♔ princess towers - princess bhasundara ieno


                                          shinjigetintherobot      shinji     10/10    

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Full Name - bhasundara ieno
Nickname(s) - 
dara ; general, everyone calls her this because it's shorter and easier to say than "bhasundara"
upciabrea ieno dia bhasundara ; heralds, her subjects, family. it's her royal title and means "bhasundara of the ieno tribe from the kingdom of upciabrea"
my deer/little fawn ; her father and mother respectively. deer are some of the most popular animals in the kingdom

Birthday - may 19
Kingdom Name - upciabrea
( pronounced: "oop-see-uh-bree-uh") 

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Face Claim - karrueche tran
Back-Up - jhene aiko
Height - 147cm
Weight - 46kg
Appearance - 
as per tradition, dara has her hair dyed three colors: pink, blue, and purple. she often wears it with the pink in a topknot bun atop her head, while she leaves the blues and purples down (shown to the right). she has her ears gauged and has decorative earrings made from the finest cherrywood. she is pretty well endowed, with a larger than average bust and a booty that wars should be fought over. her body is lithe, thin but with muscles.

Colour + Style - 
dara has received permission from the headmaster of the school to wear her traditional garb, unless a lesson specifically requires a ball gown. her clothes are very significant to her and play an important part in her culture.
dara, for the most part, wears her traditional tribal garb. she wears three layered necklaces: the first one is a plain turquoise choker, the second is a chunky decorative necklace with coral, turquoise, and amber, and the third is simple amber beads. she wears a pink sleeveless cropped top and has a sash of beads that go down between her s and connect to her belt, while also wrapping beads around her in three major spots: just below her armpit, just above her s (and curves downwards), and a good 6cm below her brests. her belt is made from a special type of plant found only in the upciabrea kingdom and has three turquoise orbs on it. she dons a short, pleated skirt dyed orange and yellow that is tied with a pink sash. the sash holds the pelt of a powerful mountain lion that dara had to defeat for her coming of age. she also carries a fanny-pack thing, decorated with beads, as weel as a sheath for any weapons she may need (but don't worry girls, she keeps it empty during school). if this was too much for you, think vanille from final fantasy 13. the primary color is pink, with yellow and orange as secondary colors. turquose, coral, and amber are tertiary colors, and a brownish-rose (for the pelt) adds a lovely contrast to all the pink. her colorful beads set her apart as royalty in her kingdom, and her pelt asserts her status as a full-fledged warrior.
for those instaces where she absolutely has to wear a ballgown, she wears things mostly in peach or coral, so they don't clash with her beads. they usually have thick straps on her shoulders and a sweetheart collar, exposing her collarbone.

Tiara - bam
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Traits - 
analytical, leader, strong, cheap, insensitive

Personality - 

dara is always looking at the big picture; her mind runs a mile a minute. she always keeps a leveled head and can solve complex and uncomplicated problems with ease. often times if an argument breaks out, dara plays the peacemaker and comes up with solutions that keep both parties relatively pleased; or at the very least, they won't hate the idea. if there is no imminent trouble, she'll often keep her findings to herself, encouraging the others to occasionally sort things out on their own. she's really good at reading the atmoshpere and knows when to speak up and when to stay quiet. she's highly perceptive and picks up on people's habits and moods, she doesn't believe in irrelevent details or actions; that being said, she sometimes doesn't recognize things based on main description but say something small like "with the mole on their forehead", and she'll know exactly who you're talking about. dara is almost always scanning the enviroment around her, and she even has a slight case of muscle tension because of it. she has a strong need to be independent and she resists trying to be controlled or labled. she needs to remain maintained over herself, but doesn't believe in controlling others.

everything dara does must be in line with her values. she needs to feel that she's living as her true self and following what she believes is right.  dara is very aware and even frightened of losing touch with herself. she's a very warm person, very bright and passionate; her enthusiams can rub off on other people and she can motivate other and talk her way out of almost anything. xiao liang is a generally happy person, but she becomes unhappy when tied down with strict schedules or mundane tasks. she excels in bringing out the best in other people and is generally well-liked. unlike other extroverts, dara occasionally needs time alone to center herself and make sure the direction she's heading in is one that is in sync with her morals. dara is really confident and has no problem what-so-ever doing something weird. she has complete trust in her abilities and isn't afriad to voice her opinions, and she loves being the center of attention. she has no difficulties in making long term ideas; she can tell you the who, what, where, when, why, and how but when comes down to putting it into action she slacks off. dara enjoys leading people and constructing plans and overseeing them be put into action. it seriously rejuvinates her. she has no difficulties convincing and inspiring other people because of her strong opinions and confidence.


