Summer For This Writer

For an author, it is very dreadful to experience writer's block. I am currently in that state, mainly because the intense heat here in the Philippines fried both my brain and my body, and I lack inspiration to write. Currently, I'm working on two stories which I temporarily titled "Band", and "College". They differ in terms of the timeline, the characters, and happenings, although they are connected through one character (I noticed it while I was simultaneously writing both). Writing for me is sheer pleasure, but also a temptation. I remember writing around midnight to one in the morning on school days, and I admit that it did pull down my grades because of the endless daydreaming on the fictional occurrence that would happen in my stories. Writer's block isn't a bad thing, since I'm sleeping on time. other than that, I lounge around the house, looking for cold places. 

Thank God our floor's made of marble.    




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lol it's good that I live by the mountain *yummy breeze* lololol xD yeah after the brain frying season, the one that gives you colds season's up next xD Maybe then that nasty writer's block will leave you alone X)