永遠に、常に // kim ah ryeong

Ah Ryeong.
Layout cr.
username. shirouen
activity level. 4
is your first language english? yes
character name. kim ah ryeong
+ ryri :: a shortened version of her actual name. anyone may call her this.
+ amy :: her chosen english name, for when she was studying english in london with her sister. only her friends from england call her this, though sometimes minseok will with it.
+ creampuff :: the most frequent bakery good that minseok and sungyeol call her by. the two call her various different kinds of bakery goods to , but she doesn't mind. she will instinctively answer to creampuff, macaroon, croissant, and chapssaltteok.
birthday. march 2nd
ethnicity. korean
+ korean :: fluent :: native language
+ english :: fluent :: she learned this in school out of her interest in european history and romance. she wanted to read the novels in their mother language. after much begging, her family let her spend a summer abroad perfecting her english in london with her older sister, who was also learning english. she speaks with a subtle korean accent, enough to tell she grew up in south korea.

ulzzang. kim seuk hye (joo)
back up ulzzang. jo hye kyung (ryn)
ah ryeong has more of an innocent, girly kind of style. she loves dressing up or being cute, so naturally her clothes reflect this in her. pastels, light colours, white -- all of her favourite types of colours to wear, but she'll wear sharper colours if they go well with her outfit. she also has a preference for skirts and dresses, but with the right pair of shoes would throw on a pair of jeans or shorts. she tries to get her style to match her mood as well, or whatever she's feeling is her lucky colour that day. she also enjoys doing her hair, and will curl it, straighten or style it in some way in the mornings before she leaves for school.

her ears are pierced, since her mother got them for her when she was baby, but otherwise no tattoos or other piercings are present. she also likes to paint her nails, and do nail art, and loves to accessorize. she will usually carry a cute, small purse with her out, to keep her small sketchbook and pencils in, as well as her phone and glasses (she usually forgets the glasses though). for work, her mother likes her to dress in black and white, and a little more upscale than her usual style.

+ casual ::     
+ dressy ::      
+ home ::     
+ work ::     
ah ryeong was a happy child, with a basic family life. her grandparents on her mother's side were both warm people who shared their lives together, and opened a bakery in seoul where they raised their one and only daughter eunsoo. eunsoo would meet the man of her dreams, kim seong woong, and marry him into the family of bakers, and they would have two sweet daughters, eun ah and ah ryeong. all of ah ryeong's childhood was filled with sweetness, from the pastries that were always cooking in the bakery below her bedroom, to the dreams that her grandmother instilled in her by talking about her 'princely' grandfather. she grew up in a loving environment that sired her sweet and innocent personality.

unfortunately, you could say she was a little sheltered. her innocent and child-like nature came to be because her parents never taught her much about the real world, and she always had her nose in a dream. they were both too kind for their own good, particularly her father. he recognized how quickly eun ah had grown up, and wanted ah ryeong to savour her childhood a little more, unlike her sister who matured quickly once her little sister joined the family. her mother was the discipline of the family; she kept ah ryeong from becoming too much of a brat by teaching her how to bake and cook, making sure she did her chores and rewarding her for good behaviour, while punishing her for her bluntness and bad grades. she knows her daughter is a bit of a dreamer, but she has faith her daughter will grow up in her own time. unlike most siblings, eun ah and ah ryeong got along just fine. they rarely bickered, and small scuffles were usually solved the same day they happened by a more level-headed eun ah, who would forgive her sister's behaviour in favour of preserving their good relationship.