dara, in her kingdom, represents female empowerment. dara is smart, she can take things as they go. she knows when to fight and when the battle's already been lost. going back to her upbringing, she knows how to fight, but she also knows how to engage an enemy; fighting is brute strength and power, anyone can fight wheras engaging an opponent takes an entirely different set of strengths. while engaging someone, dara keeps in mind all of her opponent's possible moves, balances them accordingly, and plans counter attacks. she reads the mind of her opponent, like a game of chess, she may loose pawns but she's always gearing for the knockout punch that falls the king. dara is decsisive and objective, she knows everyone's greatest strengths and knows how to use them. she's very blunt and is willing to do what needs to be done and leaves emotions out of things. while it may seem harsh, she truly cares about the people around her, but with her unitarian point of view she believes that if she has to sacrifice a few in order to save many, then she does it. saying dara is determined is an understatement. she will not back down from anything, even if it is irrational. she will stay true to those she cares about and will do anything to protect them.


dara can be really inflexible and needs to win all arguments and debates. and she does her very best to promote her vision and ideas. she has been blessed with the ability to gather great knowledge and make stellar decisions, but she has a habit of looking down on those who are less competent or unwilling to argue their points. dara may come across as cold and ruthless because of her extreme hatred of laziness and irrationality and she often ignores personal circumstances and dismiss sensitivities and emotions as irrelevent. dara has a pretty hard time dealing with emotions, not just of others, but her own. she doesn't really know how to express herself . she may occasionally hurt her friends' feelings in emotionally charged situations. because dara is such a quick thinker, she often gets impatient when dealing with people who need more time making a decision. dara sees little value in ideas that are based around emotional arguements or are about issues that she doesn't consider important. she will not hesitate to that very clear to everyone around her. she often takes the initiative when it comes to relationships, but if she feels like a it is heading towards a dead end, she'll end it point blank. she only seeks two things: inspiration and personal growth. it's not always easy to be her friend because she will argue until you give in or until she passes out from lack of breath, but that's why she immensly appreciates friends who can stand their ground against her.

she also argues the price of everything because where she's from, money is virtually unheard of and everything is so expensive. if you give her money and tell her to pick up "an arizona tea and one reese cup" she will come back with a gallon of tea, two king sized packs of reese, and the money you gave her. no one knows how she does it (probably by threatening people), but dara can always get a great deal, no matter where she is. dara
's cheap as hell and refuses to pay more than what she feels she deserves. you're paying sixty bucks for a pair of pants? nah son, let dara handle this. she'll come back with a whole new wardrobe for you. she gets really upset when people spend money frivilously on stupid things like beauty products and name brand clothes and 18-ply toilet paper.


Likes -

+puzzles ; a great way to refine the mind

+learning about other kingdoms ; it can help form strong bonds

+flowers ; they're so pretty and cute okay

+bunnies ; she loves all animals but has a soft spot for buns

+pink ; its her favorite color

+upciabrean celebrations ; ain't no party like an upciabrean party cuz an upciabrean party don't stop

+libraries ; especially if they have tactic books and historical information

Dislikes -

+male ego ; they're so fragile

+patriarchy ; men are useless all they do is drink energy drinks and talk about slam dunks
+pants ; they constrict her
+natural hair colors ; woah friend where is your color??
+lazy people ; don’t waste the day away friend!


