ryeong
race: korean
age: 21
birth date:  03.02.1993



ah ryeong has more of an innocent, girly kind of style. she loves dressing up or being cute, so naturally her clothes reflect this in her. pastels, light colours, white -- all of her favourite types of colours to wear, but she'll wear sharper colours if they go well with her outfit. she also has a preference for skirts and dresses, but with the right pair of shoes would throw on a pair of jeans or shorts. she tries to get her style to match her mood as well, or whatever she's feeling is her lucky colour that day. she also enjoys doing her hair, and will curl it, straighten or style it in some way in the mornings before she leaves for classes.

her ears are pierced, since her mother got them for her when she was baby, but otherwise no tattoos or other piercings are present. she also likes to paint her nails, and do nail art, and loves to accessorize. she will usually carry a cute, small purse with her out, to keep her small sketchbook and pencils in, as well as her phone and glasses (she usually forgets the glasses though). for working the bakery, her mother likes her to dress in black and white, and a little more upscale than her usual style.
ulzzang name: kim seuk hye
symbols: she has a birthmark on the back of her neck, that vaguely looks like it's supposed to be in the shape of a flower. in actuality, it is the symbol of her power; a lotus blossom



general personality :: ah ryeong is one of those people who.. in all honesty sometimes you wish could stab a bit of reality into. she's always got her head in the clouds, a dreamy look on her face and optimism that's downright gag worthy. while it's sweet and all, she's so positive it often gets her into trouble. she believes that things will always work themselves out, whether it's red string of fate, her prince charming sweeping her off her feet, or that somehow sleeping with her math textbook under her pillow will help her pass trigonometry. her optimism has gone beyond the border of naivety, and in fact makes her look downright stupid in most cases.

unfortunately, she's also downright stubborn. she does in fact, truly believe in all these positive things. she doesn't like being told "no", and refuses to listen to objecting opinions or viewpoints. telling her to grow up a little is about as effective as talking to a brick wall. she likes being childish, and she's pretty self centered like a child as well. the world pretty much revolves around her inside her head, and what's inside her head is pretty much her reality. it doesn't help that she was a little bit spoilt as a child too, and no one in her family has ever opposed her dreams, so she's not used to being in the wrong. she dreams big, and has a fiery passion for what she believes in.

in spite of everything, her optimism does keep her exceptionally cheerful. her innocence is radiant, and she's almost never mad because of it. she likes to think of the good instead of focusing on being mad or getting upset at how things are. she's bubbly, and loves acting cutesy and sweet. this girl is one of those that probably never been to the adult section of a library or bookstore, or even bothered with exploring such things. she's often confused at more mature topics, and has a hard time talking about things like that because they're beyond her scope of knowledge or care. this also makes her kind of oblivious -- she has a hard time taking hints, or even noticing things that probably should've been important. if she's not told things directly, it's most likely it'll fly over her head. her innocent nature however, does make her very cute and sincere, since she's always expressing herself truthfully and believing in the best of people.

another point though, is that she is very, very honest. she doesn't understand how to lie, even if she's very good at fantasizing and believing in her own wild ideas. since she so badly at telling lies, she's learned to be innately blunt and honest with her words. her obliviousness also plays in with building her honesty. since she can't understand things unless they're explicit, she reciprocates to her feelings when she accidently misunderstands things, so she ends up being supremely blatant about her opinions and feelings. she doesn't hold back the truth, and while this does make her a good person to ask opinions for, it also can make her a little rude. even when speaking to those older than her or those in a position of authority, she doesn't hesitate telling them what she thinks is bad or wrong if she's asked. her mother has disciplined her enough so that she does keep shut when she needs to, but if she's asked to open it, you can expect nothing but hard, cold truth to come out of it.

thanks to her very active imagination, ah ryeong is also quite absent-minded. she has a tendency to forget about things, or leave things behind since she's thinking about other topics or her thoughts are jumping between ideas. often, she'll also be inside a fantasy, and it's quite a challenge getting her out of them when it comes down to it. she is a person who can't stay on topic in a conversation, and will randomly throw out pointless, seemingly disjointed ideas in the middle of them, since her thought process is so random. her attention span is that of a butterfly, and she flutters off into nonsense a lot.

in spite of being quite random though, ah ryeong is also very exuberant. perhaps her randomness actually helps her in being lively, but she attributes it to her passion for what she does when asked. she's easily excited, and very lighthearted and warm at the core, even behind some of her more negative traits that surface frequently. in the end, ah ryeong is very much a young dreamer, who participates fully in life by filling it with cheer. her smile sparkles because her inner beauty is also sparkling.

