(Don't read if you're not Kris)

I'm still a crying mess right now. orz


I tried to read fics to lighten up my mood... and it happened anyway. But in just a moment I guess.


I'm still crying because of Kris, Kris and Kris... I almost think of why him? ... Maybe... Ok cut it.



I really am weak when it comes to this kind of situation.


I really do hate partings the most.


And I really hate that I feel this at this day, so I've waited dusk.


But of f course, you're (exo) more in pain than I am.



You shouldn't leave Kris. T__T But you did.


I already accepted this whole thing before the official announcement, but it still hurts.


That's what you want, and I respect that. I believe in you.



I just wonder what's the real reason behind this.


I want to talk to you Kris if it is possible just to settle andtranquil myself down. I really couldn't take it. I bet I'll always cry whenever I think of that you're not with EXO anymore.


I wonder what are you doing right now (maybe you're sleeping at this hour). I wonder what you're thinking. And I wonder what you gonna do the next days.



I want to hear you speak in English, Korean, Mandarin and Cantonese.


I want to see your new drawings to come as he brags about how great an artist he is.


I want to seeyou skinshipping with Yeol or Chen, most esp with Tao.


I want to see your daebak airport fashions.


I want to hear you rap and sing, and see you dance on stage.


I want you to be on every EXO MVs, performances or concerts.


I want to hear you saying his thoughts about how pretty the GALAXY, the SILVER OCEAN is.


I want to witness your coldness.


I want you to say more sappy lines that'll ruin his cold-guy image. 'Cause you're actually a dork.



And most of all, I want to see you performing live with the whole EXO here next year.


I don't wanna go to exo concert if they lack one member.~



I actually managed to see EXO-K last year at 'KPOP Rep' and I felt so happy but somehow there's lacking because I really want to see them all, as in all twelve of them. That day, I promised I will meet them sooner or later. Since Wufan said that they'll be coming back here as OT12 (at DKFC). I held onto that and waited for ages until they'd announced that they're coming back here next year, but not 12 because Kris had left. I still don't know if I can go, I want to, but there's a part of me that is holding back.


I know if you-Kris would really read this, you'll probably tell me to go and support your brothers. And I'd probably ask you to go to. ;'(


If only I knew that DKFC was my last chance too see you, I'd probably do anything just to attend that, but then.~



You know what? I was waiting for you to say "Leaving is not my style."... oh well, I still love you though, and I will always do.


You'll be forever a part of EXO, and you can't change that.



PS. I am hoping that GALAXY will be our official fandom. It'll be cool as it was named by our Leader. ♥


PPS. always take good care of yourseld, arachi? :))) Wo ai ni~


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