Hobbies + Habits -

+says things like "i could get this for a hug in my kingdom, you crook!" whenever she goes out shopping

+loves playing chess and sudoku and solving puzzles

+asking princes and princesses about their kingdoms

+loves coming up with battle strategies

+pets her animal pelt when she's nervous

+she hones her fighting skills in her freetime
+loves doing hair
+calls everyone “my treasure” and everything she said is enunciated and outdated. she honestly sounds like a shakespeare play.
+never uses conjectures when she speaks (“it’s” becomes “it is” “can’t” is “cannot”)


Fears -
+wildfires ; they can tear through her home in a heartbeat
+having her english made fun of ; do not do that friend she is trying
+birds ; they are evil and she cannot trust them


Trivia -

+it's not fun to watch war films or fights with her because she picks out every little thing that they done wrong, and how they can improve their tactics

+pretty boys make her nervous
+she loves doing people’s hair and uses it as a way to get closer to them.  other princesses love asking dara to braid flowers in their hair or massage their scalp or deep condition their hair
+has a stunning smile
+speaks fluent upciabrean but, to her embarrassment, her english is not that great which is why she enunciates everything so people can understand her. she actually has a bit of an accent while speaking english.
+there’s an upciabrean word “kei-hu” which is a common term of endearment used between friends. in english it literally means “my treasure”
+it’s an upciabrean custom for close friends to strip in front of each other, regardless of if they’re the same or opposite genders, as a sign of intimacy. so please girls, do not be afraid if dara insists on taking off her clothes she just thinks you’re her treasures
+she gets a bit too enthusiastic about making friends


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Kingdom - 
upciabrea ;
the kingdom where life flourishes

"live long and prosper" general life
a matriartical kingdom hidden behind the tallest mountain and making it's home in an expansive flowery meadow. the upciabrean diet is strictly vegan because of the wildlife they share their home with. the animals in the area provide the kingdom with protection, clothing, and companionship and in return the humans protect them from wild fires, poachers, and dangerous animals like mountain lions. upciabrea is a farming kingdom, and often plant their own crops. their main imports and exports are seeds, jewelry, paint, and weapons. they make weapons from ores found in the mountains, and women are considered the more stronger (proven through childbirth) and are often the warriors and do the most physical labor. surviving birth in upciabrea deems women as "veterans". men are often in charge of the home and watching over the children, and are often much more decorated than the women in makeup, hair, and jewelry. there is no use for money in upciabrea, as everything is done through trading. everything can be traded except for people, be it beads, time, service, animals, food, friendship, anything. there is no poverty in upciabrea and everyone can grow their own food, own land, and animals. there are no closed doors in upciabrea, even in the castle, and everyone says hi to everyone.

"long hair don't care" hair culture
in upciabrea, it is custom for everyone to dye their hair the color of the flowers they live with (basically any unnatural color like pink, blue, green, bright yellow). it also signifies their relationship with animals, and shows that they pose no harm to them. the dye (as well as paint in general) is made from the flowers themselves in a ritual called "pha-dena" children only have the tips of their hair dyed when they are 5, as completely dyed hair is a sign of adulthood (which is when they turn 16).  on the final day of every month, the entire kingdom gathers and the royal family dyes the hair of everyone who turned 16 during that month; this is called "pha-phan". most people only have their hair dyed one color, however the royal family's hair can have as many colors as they want. hair is a very special part of the upciabrean culture, and everyone is encouraged to grow their hair out. hair is often done with family members, with parents or grandparents washing and styling the children's hair. touching someone's hair, when they're not a fmily member and if you don't have permission, is extremely rude.

"did they send me daughters when i asked for sons?" training and beads
training, for girls interested in becoming warriors, starts at age 10. they learn different types of fighting styles, and learn how to handle weapons. they are expected to graduate from training at the age of 16, and then are granted one final task, usually to slay a mountain lion and make a pelt from it's hide. and after that, warriors wear the pelt in a cape like fashion around their hips. they also gain warrior beads called "ach'phu". ach'phu comes in a variety of colors and designs, although members of the royal family have to have amber, turquoise, and coral beads as those are upciabrea's national colors. everyone in upciabrea wears beads, although in different styles. warrior beads are often practical and worn on the wrists. chunky and unique jewelry is very much in fashion right now, and are worn by men and women across the land (1 2 3 4). the royal family, however wears the most beads, as demonstrated in dara's traditional garb.

"boys boys boys they love me" beauty standards
flower boys, literally "aelaedola", are very popular in upciabrea.  a desirable man is/has more than a few of the following traits: slim-figured, feminine features, well-groomed, usually smooth skin, beautiful, gorgeous hair, beyond charming, wears makeup, fashionably dressed, high maintenance, floral scented, delicate features, well mannered and quiet. it is often the girls who pursue the guys, often prying for the attention of the prettiest ones with gifts and showing their strength. women are expected to be able warriors, who will readily protect their families. there really are no set desirable standards for girls, because all in all, it's up to the male to choose whoever he fancies. some like cutesy girls like themselves, some like aggresive girls, some like tall girls, some like short girls, some like funny girls, some like mature girls. girls just need to be strong. as for the queen, she must be poised and charming in her own way, must be a skilled tactician in case of war or major battles and must be rather knowledgable about things other than battles. she must have connections with other kingdoms and must be fair and just.

