hey guys! sorry for the lack of formatting. so yeah, I've been asked by some if I had any recommendations for fairy tales for their application. so here, I have compiled a list of some not-so-popular fairy tales that most people probably won't apply for. I have just bought the book "snow white. blood red" yesterday and there's a ton of fairy tales in the book, so I'm just going to put them here! now just because you may/can use one of these fairy tales from me doesn't give you a better chance of being pic for my story, i'm just trying to help you guys find a suitable fairy tale story for your character! the first two I have already mentioned in the cheat sheet.

1. The Little Red Riding Hood - kind of leans towards the ouat version of the fairy tale with a little mix of exo's wolf in it. little red falls in love with the wolf!!! obviously, it's better if your love interest was someone from exo rather than infinite, and i don't believe little red has any specific personality traits that would limit her? so she's probably more versatile for most characters except for some.

2. The Snow Queen - or as most know her as, Elsa. and yes, you can also apply for Anna, but i'm not quite sure about the details of this story that I would like, it's really up to you. either she can stay as queen or just not be a queen at all and just a normal person, again, up to you. Elsa would probably need a character who IS an ice queen and Anna would be a more bubbly and childish character.

3. Like a Red, Red Rose - not a known fairy tale, ive read it in my book snow white, blood red and it's pretty awesome and could be used in this story! i'll try to summarize the story as best as I can for you guys. basically, there's this forest in the land that everyone thinks is haunted. a girl, named blanche, lives with her mom, who most people think is a witch, and their little cottage is located in this forest. her mother does have powers (but it never really explains whether or not it's dark magic) and she has this beautiful garden outside of their house. every morning, the mother asks blanche to pick out a rose from the magical rose bush and bring it to her. for most of her life, the roses have been a pure white color, until she meets a man, named Allain, whom she falls in love with. the roses then start to slowly turn pink, and the next morning, when her mother sees this, she forces her and blanche to move away and never come back to the cottage. well, on their journey away, her mother dies from old age, and allain comes to the rescue. he assures here that his family will accept her so they can get married, but when they get to his house, obviously, it's the total opposite. they accuse her of being a witch and so they decide to run away together. the end i'll leave out since it has to be fixed for the story. if you're interested in this fairy tale, your character must be very beautiful, mature, and elegant. also, where you're supposed to put a link for your story, just put the title and I'll know what you're talking about.

4. Snow White and Rose Red - i really actually like this one as opposed to the real snow white fairy tale. just read the wiki article to understand the fairy tale. i don't think they're actually sisters, so you can apply for either character and you don't necessarily have to be sister's with the other. here's their characteristics: Rose-Red is outspoken and cheerful and loves to play outside. Snow White is quiet and shy and prefers doing housework and reading.

if there isn't any fairy tales here that interest you, check out this materlist of all the fairy tales in the world! if you need any help with anything, please don't be afraid to ask! I am happy to help you with anything you need in your application, such as editing your fairy tale story or helping you find one or helping you with your character!


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Am having some ideas for little red riding hood. Thanks for this list! :D
ohhh i really like the rose red and snow white one toooooo
are we allowed to hand in more than two applications?