+ around friends :: ah ryeong's general personality is what she is around her friends. she's playful, and will tease them and try to make them laugh and smile. she loves seeing them happy, and would drop almost anything as long as it doesn't go against her personal morales to make them happy. she loves them dearly, and is a sweet and charming girl around them. even so, so will still be blunt and honest with them, but that's something most of her friends like, and will about.

+ around family :: ah ryeong is a little more cautious around her family because her mother is a strict and sometimes moody person. she will act a little more refined and behave a little better, but she's still a child at heart. she's whiny when she doesn't get what she wants, and will often pull cute acts or plea to her father to get something. since both her parents and grandmother are warm people, she didn't have a lot of trouble getting what she wanted, and they're the reason she's a little spoilt. she loves them dearly, and gets along well with eun ah, her older sister. they are very close, and eun ah is usually the one talking any kind of sense into ah ryeong. she is also the one who usually gives in first on the rare occasions they bicker, and forgives ah ryeong so that they can go back to their good relationship.

+ around strangers :: since ah ryeong is an eternal optimist, she is actually very kind to strangers and such. she'll approach just about anyone, and loves making new friends or talking to others, no matter how they appear. she's also oblivious, so she can't tell if someone dislikes her, which furthers her ability to approach people easily.

+ around crush :: ah ryeong would most likely not even realize she has feelings for someone. she dreams too much about her 'ideal type' and her 'prince' coming to pick her up that she's become oblivious to what love is actually like. she's got her head so deep in a cloud that she probably won't even realize she's having feelings for another person, since she's naturally affectionate and sweet to others. once it starts becoming more plainly obvious though, she'll get confused about her feelings and probably outright ask the person of her affections what's going on with her, and tell them they're confusing her. she'll whine because she can't understand herself, and likely deny any sort of 'love' feelings until someone really tells it to her straight and she learns to mature a little bit and come to terms with herself. she will likely avoid her crush until she can pick herself back together.
discovery: discovering mute was actually relatively normal. just one day, eun ah was trying to read while sungyeol and minseok were over to play with ah ryeong. sungyeol, being the brazen child he was, shamelessly tried to get eun ah's attention, and ah ryeong heard eun ah try to get him to stop talking to her because she wanted to finish the novel. ah ryeong abruptly pointed at him and told him to "quiet your face," and mute shut his mouth. after he could no longer produce sound, he freaked out and tried to get ah ryeong to tell him what she did, but she was busy laughing with minseok on the floor despite the fact neither understood what she had just did. eun ah on the otherhand, quickly deduced that ah ryeong had the ability to silence things, and told her once she managed to calm everyone down.
since her ability was pretty much harmless, ah ryeong reacted quite well. she thought it was actually fun, and experimented a little in the beginning, only to meet with mixed results. she couldn't get it to work to her will, so eventually she lost interest in pursuing control over it. she gets a little frustrated now and then when she mutes herself, but finds it funny when she does it to other things.

family: to say the least, both of ah ryeong's parents' abilities were very suited to their professions. ah ryeong's mother had a harmless power; anything she touched turned sweet to the taste. it was one of those powers that made people wonder why it existed, but it did, and there was nothing really wrong with it, although in her past when she couldn't control it, some people would wonder why her bread loafs tasted like cotton candy fluff. her father on the otherhand, had the much more volatile but useful power over fire. he could manipulate the temperature of fire, to whatever degree he wished, and in a sense could make a fire harmless or deadly with his will. her older sister gained a power that became known as radiance -- the ability to attract attention like it was nobody's business. if eun ah activates her powers, anyone within a certain radius of her would immediately drop everything they did to pay attention to her, as if she was hyper-attractive or always had a spotlight on her. luckily, eun ah learned to control her power very early on.

history: ah ryeong was a happy child, with a basic family life. her grandparents on her mother's side were both warm people who shared their lives together, and opened a bakery where they raised their one and only daughter eunsoo. eunsoo would meet the man of her dreams, kim seong woong, and marry him into the family of bakers, and they would have two sweet daughters, eun ah and ah ryeong. all of ah ryeong's childhood was filled with sweetness, from the pastries that were always cooking in the bakery below her bedroom, to the dreams that her grandmother instilled in her by talking about her 'princely' grandfather. she grew up in a loving environment that sired her sweet and innocent personality.