"the structure of a kingdom" politics
upciabrea is a monarchy, so you must be born into royalty. the queen is the most powerful person in the land, and is in charge of contact with outside kingdoms and locals provinces. however, the queen can be impeached, then the throne shall go to her eldest daughter. the kingdom has never yet been in the hands of a male, and sons are often married off and become kings of different kingdoms. princesses are able to take over the kingdom at the age of 19. if the eldest daughter is not of age when the queen is impeached/dies, she will become a figure head until she is of age, and until then the chief advisor, the "zha-aep", rules in the princess's place. the royal family has no guards. princesses often always attend princess towers after their training is completed to teach girls how to be a true and just ruler. many former upciabrean queens have been former alumni of princess towers.

"robes of gold" clothing
pants and ballgowns are very unpopular in upciabrea, as they can restrict movement and make it very uncomfortable to move around. they can also be a hindrance when it comes to battle. the upciabreans rely on speed and strength during battle, so the heavy fabric of pants or the cage hoop of ballgowns would be a warrior's downfall. as a matter of fact, pants and ballgowns have been the cause of death of many great warriors, even a queen in year 1205. everyone in upciabrea wears skirts or shorts, they must be at least mid-thigh, but also must cover ones private areas. if one is more conservative, they can wear draping robes to cover themselves. ropes come in different levels of thickness and warmth, silk being reserved for warmer seasons, and wool is for colder seasons. upciabrean footwear consist of booties with a slight heel. most upciabreans dislike outside formal events because of the requirement of ball gowns. beads play a significant part of upciabrean culture, and in the outside world, sets them apart from other kingdoms. stripping an upciabrean of their beads is like stripping them of their cultural identity, and most warriors have a sort of anxiety about ball gowns and formal wear as they emulate the feeling of being "trapped" and helplessness.

Background - 
dara’s early years were rather uneventful. she would mostly spend time with her father, as her mother would be busy. her father would read her complex war strategies in their huge study, and dara soaked all the information up like a sponge. as she got older, they would play chess and dara would lose every time. she started training at the same time as other girls and as dara watched all the other little girls with the ends of their hair dyed trek up a hill to attend classes, she had to stay behind and be trained by her mother. dara was rather lonely, not being able to be with the other girls. whenever she cry to her father and say that it was unfair, he would dry her tears and say, “it may seem unfair, but you need to learn much more than just fighting skills. and those things, only your mother can teach you,”.

and he was right. soon, the lessons became more than simply fighting. she was learning different languages and she was being taken to meetings and dara hated it. she just wanted to play with the other girls, make friends, do each other’s hair, trade beads, but noo she had all this “princess responsibility”. dara began shirking her work, and she turned 16 and had to face the final trial before becoming a true warrior. in an attempt to cheer her up, mama ngodup let the other graduating girls accompany dara. the princess didn’t really know what to do with the strange girls she longed to be friends with since she was young, every time they would mention some latest trend involving berries or whatever, dara would look at them confused. “man bhasundara, you sure are lame!”
“you can’t say that about the princess!!”

eventually, they found the mountain lion--or rather, it found them. after walking around for a while, the girls stopped in their tracks, “aaah i’m so hungry!!” “i’m really thirsty!” “my feet hurt!” “i’m sleepy!” dara took this opportunity as a chance to be not lame.
“i-i shall go find us some food, alright?”
“aww bhasundara, you don’t have to do that!”
“nonsense! i wish to, because you are my kei-hu!”
“yeah, kei-hu! definitely bhasundara!”

