✕ / : R U N N I N G – B O Y S ! ↬ relationships / / chung mudae.

✕ / : running boys.

character's name: chung mudae

love interest #1:

lee hyunwoo (actor)

love interest #2:

whoever from the group is interested in him, if anyone picks him.



relationship with love interest #1

being that they were both childhood actors, it seems only natural to think that the two had become friends from their shared occupations right? not.. exactly. at first, mudae actually disliked hyunwoo, particularly since he thought of him as annoyingly cheerful and a rival. they avoided each other, and usually only interacted because their parents forced them to. one unlikely day though, when mudae was having trouble in a scene and had gotten upset at the producer, hyunwoo approached him and comforted him after the young actor had run off set and hid in a custodial closet. in the end, the five minutes they spent sitting together in the closet while mudae cried did more than enough to fix their rocky relationship.

after the initial bump in the road (mostly due to mudae's reluctance to let hyun woo into his life), things became smooth sailing. they became the best of friends, talking to one another, supporting each other, and playing together whenever their parents would visit each other. eventually the playdates evolved to invitations to visit just between the two boys, and then as the two grew older, casual one on one hanging out all across south korea whenever their schedules weren't destroying them. they'd come to each other's shoots to support one another and called often whenever there was no way for them to meet in person for more than a few weeks. there have a lot of skinship between the two, and they loved to tease one another, particularly about their roles as being actors. as friends, they could talk to one another over just about anything, and they've had plenty of meaningful conversations since their bond grew. they would share their dreams, their lives and their secrets with each other. every secret but one.

when hyunwoo ended up working with sm town's idols in the reproduction of the hit drama 'to the beautiful you', mudae ended up coming to the set to support him after a long while of the two not seeing each other in person. after the shoot, mudae invited hyunwoo out like they used to, and they escaped the set to hang out together. at some point in the night, the two were rained out, and they laughed it off as karma for hyunwoo taking the day off to hang out with mudae. in the dark of night, sitting together sharing an umbrella, they ended up discussing their futures, their passions, their desires, and eventually the topic of love became touched upon -- particularly since hyunwoo's current role was a boy questioning his uality since he was falling in love with a girl he thought was a boy. as their conversation got more personal and deep than ever, at some point, the rain was all but noticed as they ended up kissing one another beneath it. apparently the one secret they never shared was mutual.

in the end though, nothing came out of it. both agreed that night that the kiss was "practice", since they were always kissing girls in their movies and dramas, and they parted ways with just a bit of awkwardness. since then, they've both been busy with their careers and haven't talked as much as they used to. they still text and call one another, but they haven't hung out alone together since that night. the awkwardness died after a bit, but the overarching reality that they both refuse to answer to from that night still haunts mudae's dreams. even so, mudae still harbours feelings that he didn't know he could have for the other actor. he still secretly has hopes that one day the stalemate will end, and something will spark between them.

outcome of relationship:

one of two things happen -- the stalemate never ends, or hyunwoo loses his own feelings to mudae, and we go with plan b, which is below.

or after some of the others start getting together and mudae starts to come to terms with the fact that he's gay, the other members, particularly his best friends, encourage him to go after his crush once he tells them what happened between him and hyunwoo. this could happen after hyunwoo chooses to guest star in the show, and his other members and new friends notice how close they really are and how mudae changes around hyunwoo. mudae will be reluctant to let anything happen, but after confronting this a few times with his other members and seeing how their relationships have evolved, he will gain the courage to chase after hyunwoo. since hyunwoo does share some sort of feelings toward mudae, they will most likely be able to start dating from here, but mudae will concentrate on his career in running boys. the contact will be infrequent, but he'll be grateful to the others for helping him, and most likely try to help the others form bonds after this, as well as finally admit to the world he's gay.



relationship with love interest #2:

if someone does pick mudae as their primary or back-up, use the relationship they come up with, while considering the relationship i've come up with them having below.

