Overrated Persephone story+Greek myths+username

Pushing aside the scary incident on the bus today,

I am proud to say that I got a 100% on my Persephone storytelling project!

Well, it was all a long time ago when we were assigned to tell a Greek legend about basically anything,

and I chose the story of Persephone, and why there are seasons.

Preparing for this, (explains the reason why I didn't have time to update) I, 24/7 recited this story day and night.

My teacher expected more from this, meaning, not only standing in front of your class, but posters, visual aids, expression, eye contact, stage deco, and COUNTLESS OTHER THINGS...



Greek storytelling was overrated in our foreign school


I love Greek mythology, though! I love all the stories there, I mean, they are so INTERESTING!!! Interesting enough that I wrote about a Greek goddess named Aphrodite in elementary school, and put my whole heart into it, while everyone else did someone like Zeus!


See, that's how I got my username.

Writing about Aphrodite was the first thing I actually wrote, as in story/formal paper wise. When I was making my account, I put in "Aphrodite" but it was taken, so I put "Aphrodite0" and that is currently, me! ^^~

Well, talked about three things in one blog post today!





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Congrats!! I remember you telling me about that project!