and dara went off in search of food. she searched for about twenty minutes before deciding to give up with crushed hopes of being not lame. dara approached the resting spot when she heard a shrill scream. she saw the girls huddled in a corner, a hungry-looking mountain lion stalking towards them. the girls were sobbing amongst themselves, “kill it malee!”
“wh-what do you mean kill it? i can’t do that pop-pop!”
“well i sure can’t do it, i never paid attention in class!”
“goddamn it ty lee!”
and boy dara was almost too giddy as she reached for her weapon. “halt you ravenous beast! i shall not let you torment these powerful warriors. i shall have your head in a heartbeat!”
“bhasundara!” the all cried.

it was an intense battle. by the time it was over, dara had many injuries, “you should take a gander at the other fellow” she likes to say. the other girls swarmed her with hugs and concern. “bhasundara, we should patch you up!” “do you want me to skin it for you, bhasundara?” “bhasundara, you saved our lives!”
“a-am i still lame?”
the girls looked a bit shocked to hear those words, “no! no not at all! you’re super cool dara!”
“yeah, that was a kill even queen ngodup would’ve been proud of!”
“we’re really glad someone like you is gonna be the next queen dara! we’ll spread this tale to bards all across the land!”
“i-i am overjoyed. thank you, kei-hu,”

dara and the girls left the place, dara carrying a giant pelt and three new friends in her heart. when they arrived back in town, mama ngodup and papa tenzin were worried about dara’s wounds, but when the other three girls told them of dara’s bravery, their fear subsided a bit. they sent her to be treated professionally by the village medics, and pop-pop, malee, and ty lee visited her every day. the trio became close friends, so close that when it was time to dye dara’s hair, queen ngodup allowed them to do it. they each chose their favorite color pink for ty lee, purple for malee, and blue for pop-pop.

then came the day dara was told by her mother she’d have to go to the princess towers. dara was really upset, she had just made friends, and now she had to abandon them? mama ngodup told her “i am sorry my fawn, but there are things there that i cannot teach you. i went there, your grandma went there,”. when it came time to actually go, all four girls were crying and hugging and wouldn’t let go of one another.
“kei-hu! i shall yearn to see you yet again dearly!”
“you can make friends dara, but make sure you don’t like them more than us!”
“write us about any cute boys you see there!”


Family + Friends - 
mother ; upciabrea lo-ac ieno dia ngodup "queen ngodup of the ieno tribe from the kingdom of upciabrea" ; 49 ; her mother trained her singlehandedly, and showed dara how to weild a sword, bow, mace, lance, and gun.

father ; upciabrea ak-yg ieno dia tenzin "king tenzin of the ieno tribe from the kingdom of upciabrea" ; 44 ; he watched over dara when her mother was away. he gave her the thinking skills needed to be a great upciabrean queen. 
he is known as the best chess player in upciabrea, and not even his wife has beaten him at it.

best friend ; upciabrea dhargey dia malee “malee of the dhargey tribe from the kingdom of upciabrea” ; 17 ; malee’s the responsible one, checking over the other girls. malee makes sure dara is studying enough, but not overworking herself, and dara can come to malee with anything.

best friend ; upciabrea thokmay dia pop-pop “pop-pop of the thokmay tribe from the kingdom of upciabrea” ; 17 ; pop-pop seems to know the entire kingdom’s gossip and often shares it with the other girls. she likes to pig out a lot and dara often has to make sure she isn’t over-stuffing herself.


best friend ; upciabrea wangchuk dia ty lee “ty lee of the wangchuk tribe from the kingdom of upciabrea” ; 17 ; ty lee is rather airheaded and always seems to be talking about weird things. these two are rather intimate, with snuggling and bad jokes.


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Love Interest -
 "ren" choi minki

Birthday - november 3
Personality - 
there is a fine line between sassy and being an and ren crosses that line nearly every day. despite his pretty face, ren is brutal as hell. with a dangerously sharp tongue hiding within those pretty petal lips that always seem to be pressed together in a tight, unamused line, he will not hesitate to give you a 20 minute lecture on why you're awful with cited sources. he will not hesitate to say you look like a nasty shaved cat, or that you're more disgusting than macklemore and that you need to stay at least 100 feet away from him. he knows he's being rude, he acknowldeges it, but he'd never apologize for it, if anything it was your fault for giving him material to talk about because ren is never unjustified. ren, in his opinion, feels like he shouldn't be called "the devil's lover" but rather "abe lincoln's son" because this boy is the most honest thing on the planet. in fact, his honesty would be a bit cute if he wasn't so... himself. many men who were lured in by his beauty will quickly do a heel-face-turn as soon as he opens his mouth with his "tell it like it is" personality.

