▐ ↳ LADY LUCK ↔ byung kyungsoon。


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jiminniexiuminnie : 9 : cole : 07 
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meet your lady luck. 

Character Name: Byung Kyungsoon
Nickname(s): n/a
Birthday: 04 - 29 - 95
Age: 19
Languages: Korean (fluent), Englsish (very basic)
Ethnicity: Korean
Hometown & Where you grew up: Busan, South Korea
Height & Weight: 154cm & 47kg
Face Claim & Gallery: Baek SuMin
Back up claim & Gallery: Baek JaeAh
Company Home: Woollim Entertainment
Back Up Plotline: 05


Kyungsoon is a passionate girl and it shows in everything that she does; whether it be fangirling, singing, or dancing, she puts her all into it. When she is performing, she's full of charisma and she impresses everyone with her skills. On stage, she is very serious and gives off a y vibe which is only one side of her. Catch her off stage and she is energetic and can be seen dancing whenever there is music on. She is known as the mood maker of her group and does her best to make them laugh or lift their energy whichever way that she can; she'll do a comedic dance or perform awful and cringe worthy aegyo which gets her members blood rising as they yell at her to stop. This doesn't mean that Kyungsoon can't do aegyo. Well, she can't-- on queue that is. Kyungsoon is naturally cute and has habits that others find cute. But ask her to do aegyo and it's like a switch goes off and she no longer knows how, making it awkward and awful.

Kyungsoon is a friendly girl as well and will often times go to the person sitting alone in the room and ask if they want a friend. She cares for those around her and is a very thoughtful person. She does her best to remember fans at fansigns and will gladly share her spotlight if she thinks someone isn't getting enough spotlight themselves. Kyungsoon just wants to live her life with the people she loves close by.

Another thing to know about Kyungsoon is that she is forgetful. She will put a pot of water on for some ramen and forget all about it and go out (this is why she was banned from the kitchen unless supervised). If you tell her something and she says "don't worry, I'll remember!" I can assure you that she won't and that you'll need to remind her. She needs constant reminders of her schedules and it's a wonder how she hasn't forgotten a dance move or a lyric on stage yet. Her members all say it's because she is always up in her head day dreaming and is never listening even when claiming to do so. That's another thing about Kyungsoon; she's a poor listener. You'll have to repeat something to her at least three times for it to stick but then she will forget it anyway so what's the point? This is why her company laughed when she said to them she wanted to do acting as well because how was she to remember all those lines?

To top it off, Kyungsoon is both whiny and impatient. These two go hand in hand as whenever Kyungsoon gets impatient over something she tends to whine about it. It mostly relates to food and is really impatient when she is hungry. She has a habit of lurking in the kitchen when others are cooking and watching the food cook, her stomach grumblimg, asking over and over if it will be done soon becuase she is starving and hasn't eaten in "forever" when it was probably just two hours ago.

Basically with Kyungsoon, what you see is what you get. She is aware that she should be keeping some sort of image but she always forgets so she is the same on and off camera. She has no problem fangirling about other singers or dramas on camera and is a very open person when it comes to what is going on in her life. When it comes to her love life, she is a bit more hesitate as relationships and "being in love" mean a lot to her and she has seen what can happen when idols date.


+ her twitter is @BKyungie94 and she never uses it

+ her instagram is the same

+ she wants to go to Disney World in Florida

+ her bloodtype is O

+ her favorite show is Weekly Idol

+ her ideal type is Park Jimin from Bangtan

+ before Jimin, she was into EXO's Kai

+ she is a big fan of her Infinite sunbaes and loves to support them

+ as much as she talks about love (a lot) she has never dated or had her first kiss

+ she's always wanted to be friend's with f(x)'s Amber because she seems so cool



+ meat (especially steak)

+ cats (has a scottish fold name Scott)

+ white chocolate

+ stitch (has a plushie, phone case, and stitch pj's)

+ hats (especially beanies. pretty much chanyeol when it comes to beanies)

+ her iphone (specifically the games such as flappy bird)

+ acting

+ Bangtan (huge ARMY)



+ large dogs (was knock over when a toddler and has hated them ever since)

+ waiting

+ boats (she's always afraid they'll flip over and she will be stranded in the ocean)

+ wearing neon colors (too vibrant for her)

+ bugs (any kind. she hates them all)

+ twitter (her voice is limited to 140 characters and she doesn't like it)

+ lip-sycnhing (she didn't practice her vocals for four years to fake it)

+ dark chocolate (she'd rather have milk or white chocolate)



+ spacing out when people are talking to her

+ not being able to keep still

+ using her hands when talking

+puffing out her cheeks when thinking


appeared in:

+ Reply 1997 (as an extra)

+ Infinite's Be Mine MV

+ Baby Soul's Better of Strangers MV

+ Baby Soul's She's a Flirt MV (featured on song too)

+ Fanta CF


Position: main dancer/vocalist

singing twin: apink's namjoo

dancing twin: apink's namjoo

★"Infinite's Woohyun dating trainee from Be Mine video?" (false)

★ "Kyungsoon reveals ideal type is Bangtan's Jimin" (true)

★ "Kyungsoon continues to show support for Bangtan" (true)


Background: Kyungsoon was born in Busan, South Korea and lived there until she was 13 then moved to Seoul to pursue a career as an idol. But before that, Kyungsoon was just a regular girl with a dream and really bad grades. Because she always spaced out and had trouble listening, Kyungsoon didn't do well in school. She straightened up in school when she was ten and became a huge fan of BOA and wanted to be a dancer. She and her mom had made a deal if she got her grades up she could take dance lessons. After three years of dance lessons and just after turning 13, Kyungsoon and her parents moved out to Seoul. She auditioned for SM but didn't make it. In late 2008, she auditioned for Woollim and got in. She trained along side Infinite who debuted before her but she was extremely proud of them and new her time would come. Kyungsoon struggled between school life and being a trainee but she was able to debut in june of 2013.

