Ideas of Eight (Hey, that's a good title...)

So, for some reason I have an ever spinning roulette wheel that spits out ideas to replace whichever one I've used up. For some reason, this is in the form of eight ideas. I'm sure if I tried i could come up with more, I am, after all, one of the most imaginative people (read, freaky creative person) I know. However, it does seem odd that everytime a really good "MUST WRITE RIGHT NOW!" idea comes along, I tend to, well, reach the number eight again. It's kind of annoying to be honest, because some of these ideas have been in my little pool of eight for quite some time now, swirling around and never getting done. Le sigh. But seriously, I just started 1,001 Each not too long ago. It was from a list of, you guessed it, eight ideas I polled my readers about. About four days ago the urge struck me to write a oneshot Taoris (forward will be up tomorrow, with a little luck) and in it's nearly 6k entirety, it's pretty much finished. Just as I am finishing up the last few paragraphs, another ideas strikes. I now *really* want to do a Norse/Middle Ages Exo/Nu'est crossover. This, yet again, puts me back to eight. Help me please. 

Ideas: Anything not mentioned here that you've seen in an idea poll from earlier is currently in the works. This includes Second Fiddle and the princes with letters idea. 

A Confederacy Spy: One of those stories that's been in the pool for about three months now. Based on the story of a civil war spy named Lotte Moon. It would be so awesome, I just know it...

Amour: Finger's Crossed: A tale of a boy who always got what he wanted in everything, until it came to love. He made a deal with a wicked witch, that in return for his sleep of a hundred years, she would grant him whatever man he wanted. 

My Norse Middle Ages Idea: Just, picture Kris as Thor, Tao as Loki, Baekho as Balder, and Ren and Hel - to tell the story of the death and resurrection of Balder (with heavy liberties taken on the story, per my usual :P) 

Two sequels (Pool ideas yet again - Death and the Innocent and A Monster's Fear)

Little Black Riding Hood: Really, the title just intrigues me. I have a love of turning innocent characters from stories into evil ones. So the idea of Little Red being Little Blackheart on the inside is fascinating to me. So I think running into the wolf might me an intentional sort of thing :P

Ouran Highschool Re-telling: because, come on, it's like Exo was made for this :P It would be my first ot12 fic and good golly that's a lot of people to keep track of...And just because I'm already bored here writing this, I'll tell you who would be who :P Tamaki would be Luhan, Haruhi would be Xiumin (because it works so well and the only other serious ship I have aside from Taoris is Xiuhan). Tao would be Kyoya, Mori would be Suho, Honey would be Lay, the Twins would be Kyungsoo and Kai, Baekhyun would be Renge, just, well, because. He's a fanboy, alright?? Nekozawa would be Chanyeol, because hey, he's a little odd :D. Kasanoda would be Kris, for *sure* XD Sehun would be Shiro, and Chen would be all three Zuko club members himself, for comedic relief! 

SungKyunKwan Scandal: Most likely would be unpopular because ever since I watched it I've been dreaming of an OT3 between Young-ah, Jae-shin, and Ha In-soo. Believe me, when you watch that with your fangirl friends, you can twist *any* situation :P Honestly, it's hilarious. Perhaps if I made it a Kris, Tao, Kyungsoo mix it would go down better? I oddly like Krisoo, probably because one of my favorite authors writes it, even though I find Kritao more realistic. (like any of this is realistic...:P)


That's all, just a big long stream of babble from me...XD




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