sleep paralysis.

have you guys experienced having sleep paralysis? does it scares you too? u g h i hate it every time that happens to me. it gives me the feeling that i'm not going to wake up anymoreeeeee! it's a little creepy because im conscious but couldn't move. i always wiggle my toes to wake myself up and then slap myself so it won't come back when i ho back to sleep. sighs. 


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I have experienced this a lot of times as well. I just keep thinking in myself 'wake up wake up wake up' and I keep on trying to move my arm or any other body parts untill I wake up.
It's indeed annoying and scary when it happens. I don't have to slap myself or something when I wake up, I just turn around and go back to sleep, I don't know why but when it happens it only happens once a night.
yea i feel u, i had it at least 3 times, wat i do is i try move my head side to side, sometimes it helps but i cry..