my confession

Here is the place where i can tell what i'd kept in my heart. Although, there's no one would respond. I don't care.

Have you heard about the person that looked happy outside is the one that sad inside. 


It's me.

I don't know how to tell but do you like when someone else looked low on you? Do you like it? Or you will just.. 'okay.. i don't care'?

You know why they looked low on me? Because i'm the one that always skipped the classes. Usually, i'll come to the classes if i wanted to ONLY. Because of that they think of me like that. What? Did they think the person that love skipping the classes like me won't get an excellent resut? Do they think, they're smart enough? 

 started skipping the classes since i was in the middle school and my parents knew i already. They said to me, they don't care if i skipped the classes or not as long as i got the higher result. See? Why did they need to care if i skipped the classes or what? uuhhh.. i'm stress, irritated and a lot more. That's what i felt towards them for so long. They acted like they know me for so long. 

I'll proof them that the person like me can a higher result. Because my final exams will be around the corner, i'll be trying to defeat them no matter what. It's my mission. Wish me luck.!


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kdramafan #1
Good luck
Prove then wrong and get the best grade you can
SHINee707 #2
Good luck,for me it was similar and I got one of the highest scores in my class hard work pays off.YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!FIGHTING!!!!!
goodluck..we feel the same but on a different situation
Tsk...tsk..They do not have the right to judge you.Human do make mistakes in life,no one is perfect. :)

You should prove them wrong then.All the best for your upcoming exam!Fighting!
minsul22 #5
all the best!!! good luck!
good goin cutie..^_^ show them what you got..!! wish you all the luck :*
hwaiting!! hwaiting!! (^_^)/
nana4ever #7
I have confidence in you ... You can do it !!!

Fighting !!!!

Think positive happy thoughts and have a wonderful day ;)
i‘m fond of not attending to my classes too but i overcome it. i know you can do it chingu! fighting!