"my story? the story about a young princess who loves art and is waiting for her prince charming to capture her heart. ah, at least that's that's how i want it to go tee hee."

with a good family life, ah ryeong maintained her delicate charms even at school. she wasn't the most well-liked because her childishness got annoying as her peers grew up and she well.. didn't. even so, she never let it get her down. she had her close friends, specificially minseok and baekhyun, who stuck with her through thick and thin, as well as her warm family. she wasn't really ever bullied enough for it to affect her -- she went through the teasing and awkward teenager phases naturally, but being friends with minseok and baekhyun made it honestly a breeze to get through that period of her life. they made fun of her enough to last several lifespans, let alone a couple years of growth.

as she reached high school and went on to hangsung academy, her grades began to fluctuate and get worse because the classes got tougher. she also had to move out of her home, which disconnected her from her loving family for longer periods of time than she liked at first. her freedom meant more responsibility, and she wasn't quite ready for it in her first few years. she remembers having a tough time adjusting to dormitory life, and having really bad homesickness. her roommate (another applicant) for all four years would comfort her and help her through her troubles, and they became close despite their differences. eventually, she settled into the new atmosphere, and made friends with two of her classmates sungjong and sungyeol, who gradually became her best friends. now, she's entering her senior year of high school and soon enough the doors to her future are about to open.

traits. innocent, childish, exuberant, optimistic, imaginative, absent-minded, self centered, oblivious, bluntly honest and stubborn.
ah ryeong is one of those people who.. in all honesty sometimes you wish could stab a bit of reality into. she's always got her head in the clouds, a dreamy look on her face and optimism that's downright gag worthy. while it's sweet and all, she's so positive it often gets her into trouble. she believes that things will always work themselves out, whether it's red string of fate, her prince charming sweeping her off her feet, or that somehow sleeping with her math textbook under her pillow will help her pass trigonometry. her optimism has gone beyond the border of naivety, and in fact makes her look downright stupid in most cases.

unfortunately, she's also downright stubborn. she does in fact, truly believe in all these positive things. she doesn't like being told "no", and refuses to listen to objecting opinions or viewpoints. telling her to grow up a little is about as effective as talking to a brick wall. she likes being childish, and she's pretty self centered like a child as well. the world pretty much revolves around her inside her head, and what's inside her head is pretty much her reality. it doesn't help that she was a little bit spoilt as a child too, and no one in her family has ever opposed her dreams, so she's not used to being in the wrong. she dreams big, and has a fiery passion for what she believes in.

"your smile bedazzles me. i wish i could always see it sparkle so bright."

in spite of it, her optimism does keep her exceptionally cheerful. her innocence is radiant, and she's almost never mad because of it. she likes to think of the good instead of focusing on being mad or getting upset at how things are. she's bubbly, and loves acting cutesy and sweet. this girl is one of those that probably never been to the adult section of a library or bookstore, or even bothered with exploring such things. she's often confused at more mature topics, and has a hard time talking about things like that because they're beyond her scope of knowledge or care. this also makes her kind of oblivious -- she has a hard time taking hints, or even noticing things that probably should've been important. if she's not told things directly, it's most likely it'll fly over her head. her innocent nature however, does make her very cute and sincere, since she's always expressing herself truthfully and believing in the best of people.

another point though, is that she is very, very honest. she doesn't understand how to lie, even if she's very good at fantasizing and believing in her own wild ideas. since she so badly at telling lies, she's learned to be innately blunt and honest with her words. her obliviousness also plays in with building her honesty. since she can't understand things unless they're explicit, she reciprocates to her feelings when she accidently misunderstands things, so she ends up being supremely blatant about her opinions and feelings. she doesn't hold back the truth, and while this does make her a good person to ask opinions for, it also can make her a little rude.

"don't ever give up. there's always another path to take, and always a road to turn back to."

thanks to her very active imagination, ah ryeong is also quite absent-minded. she has a tendency to forget about things, or leave things behind since she's thinking about other topics or her thoughts are jumping between ideas. often, she'll also be inside a fantasy, and it's quite a challenge getting her out of them when it comes down to it. she is a person who can't stay on topic in a conversation, and will randomly throw out pointless, seemingly disjointed ideas in the middle of them, since her thought process is so random. her attention span is that of a butterfly, and she flutters off into nonsense a lot.

in spite of being quite random though, ah ryeong is also very exuberant. perhaps her randomness actually helps her in being lively, but she attributes it to her passion for what she does when asked. she's easily excited, and very lighthearted and warm at the core, even behind some of her more negative traits that surface frequently. in the end, ah ryeong is very much a young dreamer, who participates fully in life by filling it with cheer. her smile sparkles because her inner beauty is also sparkling.