outcome of relationship

since mudae will always have a special place in his heart for hyunwoo, this probably won't turn out to be the most stable of relationships at first. mudae's feelings are very fixated on his childhood crush, and since for that one moment their feelings were shared, he's unsure of himself being able to move on. he will most likely end up talking about hyunwoo a lot, and comparing their relationship with his friendship with him, and making it really hard for it to go anywhere. there will most likely be a lot of awkwardness, a lot of tension, and a lot of hesitation on his end to pursue anything like this, especially since he'll continue to deny he's gay. if it really works out though, mudae will learn to let go of his love for his friend and eventually reciprocate the feelings of whoever likes him if they are persistant enough and can deal with him. he will most likely end up doing this after his interest becomes upset at the way he's acting, and he figures out finally that he's hurting him, which brings out his true inner feelings toward the other. mudae will come to terms with the fact he's gay, and become much more physical and loving towards his interest on the show, and won't mind at all being teased about it.



relationship with other members

Jo jin soo:

the mommy that which is very like daddy. he is the one who keeps mudae in line the most, since he's the only person with the age-authority to boss mudae around. more often than not, he's the member who prevents mudae from taking too much time staring at himself, and pulling him out of the shower early because seriously who takes almost an hour to wash themselves? they especially get along in the games, because they are both very loyal (but easily betrayed) people, as well as having very similar strengths and weaknesses. they're not called the parents of apollo for nothing -- both are the ones who look after the other members most, and while jin soo is more strict than mudae, mudae is the one supporting him and convincing (threatening) the younger babies to actually listen. they have this friendly kind of competition going on, because of their similar but not similar characters in being leaders, parents and attracting attention. he is probably the one mudae considers that he is closest to in apollo, and are very friendly with one another. in fact, they're kinda like besties, and happily help one another.

lim yoon jin:

the problem child in mudae's eyes. while mudae cares for him as a member and will do his all to take care of him like he would anyone else, he will also be the first to say "don't be fooled by his babyface, you can't trust this little ." while they're friendly outside the games, as soon as you put them together in the show it's like oil and water. yoon jin's betrayal instincts thoroughly piss mudae off, as well as his tendency to disregard korean customs. mudae will often be telling him off, and they have an on-going cat-dog relationship. since both are vengeful people too, they will often go out of their way to mess with the other, and in this case mudae becomes more like an older brother than he is the dad of apollo. yoon jin brings out his scarier side, and this is very apparent when they're constantly getting back at one another episode after episode. despite their clear clashing on-screen, years of being in apollo together have actually made these two relatively close. no matter how much mudae may complain about the younger male, he has a soft spot for his whining and does forgive his mannerisms (even if it takes awhile).

yoon jung han:

problem child number two. less obvious trouble than the above, but certainly no less obnoxious on the show; mudae isn't sure which is worse, the blatant, vengeful betrayer, or the guy who actually knows how to strategically betray people. more often than not, mudae is found building his strategies against junghan because well.. who wouldn't try to get rid of one of the ace's? mudae finds that it's harder to actually deal with junghan, since he's quite scandalous and doesn't seem to give half a damn about it. they aren't that close because mudae's nature doesn't work well with junghan, but they aren't very awkward either, afterall they had to live with each other before. usually mudae will try his best to keep junghan in line and prevent him from saying or doing something stupid that would otherwise wreck the group's image or his reputation.

jeon jae hyun:

the baby that mudae probably uses too often. they are actually very friendly and get along well, especially since mudae is well aware of the boy's cravings for curry ramyeon and usually remembers to buy it for him when he's excessively shopping. he will boss jaehyun around a lot, but he does take care of him the most too when it comes to getting him things and babying him because he's the maknae. in the games, mudae will often help jaehyun since he too, is more in this for variety than winning (with the exception of penalty games that make him possibly have to get dirty). they are usually going after screentime, and since jaehyun is so easily eliminated mudae will often help him out. mudae is good with dealing with his whining and his diva-ness, since he also has a similar way of thinking and acting. he does know that jaehyun can be manipulated or bribed easily though, but usually he can account for that in his strategies and he himself is perfect at bribing and stealing the boy's loyalty.