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★ Mother // Byung HeiRyung // 48 // Banker
+ Kyungsoon is very close with her mom and goes to her with any trouble that she may have on her mind. They text every day and it's mostly HeiRyung reminding her daughter to eat well and get plenty of sleep.

★ Father // Byung KangDae // 50 // Accountant
+ Kyungsoon isn't as close to her dad as she is her mom but the two try to talk at least once a week. She doesn't really like to go her dad for advice and feels like it's awkward but she can always count on her dad to tell a good joke ad make her laugh.

Celebrity Friends/Acquiantances:

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                                                                       ( " DON'T TELL HIM I SAID THIS BUT HE'S MY FAVORITE OPPA "

★ best friend // Nam Woohyun // 23 // Singer (Infinite)
+ Kyungsoon and Woohyun trained together and are very close. She's appeared in one of his music videos and the two like to hang out together and do cringe worthy aegyo together. Woohyun acts like an older brother and likes to when it comes to boys that she likes.

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                                                                       ( " SHE'S LIKE MY SISTER; I LOVE HER "

★ best friend // Jung Eunji // 20 // Singer (APink)
+ Kyungsoon met Eunji while on the set of Reply 1997. Hoya had introduced the two and they were almost instant friends. They don't talk as much as they would like but they leave each other little encouraging texts now and support each other's groups.Whenever they get together they are very loud and crazy. They like to go to each other's dorms and have dance parties where they sing each others songs and teach each other the dances.

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                                                                       ( " HE'S MY BUSAN BUDDY "

★ friend // Hoya // 23 // Singer (Infinite)
+ The two met when they were trainees and bonded over the fact they are both from Busan. They helped one another out with their dancing and would always go shopping before Hoya debuted. After Hoya became a part of Infinite, they didn't go shopping much and their friendship was mostly kept over texts.

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point of interest. 

Love Interest: Park Jimin (bangtan)
Back up(s): Kim Taehyung (bangtan), Hoya (Infinite)
Relationship: one sided love

Personality: He's basically a Woohyun2.0 with the fact that he does a lot of aegyo and fanserive and really cares for his fans. Most of the stuff he does makes you cringe because so much grease and wow so lame. On stage he is y and drives fangirls (Kyungsoon) crazy. Off stage he is just a happy and goofy boy who likes to have a good time.


They debuted around the same time and would see each other around at places like inkigayo and music core but neither have properly introduced themselves. Since seeing Bangtan's MV and watching Jimin flash his abs, Kyungsoon made her interest as Jimin's fan known. Jimin knows that Kyungsoon is a fan and has said on kiss the radio that she shouldn't be shy and introduce herself next time they saw each other. Despite Jimin's open invitation to be friends, they didn't get to become friends as this was near the end of their promotion period and didn't get to see each other. Not to mention that Kyungsoon was afraid to embarass herself in front of him so they stayed strangers.

When Bangtan made a comeback, Kyungsoon's instagram was filled with her supporting Bangtan (mostly Jimin) with pictures such as her watching them on music shows and buying their CD (and being sad when she got Jin's photocard and not Jimin's). Some bangtan fans are not happy with how open she is with her love of Jimin but Kyungsoon shrugs it off because she's literally just fangirling and nothing is even happening besides her gushing about Jimin's dance moves and voice. She's an ARMY who happens to be in a group of her own.


+ Jimin is a huge big bang fan (I'll just leave this here)

+ He's from Busan like Kyungsoon

+ His ideal type is "really nice and cute. Must be smaller than me. Dance to the music no matter where"


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time to get personal. 

What would your reaction be when your love interest guests on the show:
answer: Jimin on the show? (bites back smile) I'd like that.. (bursts into a big smile) don't look at me like that!  (covers her cheeks which are turning red) I've said that he is my ideal type of course I'm going to be happy about it! (fixes hair and tries to become professional) Jimin has stated the wish to become friends so I hope that him being on the show would bring us closer together.

Do you think he will vote for you as most popular?:
answer: Of course! At least, I hope he will. He would, right? I would like to think that he would vote for me but you never know.

Another plotline(s) your character feels uncomfortable/awkward with and why:
answer: (thinks) 05 seems very reserved and much different from me so I'll say her. I feel though that we can become more comfrotable with each other in time.

Plotline(s) you feel comfortable with and why:
answer: I get along great with both 04 and 08. 04 just has this charm about her and I really like her! And 08 is very fun and we get along great! (smiles)

Assuming you are ranked as one of the losers (lowest popularity rank). How do you feel?:
answer: I haven't been around as long as some of the other girls so I understand. I'm a bit upset but you can only go up from here so I'll work hard to be on top.


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this is finally the end. 

Anything else: Finishing this app is such an accomplishment for me and I feel proud of myself. It took a while and I hope that you like my app (and that it's not a hot mess)

Scene/Mission Recommendations:
★ Kyungsoon dancing to Bangtan's Boy In Luv on the show

★ Kyungsoon and Jimin doing cringe-worthy aegyo together



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profile credit - harlequin.


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