+ ah ryeong is near-sighted, but she can squint to clear up her vision pretty well. she has a tendency to forget her glasses at home a lot, so she is often squinting or copying notes off of a classmate (most likely minseok).
+ she collects dolls and decorates miniatures at home. the edge of her room are lined with miniature dollhouses, and she has a shelf she keeps her most precious dolls on. her mother donates any dolls or houses ah ryeong no longer wants to keep to a local charity.
+ she hates bubblegum because she once got some stuck in her hair, and she had to cut it because she tried too hard getting it out. she cried when her mother cut her hair.
+ her entire room is decked in pastel colours. the walls, the rug, curtains, windows, everything.
+ she is deathly afraid of thunderstorms. to the point where she literally cannot stand up if she hears thunder, and she will start crying. whenever she knew a storm was coming, she begged her mother to let her stay home, and then proceeded to hide in a corner of her room and huddle in a blanket with music in her ears until it passed. she prefers to be left alone in this state, because she's embarrassed. when she moved to hangsung academy, she skipped classes, and had minseok or another friend lie for her why she didn't attend class that day, and attend make-up classes instead.
+ once, when ah ryeong was playing by a creek with her sister as a child, a frog startled her and she fell into the creek. it then hopped into her lap and she ran and 
cried to her father about it. she's hated and feared frogs since.
+ she has a habit of leaving pencils, pens or paintbrushes tucked behind her ear.
+ whenever she returns home for holidays, her mother puts her to work in the bakery. it is her part-time job, and she mostly manages the displays and customers while her parents bake.
+ ah ryeong hates hills. her family's bakery is right at the top of one, and climbing up it to get home has made her develop a deep hatred of slopes.
+ she scrapbooks as a hobby. she will take extra supplies from the art room to scrapbook with, and dry flowers. she has three albums -- one of her family, one of her friends and then an extra for when she gets a boyfriend.
+ she has an entire bookcase in her room filled to the brim with romance novels.
+ she used to have a pet bunny, but her mother took it away when she neglected it in favour of working on her projects. she is terrible pet-sitter.
+ most of her friends are male because she's so girly and romantic that other girls thinks she brings femininity back to the dark ages.
+ she always bakes or buys cupcakes for her friend's and family's birthdays. for her closest friends sungjong, sungyeol, baekhyun and minseok, she will bake and decorate an entire cake, and bring it to class.
+ loud noises give her headaches. this contributes to her fear of thunderstorms. despite this, she really loves fireworks, but has never seen a proper display because she gets a migraine from the noise.
+ soon eunsoo / 45 / mother / baker / headstrong, cheerful, strict, moody and kind
+ kim seong woong / 48 / father / baker / ambitious, willful, disciplined, focused and quiet
+ kim eun ah / 21 / older sister / college student (major pre-medical) / mature, level-headed, intelligent, adaptable and careful
+ bae soo yeon / 78 / grandmother / retired (former baker) / talkative, sweet, proud, confident and stubborn
+ soon daehyun / 66 (at death) / grandfather / deceased (former painter) / passionate, devoted, romantic, loyal and deep
+ lee sungjong / 17 / best friend / student (senior) / sassy, friendly, cheery, easily teased and devious
+ lee sungyeol / 17 / best friend dos / student (senior) / honest, dimwitted, sweet, childish and passionate
+ byun baekhyun / 17 / childhood friend / student (senior) / gullible, naive, extroverted, tender and enthusiastic
+ choi jinri (sulli) / 20 / older sister's best friend / college student (major performing arts) / amiable, opinionated, kind, witty and opportunistic
+ another applicant / 17 / roommate / student (senior) / n/a

