Kpop sensation

                      Okay first of all, I wanna say thanks for some author that mentioned my name in their story, It feels so sweet :) And also for the readers of this blog :) (I guess is no one) I've got something to tell u guys about kpop in my life. Actually, I grew up in american/english's influences surrounding include music, movie etc, but most of it is music, whether my sibling until my mom and it's a bit obvious as a malay, I knew english/american's songs more than malay song. When I'm early in secondary school, kpop suddenly be a biggest ever influences in Malaysia ecspecially we as a teenagers. But that time, honestly I don't interested at kpop as I really love english/american so much. My friends keep on saying about a group, singer and blah blah blah that their liked, I'm just heard it without any attraction towards it.

                    Untill I reached the the third year in secondary school, I felt a bit love with kpop.  I can say that the first group that made me falling in love with kpop is CNBLUE because thier song is really , then follow by BIGBANG, Ouhh I really love tabi oppa hehe :). I'm started falling in love with kpop also when I watching running man. And now I know a bit about korean and I started watch korean drama and so on. My friends also a bit shock when I always say about kpop maybe she didn't believe that I also like kpop. Untill now I still love american/english's music but at the same time I also like kpop. I had a dream to meet CNBLUE face to face or at least watch their concert (or can had a time with them hehe). Finally I wanna say I really like kpop because the music is really unique and awesome ><



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