My Third Language: Mandarin

I'm taking Mandarin as my third language subject. Though I really hope it to be Hangul, too bad that course is not available for my faculty. I don't even know why I post my work here, just maybe to satisfy myself. Heck, I don't even think people bother to read my blog. Okay whatever. It's 12am now maybe I should go to sleep, but I don't want to. My eyes refused to close. Of course it's refused to close I dont even feel sleepy. Okay I should stop with this nonsense. Bye bye.


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Oh your handwriting's cute :) heh all the best with learning chinese! It isn't the easiest language but a beautiful one all the same~ and you can try learning hangul yourself! It isn't to hard to catch on :)
That's very cool. I've always wanted to learn Mandarin but my school only offered Japanese course. Is that your handwriting? If it is, woah so neat! Good luck and have fun learning new language!