love interest. kim minseok (xiumin)
back up love interest. luhan
minseok is the prankster type -- he loves being funny, cute, and making others laugh at his silly gimmicks or exaggerated gestures. he is a strong individual, with a lot of zest for life, and is always there to enjoy himself and bring freshness into the air. he has a strong presence, and while there are his childish tendencies, he is also very mature behind his playful exterior. he is a tidy person, to the point of almost being ocd, with deep feelings and a passionate gaze.
ah ryeong and minseok have been friends since forever and half. their earliest encounter was when minseok's parents brought their little son to her parent's bakery, and she was playing with her older sister out front. they introduced minseok to her and her sister, and apparently the first thing she said to him was that his cheeks were very round and fluffy like a creampuff. she denies this, and doesn't remember ever making such a statement, but minseok teases her about it infrequently, particularly if there happens to be creampuffs in the vicinity. it turns out minseok lived quite close to the bakery, and his parents were regulars. he even went to her elementary school. once he and ah ryeong became friendly with one another, his parents would bring him over more and more often to play with ah ryeong while they talked with her parents, and they'd play together in school as well once they got close. 

this friendship never got old. minseok was always on top of keeping ah ryeong happy, and ah ryeong was always very receiving and reciprocated his friendliness with her bubbly, cheerful persona. naturally, the two stuck together like two peas in a pod. even when minseok started becoming more of a prankster and teasing her, ah ryeong never minded his actions because he was always there for her, and knew when to get serious or stop his mischievousness. they ended up going to the same middle school, and then when minseok heard she was going to hangsung academy, he too, applied and got accepted in. they were in a lot of the same classes, and minseok would often help her with her studies, particularly mathematics since he liked the subject and ah ryeong only knew enough math to get her out of primary school.

even though he likes her, he will still frequently; it's just in his nature. he loves to make fun of her, and she teases him in return. they are very sweet to one another, sharing their birthdays, and most of their fears and secrets. he comforts her on the rare occasions that she becomes upset or mad, and respects her choices in life. they are both bluntly honest to one another for the most part -- he does call her forgetful, and she calls him a neatfreak. anyone would be able to tell how close they are. anyone would also be able to tell how much minseok cherished ah ryeong, except ah ryeong herself.
plotline. xoxo
ever since they started getting close, minseok had begun to have feelings for the cheery, sweet girl that was his new best friend in school. it started as an elementary crush -- he liked his best friend, a lot. she was one of the few girls who didn't have cooties, and she was always upbeat and happy and she was very pretty. she also called his cheeks fluffy like creampuffs. what kind of young boy wouldn't fall for a girl who talked like that? at least that's what was going on through minseok's head as he gave ah ryeong flowers (that he picked from the nice next door lady's garden) and claimed he would one day be her prince, because she was a princess (as ah ryeong claimed when she was little). she merely giggled and accepted the proposal with a hug, and then made him push her on the playground swings at recess.

of course, all children grow up. somewhat. that childhood promise was soon forgotten by a very absent-minded girl who dreamt all the time about true love and her prince charming. all the stories her grandmother told her about her 'princely' and 'perfect' grandfather took their toll on her ability to understand what love is really like. she began to straighten out her ideal type, and set parameters so specific for one not even a ken doll come to life could fit them. kim ah ryeong dreamt of her prince come to life, and she became enamored in her own visions of a perfect boy who would someday come collect her from her life and they would retreat into the sunset like two star-aligned lovers. unfortunately, that boy was not minseok.

in her eyes, minseok was always her best friend, and nothing more. she's been with him so long she's become almost immune to his affectionate actions toward her -- she finds the warm, long hugs and comforting hand holds just as a natural extension of their friendship. minseok's feelings for her though, only grew over time. his elementary crush started to dig into the depths of his heart and retrieve the emotion of love. the formerly innocent embraces became holds that desperately wanted ah ryeong to understand his growing feelings, and the hand touches were his way of reminding her that he was still there, and hoping she'd pick up that he was trying to tell her that he was always by her side. where ah ryeong's heart remained that of a child's, minseok's grew up. by the end of middle school, he already knew he had fallen heavily for her, but she never saw him the same way. he was second best to her imagination.