unfortunately, you could say she was a little sheltered. her innocent and child-like nature came to be because her parents never taught her much about the real world, and she always had her nose in a dream. they were both too kind for their own good, particularly her father. he recognized how quickly eun ah had grown up, and wanted ah ryeong to savour her childhood a little more, unlike her sister who matured quickly once her little sister joined the family. her mother was the discipline of the family; she kept ah ryeong from becoming too much of a brat by teaching her how to bake and cook, making sure she did her chores and rewarding her for good behaviour, while punishing her for her bluntness and bad grades. she knows her daughter is a bit of a dreamer, but she has faith her daughter will grow up in her own time. unlike most siblings, eun ah and ah ryeong got along just fine. they rarely bickered, and small scuffles were usually solved the same day they happened by a more level-headed eun ah, who would forgive her sister's behaviour in favour of preserving their good relationship.

with a good family life, ah ryeong maintained her delicate charms even at school. she wasn't the most well-liked because her childishness got annoying as her peers grew up and she well.. didn't. even so, she never let it get her down. she had her close friends who stuck with her through thick and thin, as well as her warm family. she wasn't really ever bullied enough for it to affect her -- she went through the teasing and awkward teenager phases without much trouble, particularly since when people made fun of her, mute would activate in response to her emotions and silence them. she was honestly just another normal child in a lot of people's eyes, though after she discovered mute it got a little chaotic when she'd randomly silence things. since her power was mostly harmless, she never bothered with learning how to control it on her own, and in the end lived out most of her life normally.

news soon came however, that domino academy was opening enrolment to new students this year. upon the recommendation from her parents to go and try to learn to control mute, she decided she would enrol. afterall, it might be nice to be able to decide when to make someone shut up and not randomly silence herself (and her mother might not yell at her for accidently muting a customer again). plus, it'd give her the chance to see minseok again. 
likes & dislikes:
+ ah ryeong is deathly afraid of thunderstorms. hearing, or seeing lightning or thunder will cause ah ryeong to freeze, and she won't be able to move, or even stay standing in fear. she will often be reduced to tears, and hide away. her fear cuts off her ability to use mute on her surroundings.
+ ah ryeong also hates frogs. when she was playing by the creek as a kid, one startled her and she fell in. it then proceeded to jump into her lap, and apparently she screamed and ran off to cry to her dad about the horrid beasts.
+ she hates bubblegum because she got it stuck in her hair once as a child, and had to have her hair cut because she tried too hard getting it out.
+ she loves most things involving romance and art. she herself, is an artist, and loves to draw, paint or decorate.
+ pastels and white are her favourite kinds of colours.
+ the mention of climbing hills makes ah ryeong cringe.
+ ah ryeong loves flowers of any kind. she presses and dries them to scrapbook with often, and always wished she could garden.
+ growing up in a bakery, ah ryeong developed a sweet tooth. she loves anything that tastes sweet, and has no qualms with stuffing her face.
habits & hobbies:

+ she has a tendency to stick pencils, pens or paintbrushes behind her ear, and forget them there.
+ she decorates miniature dollhouses as a hobby.
+ she also scrapbooks as a hobby. she has three; one with her family, one with her friends, and then another saved for whenever she gets a boyfriend.
+ she bites her lower lip when she's trying to concentrate or focus on something.

+ ah ryeong is near sighted, but she can squint to clear most of her vision. she often forgets to bring her glasses around with her.
+ ah ryeong can't do math if her life depended on it. she used to depend solely on minseok tutoring her before he went to domino academy to pass math class.
+ she dreams of one day becoming an interior designer.
+ ah ryeong will always find a way to bring cupcakes or a cake for her friend's birthdays, whether it's buying them or making them herself.
+ she is ambidextrous. after she found it frustrating that her left hand couldn't write as pretty as her right, she trained her left until it was satisfactory.
+ she used to have a pet bunny, but she neglected it in favour of playing or working on her projects with her dollhouses. her mother took it away.
+ ah ryeong's family lived above the bakery, in bedrooms on the second floor. the bakery itself, is located on a really steep hill.
+ she has an entire bookcase in her room filled with romance novels and art books.
+ she has a black thumb. soil becomes infertile at her touch.
+ her views on love and romance bring femininity back to the dark ages. she believes in prince charming, horse-drawn carriages and castle weddings.
+ before enroling in domino academy, ah ryeong worked in the bakery as a hostess and mostly dealt with customers and keeping the front clean.
+ there was this one time when ah ryeong muted a customer and she couldn't get their order, so she just gave him one of everything in the store.