every compliment that ren gives seems to not really be a compliment, but rather a watered down insult like, "wow this isn't the worst thing i've ever tasted" or "you sound much less like a drowning rat than i thought you would!" arguably, it might just be him trying to save face as he makes you soup and kisses your forehead and tucks you into bed. it's honestly a surprise to everyone just how nurturing ren is. family, and begrudgingly dara, comes first and ren's mind seems to be programmed with their best interest first. with a "badass" image to keep up, dara tries to keep his kind deeds on the down-low. if someone's sad he'll make their favorite meal and "leave it" out in the open where they can find it (although everyone knows its dara who's doing it). dara, in his opinion, cares way to much about other people. he's always running himself into the ground making sure everyone else is taken care of. nothing else--not even his own fears, inhibitions, or life--aren't as important as making sure that person is safe. dara can be very bossy, always telling people that they should do something a specific way and taking control nearly all the time. he can make people feel terrible because he rarely praises people but criticizes nearly all the time. he can make people three times his size cry and tremble in fear because he is not someone you want to mess with. dara is super tough okay??

he puts on an apathetic front, no he doesn't really care, why should he? yeah you could totally go jump off a cliff right now and he wouldn't even bat an eye. what? y-you actually did it? p-pabo why would you do something like that? h-he's not worried as you because he cares, he's worried because you could be really hurt! sh-shut up it isn't the same thing! ren is possibly the least direct person when it comes to his feelings. feelings are for the weak and he doesn't have any. ren claims to be lacking a heart and while most people believe him, those who are close to him know how soft ren can be. he watches over everyone in his own little way, often operating behind the scenes. if someone's sad, he'll make them some dumplings and leave them in the open where they can find them. ren mostly expresses things through body languages and his eyes, so one has to be paying attention or else you'll miss the hidden meaning behind ren's words.

Kingdom - 
aelilath ;
the kingdom where love is eternal
aelilath is a kingdom resting on sandy shores. the kingdom is know for the pink sea it watches over. it is known as a tourist town, so it's economy relies heavily on people taking vacations or getting married. many people choose to get married in aelilath because legend has it that "those who get married in aelilath stay in love for eternity,". they are very much a neutral kingdom and refuse to take part in any war
. there is a fine line of poverty in aelilath, with the royal family owning most of the kingdom’s wealth. it is neither a patriarchy nor a matriarchy, and instead believes that men and women should be united in government.

Background - 
ren’s life was very peaceful, because he was royalty. he’s always been a bit on the feminine side, having a love for makeup and fashion and hair. ren would always try and play with girl toys and wear girl clothes, and his father would scold him and tell him to man up, that he had to run a kingdom one day and he couldn’t if he wanted to wear a dress and be someone else’s wife. so in an attempt to toughen up for his dad, ren became a total boss- .

Relationship - 
every time ren's around, dara wants to curl up into a ball and dissolve into the floor because look at that perfect goddamned face. she can never seem to look him in his gorgeous eyes because whenever ren's around, that speck of dirt on the floor is so much more interesting. anything witty and even slightly intelligent that she had in her mind immediately flees. but she also has the sudden urge to kiss those hideously perfect lips because she wants to be the one on his mind. but she also wants ren to notice when she's done something a little different like when her lion pelt is extra soft or is sporting a new hairstyle or that her face is especially radiant because of some yogurt masks. sometimes before she goes to sleep, she wonders what it'd feel like to have ren give her a goodnight kiss. she then proceeds to roll about in her bed while turning more red than a tomato because serious, how lame is that? 

crushes are complicated things to deal with, for hormonal teenaged boys as well as girls. ren like needs to be the center of dara's attention, always directing conversations when she's around because he really wants to talk about cool things with her (even if he denies it). when he's with the other princes, he sometimes wishes dara was there instead because wow boys are irritating. dara often makes an effort to impress ren, offering to spend time with him when she can. she often sends him pretty flowers that remind her of him and. his pretty heart flutters whenever she does so, even if it sounds dumb. sometimes during more intimate and one on one interactions between them, ren will stumble over his words and his mind will go blank because he got distracted by that really really cute face. no matter how hard he tries, he always ends up taking glances at her. ren wants to cuddle dara in his arms forever, and doesn't really like the fact that she's a warrior; ren wants to be the one to watch out for her, because he is manlier than anyone else will ever be and he wants to assert his dominance. he'll occasionally place a hand on her shoulder, or while they're studying they'll lean in really close and their thighs will touch.