"when will you understand the deep wounds that you cause to my heart? won't you help me fix them?"

even as she gushed over her perfect man, he would sit and bear through the burden, waiting for when she would realize he was waiting for her. he didn't want to push too hard, in fear of breaking their established relationship and losing ah ryeong forever. he also knew he was not nearly enough compared to the image ah ryeong had for her ideal man. over the years, he's made several attempts to live up to her imagination. from biking her up that god forsaken hill the bakery was on when she was too tired from football practice to walk home, to volunteering to help her clean up the bakery during the holidays when her shift was over, to sacrificing his own health and draping his jacket over her shoulders in the dead of winter. minseok even started a little garden of his own when ah ryeong complained one of her favourite types of flowers that she wanted to press for her scrapbook wasn't sold in the area.

ah ryeong though, has remained forever unaware of his love, to the point where minseok has started to question if she's really that oblivious or she's just ignoring his feelings all together (he regrets these thoughts, because believes that ah ryeong is too kind and dimwitted to do such a thing). no matter how much time and effort minseok has spent tending to her every need, to the hours he gave up trying to teach her geometry, to modeling with nothing but briefs on for a painting that she needed to have done for her portfolio, ah ryeong has never looked at him as more than her best friend. she loves him no more than a brother, and the burden is riding higher than ever now that they're both seniors and ah ryeong wanted to go study in an art school. their separation was becoming inevitable, and minseok is worried she won't be able to understand his feelings before they graduate.

in all honesty, minseok is going to have to confess to ah ryeong for her to understand him. this could be due to frustration, the urging of their other friends, or just him finally accepting that she's a dunce and won't take his hints, and thus gathering the courage to explain his true feelings to her. ah ryeong herself, won't understand him at first, at all. she would be confused because she never saw him as anything more than her most reliable and closest friend. from there, it's wherever the story takes them, and hopefully 'real' love finds its way into ah ryeong's heart, and she chooses to try and return minseok's feelings for her, and understand his heart, and perhaps grow up just a little in the process.
what kind of student are you? 
ah, well i have to say i'm probably not the best student. but i'm an art kid for sure! just try to best me at interior design~ in regular classes well.. aha, do i have to say it? i average at best a C+, a B if i'm lucky.. i just don't pay attention enough okay? besides, i want to go to art school anyway. i'm too busy thinking about my portfolio to concentrate on trigonometry or geometry or stuff like that.
are you involved in any extracurricular activities? any school clubs? any school organization or sports?etc.  
oh yea, of course! i did say i was an art kid didn't i? i'm one of the best too, i'm sure of it! i take as many art classes as they'll let me, specifically so far i took painting, drawing, sewing, fashion design, and advanced fine arts. i'm best with a brush and acrylics or a needle and thread, but i'll try anything at least once. i'm also on the football team because well.. my mom made me, i'll be honest. she said i wasn't active enough, so i had to join a sports team at school. i was going to join the sewing club too! but i had to do football instead.. i'm not the best, i'm not even really all that good. i'm usually a substitute player for defense, and i've only played in a few official matches. that's all i think though, i'm not really a part of much else because i'm so busy preparing my portfolio for art school.
what are your plans for the future? 
oh i have it all planned out -- i'm going to be an interior designer. i'm going to art school and majoring in it and then i'll be able to start my own business once i graduate and help out my family! i've always loved decorating dollhouses and rearranging the furniture, in both my dollhouses and in my actual house! anytime my mom wants to move some furniture she always asks me what i think, and i always move things in my room by myself if something's out of place. it's my calling.
what are your priorities? 
well i think my happiness comes first. i mean, i care a lot about my friends and family and such, but how can i make them happy if i'm not happy myself? i do what i want to do because it makes me happier with who i am. in a way, you can say i'm painting my own canvas and i won't let anyone elses' colours stain my own. i don't really care about popularity at all, i mean, unless you're in a school full of artists, what school has the popular art kid? i have my close friends, and i don't need anyone who won't love me because i'm different.

