probably a q&a but they called it fill in the blanks - stolen from exo_inifinite27

1. name:  hilary
2. birthday:  december 30
3. favorite color: pearlascent sky blue hAh
4. lucky number: um uh 8 suddenly came to mind but my fave number is 7 what am i saying
5. height: last time i checked 158 cm (this was probably january this year)

1. last dream you remember: i had a first date with someone idk and uh i remember thinking " this is perf for a fanfic bc much awkward"
2. can you juggle: i can multi-task
3. art/sports/both: arts pls (i'm horrible on both fronts but uh photoshopping is art ayt?)
4. do you like writing: totes
5. do you like dancing: i like dancers
6. do you like singing: well yea

1. dream vacation: how do i answer this um idk south korea?
2. dream date: idk tbh um oh somewhere with lots of dogs!!!1!!
3. dream guy/gal/enby: the bae aka onew (prolly jackson too but uh yea)
4. dream wedding: um??? kpop themed hAH or idk
5. dream pet: a very large fluffy dog pls thank
6. dream job: volunteer doctor c:

1. favorite song: replay by the s aka shinee
2. favorite album: pink tape!!!
3. favorite artist: the s aka shinee
4. last song you heard on the radio: uh no i dont listen to the radio
5. least favorite song: naughty boy (screams annoying)
6. least favorite album: uh idk???
7. least favorite artist: um um um i cant think of anyone rn (prolly exo i mean i dont dislike them ((maybe i do)) but uh yeah they're at the bottom of the food chain)

1. guys/girls/enbies: namja
2. hair color: whatever u like bae as long as u dont look like the next person i'll kill
3. eye color: whatever red white blah
4. humorous/serious: humorous and can be serious when needed
5. taller/shorter: def taller
6. biggest turn-off: um and swag (((like guys who act like and just plain proves that we need feminism)))
7. biggest turn-on: um one who likes reading books and whose smile can make me faint or whatevs


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