Fanfiction Reader/Writer Survey



State your fanfiction pen name.


Are you more of a reader or a writer?

I guess it's pretty much 50/50 since I do both when I feel like it...

When did you first start reading/writing fanfiction?

Read... it was about 3 years ago. I only started to write about an year ago.

What’s the first fanfiction you ever read/wrote? What is it about?

First one... Can't remember to be honest.

What ratings do you read/write?

I read every kind of, but I tempt to mostly write rated M due the violence...

What was your first fandom?

Hahaha, Super Junior

List all the fandoms you have read/written in.

Read: Super Junior, SHINee, but also some other seldom groups
Write: Super Junior

What is your favorite fandom to read/write for?

The answer is same as above.

Any fandom you would like to write in?

Nah, I'm happy how things are now.

What was your first ship?


List all the pairings you have read/written in.

Read: Eunhae/Haehyuk, Kyumin and Hanchul are the main ones, but I once read really good Kyusung fic too...
Write: Well most of my stories doesn't have a "pair" but Eunhae/Haehyuk.

What is your favorite pairing to read/write for?

See above.

Is there any pairing you refuse to read/write?

There is none I refuse to read, but I don't think I will write about other pairings (maybe about Kyumin or Hanchul one day, but others I don't think so)

What do you think of het stories? Slash/? Femslash/Yuri?

Well, I have read few yuri, I have none against that and I respect those who write them, but yeah.

What is your favorite genre?

Psychological and Angst

What is your least favorite genre?

I have none when it comes to reading, but when I have to write myself I could never write fluff.

Any genre you would like to read/write for?

I read pretty much every genre, but I tempt to write psychological and angst.

List all of your favorite writers.

Oh god no there's no way I can remember all...


I cheated and went through my subscribtion list. Not in order or anything.

Which writer inspires your own work?

I re-read authors above all the time, but I get my inspiration from the world around myself and from imagination.

What story has the most impact to you, so much that you remember it all the time?

Lunacy Fringe and it's "sequel" Miseria Cantare by emii_vipelf. I don't even remember how many times I have re-read them.

What is website you use most to read/write fanfiction?


Any certain things you avoid reading/writing about?

Avoid... I guess none, if the story seems interesting I'll check it out no matter what group, pairing etc. Thought I avoid writing about groups and pairing I'm not interested about.

What do you enjoy best about fanfiction in general?

It's interesting, and I find it fascinating how you can make your own little world for others to enjoy/how can you enjoy the world someone else created

Do you have any fanfiction pet peeves?

None I can think now... 

How long should a chapter be?

I don't think there's any limit for it. If you want to write long chapter, do it. If short ones are for you then go for it.

Have you ever flamed someone?

I... don't know? I don't think so?

Have you ever been flamed?

Don't think so?

Do you roleplay online?

Nope, that's not for me.


(Writers Only)

How many published fanfictions have you written?

At the moment 12, but I have more in my computer.

Which one of your fanfictions has the most words? The most views? The most comments? The most upvotes? How many?

I don't know about most words since I have never really counted or compared, but for others the answer would be Tainted By Blood (I still find it hard to believe that it actually has 6 upvotes and people still subscribe to it..)

At the moment, which one of your fanfictions is your favorite/you are the most proud of? (you can include unpublished fanfictions)

Well of course I'm proud of Tainted By Blood since it was the first finished, but I think I'm also quite proud of Beneath the Surface.

Out of all characters you have written, which one do you feel you identify the most with?

I have never thought about that.

Do you use beta reader?

No I don't. I sometimes ask what my friend things about the idea, but I'm the only one who can read it before I publish it.

What warnings have you used on your stories?

About violence.

Do reviews affect how you write in any way?

Well I don't receive many of those, but of course I think about it when I do - it's possible that the person saw something I failed to see. But in general it won't affect the storyline.

What makes you happy the most as a writer?

Of course comments (even thought I don't get them much, but I know that many people don't dare to comment etc and that's fine) but also views - because that tells me that they found the tittle interesting enough to click and see my story, that already makes me happy. And who wouldn't be happy about their subscribers and upvoters?

Do you generally outline your fanfictions or do you prefer to write spontaneously then revise?

I do make a list about things that will/could happen, but otherwise I write pretty spontaneously. 

Have you ever stolen something from another person’s work?

No I haven't, never intentionally. 

What do you feel is your biggest challenge when writing?

I get too easily distracted about things around myself...

Do you have any certain ritual to do before/while/after you write?

None that I could think of

Do you actively advertise your story or request for reviews/upvotes?


Would you ever want a trailer for a fanfiction you’ve written to be made?

Hahaha my lovely bastard is really kind and makes me those♥


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I steal.
I stole.
I've stolen.
I'm bored.
Lols XDD
Hey! How come I only see this now? XD
and what´s this with me in your favorite writer list? Tsk, really...thank you so much, my dear bastard♥ (lol I make no sense at all~)
Awwwwww i just saw myself in the authors list xDD I'm so honoured... ;D *hugs you*