domino ability: sound disruption a.k.a "mute"
mute removes sounds waves from the air, and prevents them from traveling. when activated on a person, nothing they do will make a sound, unless of course it's external (they break something that has not been muted, etc.), and no one, not even themselves, will be able to hear them. when activated in a general area, anything inside the area of effect is muted, and no sounds are able to enter the area, or can be produced in the area. it has a maximum range of the area of effect is about 10 meters in radius at full control, but objects and people can be singled out to be muted. this single out range is about 50 meters in any direction from her. it is activated through thoughts once control over it is achieved, but for now ah ryeong activates it through emotional outbursts. she has often accidently muted herself because of this. the duration of the silence varies from minutes to days. so far, the longest ah ryeong has muted anything has been for 2 days straight. once she gains control, she will be able to unmute things early by will, and the duration will also be at her command. there is no indication that this ability has the potential to go in the opposite effect (sound amplification), however it might be worth exploring, since no one knows of its capabilities.
control: no control, ah ryeong will randomly mute things when she gets too excited, particularly herself. if she points to something while she's excited or angry, she will mute that because she is actively thinking about it.
type: defensive



friends: lee sungyeol (infinite) :: childhood friend, lee sungjong (infinite) :: childhood friend, choi jinri (sulli, f(x)) :: eun ah's bestie
love interest: kim minseok (xiumin)
meeting: minseok and ah ryeong were actually unlikely friends since they were children. minseok's parents were regulars at her parents' bakery, and one day brought along their son with them to buy some pastries. ah ryeong had been playing with eun ah in the shop at the time, and the parents decided to introduce the kids. apparently the first thing she said to him was that his cheeks were round and fluffy like creampuffs, and he laughed at her. from there, they became friendly, and would talk and play with one another whenever he'd visit the bakery with his parents. as they grew up, they started hanging out together, and minseok was actually the victim of mute many times in his youth, since his teasing would get her riled up and she'd accidently mute him, or them both. they laughed it off (in silence), and were close up until minseok discovered frost.
he ended up almost freezing ah ryeong and half the bakery, so he decided he would have to learn how to control his power before he hurt anyone with it, since it was an offensive power. he chose to enrol in domino academy, and left ah ryeong with a smile and a pat on the head, saying he'd be back when he learned how to control the ice. she ended up muting herself again by accident because she was upset he was leaving her behind, and he left trying not to laugh at the silent girl who was clearly trying to no avail to shout at him. 
first impression: in childhood, he first thought of her as a little dim, but funny since she was so honest and sometimes the words coming out of didn't always make sense. he liked her right off the bat, and there was never awkwardness. she was one of the few girls without cooties for most of his childhood.
upon her arrival to domino academy, he would likely be impressed she got in, since her power has no indicated offensive capabilities, but would react happily (and probably get them both muted) when they see each other for the first time and ah ryeong explodes into cheer at meeting with her childhood bestie. he would notice she's grown a little since he left, but laugh and at how she's exactly the same kid from his past, and still had no control over mute. 
for ah ryeong, her first impression of him was well.. the kid had really fluffy creampuff-like cheeks. no, seriously. that was it. then he turned out to be kinda funny, really nice, and he liked to play with her, so he was a good boy.
when she arrives at the academy, she won't notice anything but the fact that minseok was back in her life. she's just excited to see him again, but will get whiny and fussy when she realizes they won't be in the same class because she has a completely defensive power. she thinks minseok grew up too, but she doesn't really care enough to notice much else if anything's changed. she still believes he is the same bestie she always knew. she'd then remember how upset she was at his leaving her behind, and proceed to try to whap him with her fists and chase him playfully around the school until they got in trouble for being idiots. 



remarks: i really love all the chapters so far, and how well you portray exo and their powers in this au! i've noticed a lot of people applied for minseok as a love interest, so i actually don't mind if ah ryeong gets no love interest development if she's chosen, and remains just very close to minseok. i just wanted to keep their history with each other intact. i look forward to the story, and i will be reading even if ah ryeong doesn't suit the story!
i'd honestly like to see a really huge action scene at some point. maybe with someone's powers going haywire due to drama or an accident. the story seems to be setting up for some big combat already, but i thought i'd put this thought here too.
+ if at all possible, i'd like to see a couple (or a few couples) that gets established cut classes to play or have fun, and deal with repercussions later.
+ i would like it if ah ryeong gets really angry or upset at some point, and depending on where her powers are at this stage, tells everyone to shut up and therefore mutes everything in the area by accident or on purpose, and she either leaves mute on out of spite, or they have to carry on with basically playing charades or writing to one another to understand each other, or leave the area that mute has affected.




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