kang soo hyun

the fact that soohyun is very obviously gay actually makes mudae uncomfortable, since he himself is a closet-gay. they would probably actually make a really good team if mudae wasn't so reluctant at times to team up with him. mudae maintains a respectable distance from him, and most people probably don't know why since mudae is pretty good at hiding his uality, particuarly since he's kissed a number of very pretty actresses in the past. mudae actually likes soohyun, and they would probably become good friends over time once mudae gets over the awkwardness that is his uality. if they were ever to be paired up, mudae would try his best to act as natural as possible (which would actually work since he's been an actor since his childhood), and he would make use of the fact that both he and soohyun are really good at running from things, and his trusting nature. he thinks soohyun is an admirable character, and speaks well of him despite acting like a fish out of water when they're actually around one another.

choi byung hee:

the boy who can get anything he wants from mudae. even though they're not in the same group, after going on the show together, it's become damn obvious that byunghee can get mudae to buy him just about anything. whether it's because of the shameless compliments or the heart-melting aegyo, mudae has practically adopted byunghee. seems like the younger they get the more they have an effect on him. he finds byunghee's strangeness adorable, and will often support the boy's weird antics and odd behavior. In the games, he finds byunghee tolerable since he's usually pretty loyal, but sometimes his prankster nature or his ability to lie does get on mudae's nerves. he finds his quick-wit however, admirable, especially since it's on par with his own. he finds it fun to try and figure out just what's going on inside that little but formidable brain of his, and they can lead great conversations since mudae is willing to and can talk over just about anything. he doesn't have too much trouble keeping up with byunghee's odd antics, but it does get tiring after a while to him. even so, they are quite friendly even if they hadn't known each other for very long.

jeon ji soo:

they also get along really well, particularly since mudae likes that he is a loyal person. he finds that jisoo is very amiable because of his way of being so accepting that he at the show. he also thinks he's quite funny, and will often join in on helping him make other people laugh. he does find the kid's attachment to the main vocalist a little weird, but then again, he did smack the guy in the face during their debut (which mudae finds hilarious by the way). he thinks he's really cute, and likes to help him out as well, being the fatherly type he is. they get along just fine, and they possibly have the most normal relationship two boys on a tv show together could have. they are friendly with one another, and don't often scuffle.

kwon hyun soo:

mudae actually finds him really funny. He doesn't really know why, but the way he comes off as unapproachable to others and distant only to be revealed as a y teenage girl later makes mudae laugh. unfortunately though, mudae hates that he has no style or concern for his image. he thinks that hyunsoo could do so much better with his clothes, as well as his lack of motivation. mudae will often harrass him and go out of his way to get him to dress up or show some enthusiasm for the show. he will most likely annoy the hell out of hyunsoo and make him dislike him frequently since he's always on top of his behaviour. they bicker often, and mudae nags him like all hell. at heart, mudae has the best of intentions whenever he bothes hyunsoo -- he wants to help his awkward image and make it so that the others won't be making fun of him so often.



other scene requests with love interest/s:
paired bungee jumping? i dunno it just looks like so much fun and mudae would totally freak out and cling to his partner as if his survival depended on his grip around the other's torso. he would be one of the scared hyungs and all the little'uns would have to yell and encourage him to jump, and then he'll finally gather the courage to do it. his partner could definitely help here, and they could share an experience. and then mudae could break his ears screaming like a girl the entire jump.

if mudae does get together with hyunwoo, I would like it if they could have a little scene maybe after the show and off camera, where they share a heart warming moment. it could either be that hyunwoo revisits the set on a day off, or he shows up as a part of the crowd and attacks mudae after he gets off the show, or yells out to him to do something that mudae hates or is terrified to try.


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