as for that, i do care deeply for those who've stuck around with me. i'd drop just about anything to help out my closest friends, unless of course it really goes against what i stand for. my grades.. well i really want my A+ in art, but otherwise if i'm passing i'm good. and ahh.. a boyfriend.. if only my prince charming would come for me.. i think i'd be in true heaven if he would just sweep me off my feet. of course he'd come first to everything, because my true love would care about my happiness most just like i would care for his most too! love is such an amazing thing, isn't it? tee hee <3
"i wish i could see their beauty up close, you know." :: while loud noises give her headaches, ah ryeong still loves fireworks. she enjoys the bright lights, but often can't get a good view because she can't be close to where they're going off. minseok realizes this when she's seen wistfully looking at fireworks from her window in the dormitory, that are mostly blocked by trees and buildings. so one night, he takes her up a really tall hill he found just outside of town, claiming he wanted to picnic there, while she complains that they had to climb up the obnoxious hill just to have a picnic. as a surprise, at the end of the night, there is a fireworks show going on, but they're far enough away so the noise doesn't bother ah ryeong, and high enough so that the buildings and trees don't obscure the view. she's shocked when he tells her that he took her up here for this, but appreciates how he went out of his way to make it so that she can see a proper fireworks display. reluctantly, she apologizes for complaining on the way there, and they share a sweet moment before marvelling together at the show. he could also bring other couples (other applicants and their interests?) with them, perhaps in an attempt to make ah ryeong see how they were just as close as the other couples, as well as strengthen the bond between the girls and their boys.
"don't look at me! stop looking at me!" :: one day, ah ryeong fails to check the weather out of exhaustion from pulling an all nighter for an exam and goes to class during a thunderstorm. she ends up screaming in terror at the first crack of lightning and proceeds to dive into the corner of the room, with anyone inside the classroom watching her, including minseok. startled, she ends up in tears and cries weakly in the corner while holding her hands over her ears, telling people to stop looking at her, since she's incredibly embarrassed, but her legs won't work since she's so frightened. minseok moves in to console her, but she still can't get up, so he takes her to the infirmary after calming her down enough so that he can lift her. she clings to him, and he sits with her on one of the infirmary beds. in the end he tells her to listen only to him, and sings for her until the storm is over, or ah ryeong is so exhausted she falls asleep in his arms. what happens when she returns to class after her display is up to you~
"i know i've had a lot of bad ideas about love.. but recently, i think i improved, even if it's just a little bit. i read a quote in a new story, and i think.. it told me something important about real love. that when you're really in love with someone, you should be able to let them go." :: as the quote suggests, i actually think it'd be a really sweet towards the end to have minseok and ah ryeong part ways for awhile. ah ryeong will be going to art school once she graduates, and minseok himself, has his own life ahead of him since he wants to be an architect. so ah ryeong in the end, decides that they should go their separate ways, and if they still love each other when they meet again, they'll get back together, and go from there. in a year and a half, they meet again over the holidays in the bakery, ah ryeong a little more mature, minseok a little more confident in himself and his love for ah ryeong, and their storyline ends with her giving him creampuffs as a welcome home gift. :: "because if we truly love each other, even time itself can't break us."

comments/questions/concerns/etc. i made any of her friends who were a part of infinite and exo 17, since they all might be a part of the story, and 17 is the usual age i think most high schoolers begin their senior year o uo~ also, i'm sorry if some lines in her interview were gag-worthy ha.. she's just that kind of character, so i had the obligation to write it like that hehe. anyway, i really like what i see so far, so i'll be looking forward to the story! i hope ah ryeong suits this plotline and your specifications. she may seem a little typical at first, but i did try to make her a little more interesting and dynamic than your regular cutesy, bubbly girl. also, feel free to use any of the quotes i added in~ thank you for reading! ~ xoxo, as an extra, i believe this suits them as a theme song to their relationship :: open your eyes to love -- lmnt


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