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Love Rival / Rival -
 woo jiho "zico" ; rival

Birthday - september 14
Relationship - 
if the two are in the same room, the two will hurl insults at each other, reminding the other of what happened during the war. the insults will escalate to hitting and the hitting will evolve into attacking on another with weapons (which may or may not be whatever they find lying around). dara once threw a dining table at jiho.

Reason for Rivalry - 
upciabrea and alwa have been at ends since the most recent great war, 30 years ago. the two kingdoms were fighting side by side against a powerful outside kingdom who wished to take over upciabrea and the surrounding land (including alwa), and everyone from both kingdoms were participating, even a 19 year old princess ngodup. alwa had suffered the most casualities, as the enemy had stormed their kingdom first and left it devastated.  queen gyaltsan of upciabrea, dara's grandmother, king chan of alwa were planning their final attack, the attack that would surely end the war. gyaltsan looked over to chan and smirked, "i appreciate your man power and resources. when this is over, we should hold a ball,".
he smiled back at her and said, "i must apologize my dear, but i believe you will be rather busy after this," and he slayed her. his sword pierced her heart and she fell to the ground in a pool of blood.
turns out the alwaieans made a deal with the invading kingdom, they would cause the downfall of queen gyaltsan in exchange for their kingdom's saftey. after that, they set a fire and let the life that onced flourished in upciabrea wither away. ngodup, after her mother's death, was crowned queen right as the kingdom burned. enraged, she fled to alwa to find king chan. he was in his castle, talking over plans to rebuild the city with his loyal servants. she decapitated him and brought his head back to upciabrea.

Kingdom - 
the kingdom where anarchism was born
alwa was given a rough hand in terms of location, but the alwaiens turned the kingdom into a wonderful, prosperous place. they were located inside a mountainous cave in the mountains hiding upciabrea, however they expanded so much that they had to use the outside of the mountain in order to fit their buildings. their main exports are weapons and ores, and their main import is food. the kingdom is a somewhat-structed anarchism with general law to prevent homocide and genocide, established in 1764 after falling to the clutches of a corrput king. they only still have a ruler to oversee battle plans, oversee trade, and to punish those who break the law. alwaieans are ruthless and strong, they are loud and in-your-face. life in alwa is tougher than the cave it makes its home.

Personality - 

jiho thinks he's the best in the world, like literally.. his bloated ego often gets him in trouble, trouble that his pride only deepens. he cannot swallow his pride for even just a minute, even to admit that he likes someone. he is able to keep people out of trouble, or protect them from it, but when it comes to himself he’s just a giant . jiho shows his concern in odd ways, such as being pushy. he keeps his inner emotions an enigma hidden deep down in the cockles of his being; what good are emotions anyway? they only interfere and make you weak. jiho is fully aware of the cruelty of the world, and has a rather pessimistic view about it.

Background - 

zico was a troublemaker since day one. he’d always play tricks on the members of his father’s court. as he got older, those pranks turned into rioting and soon just outright rebellion. the prince towers is his last hope of reformation if he ever dreams of being king.

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Plotline - princess warrior (aka princess freedom)
Back-Up - princess perfect
Why -
i actually couldn't choose between the other plotlines bc they're just so good!! i was originally applying for princess perfect but then i was typing out the kingdom info and stuff and i was like omg wait. warrior princess hell yeah.
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Comments / Suggestions - 
both karrueche and jhene are black & asian

Scene Request(s) - 
+a guy (prince or not) smacking dara's . she pulls him close and whispers in his ears "i can live without your disrespect. can you live without these?"
and he's like, "i-i don't want to,"
"then respect me, or i'll rip them off. are we clear?"
+dara and jiho seeing each other on the first day and immediately attacking each other with weapons
+awkward hand holding with dara and ren. like dara's hands get all clammy and ren's hands are shaking but they both refuse to let go.
+dara and jiho being forced to partner up for a joint lesson
+pop-pop, malee, and ty lee sending dara letters and gift baskets like every week

Passoword - tiana
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