╫ Dangerous Desires : Bak Yeongki



shirouen / kae / 8

"i'll be your best
delicate peacemaker"
BIRTH NAME: Kiong Shanyuan
+ Ki (pronounced Key) | It comes from his Korean name. He prefers being called this to anything else. 
+ Kiki | He hates being called this. This is an easy way to make him dislike you, unless you're his beloved auntie. She uses this constantly, and his twin brothers make fun of him for it.
+ Kid | His oldest brother calls him this since he's the youngest.
+ Trash | His other twin brothers call him this. Explained in history.
+ Bak Yeongki | Legal Korean Name. This is the name he uses most frequently, but his birth certificate uses his Chinese name.
+ Cristoforo Abbatelli | Legal Italian Name. He uses this when he is participating in the Italian side of his father's mafia plans.
AGE: 24
BIRTH DATE: December 29th, 1989
ETHNICITY: 1/2 Chinese, 1/4 Korean, 1/4 Italian
BIRTHPLACE: Venice, Italy
HOMETOWN: Busan, South Korea
+ Korean | Fluent (Native) | He grew up for the most part in Busan, so naturally he learned Korean in school and from his peers.
+ Chinese (Cantonese) | Fluent | His auntie was from Hong Kong, and he'd spend every summer since he was eight wither her. She taught him her native tongue so that he'd be able to get around easier.
+ Chinese (Mandarin) | Partial Fluency | He recognizes a lot of words since he's gone to China so many times, but he doesn't actually understand full sentences, and can't speak too well. He can pick up the gist of what's going on though. Since all dialects of Chinese share the same writing system, he has no trouble reading or writing due to his fluency in Cantonese.
+ Italian | Fluent | He has a terribly thick Korean accent when speaking. He went to University in Venice, and his father did a lot of business with the Italian mafia, so he had to pick up the language as a kid.
HEIGHT + WEIGHT: 176cm + 125lb
He has the phrase "A carne di lupo, zanne di cane." tattooed across his collarbone. It's an Italian proverb meaning "You must meet roughness with roughness." His brothers and father made him get it before he hit puberty because of his fragile personality and body. He also rarely smiles, and when he's asked to or tries to force it, it's extremely crooked and awkward looking. He can smile naturally, it just doesn't come easily. Strangely enough, Ki likes to mess with his hair, whether it's styling or dyeing it a multitude of colours. He's also used to wearing eyeliner and blue contacts, since eldest brother put it on him to make him look "tougher" as a kid when he cried to him when his twin brothers made fun of him.
Casually, Ki has a bit of an odd style. His auntie liked buying him clothes randomly so his closet is full of mismatched clothing that he has to do this best to put together. He does a pretty good job, but some of the styles his auntie likes is.. questionable. It makes him come off like a delinquent, or a punk, while sometimes he dresses very nicely or sporty and in all honesty it's quite confusing what his main style is sometimes. It usually matches his mood though. If he's down, or it's just not a nice day out, he'll wear more monochrome, while if he's happy or bubbly, he'll wear brighter colours that pop. Formally, it's mostly the same. He likes a little pop of colour, but only if he's in the mood. Otherwise he sticks to more traditional suits, jackets and dress pants with nice shoes. To sleep, he usually just throws on a tank top and pants, and calls it a night. Nothing fancy necessary. He doesn't dress to impress.

+ Casual Examples | 1 2 3 4 5
+ Formal Examples | 1 2 3 4 5
"why i'm qualified"
Perhaps it was his fragile body that led to his strange gift, but one of Ki's core traits is his perception. Ki has a way of understanding people that.. well no one else quite understands. His eldest brother calls it "reading you like a children's book." His twin brothers say it's more along the lines of "staring through your soul." In any case, Ki is one of those people who you could meet for a minute, and suddenly they know your entire history and where you got personality from, and even what makes you tick. It's almost creepy to some people, but it's always been that one thing that Ki is any good at that could possibly benefit his family (though his twin brothers make it so that he seems so worthless it doesn't matter). Because of this gift, Ki is very persuasive; he knows exactly what to say and how to say it to get people to get along or change their minds. It's almost to the point where he could be manipulative, but growing up alongside his sweet mother and auntie prevented him from taking that road.

Instead, Ki is kind. He uses his perceptive abilities to create peace, and come to compromises that otherwise may have flown over other people's heads. He understands things very quickly, and very easily, and can come to a decision that will satisfy feuding parties because he thinks outside the box. He's also very thoughtful, and has a lot compassion. He's always considerate of others, and how they feel, and because of his gift, he's usually on target with how they're feeling so he knows how to deal with it. He has a special way of touching people, and while he is easily forgotten because of his quiet nature, he's also that one friend that you realize much later on was helping you silently from behind the scenes. He reaches out to others, and does his best to help them even if he's nervous or shy. In this way he can also be very sweet, and will often do things simply out of wanting to spread cheer or make someone else smile. Unfortunately, this does make him a victim of peer pressure. From his brothers bullying him into doing things at home, to people in school trying to corrupt his pure heart and get him to act more like the mafia son he's supposed to be, he is quite easily influenced or persuaded himself into making bad decisions.

Oddly enough though, Ki is also an exceptionally awkward person. On first impressions, most people are actually put off by how he has a tendency to stare too long, or make frequent eye contact. He doesn't smile often, and he's a relatively quiet person, which makes him seem cold or distant. Even when he's asked why he stares or won't smile, he can't really answer them. He doesn't know exactly why he does it either -- it just happens. If he tries to smile without it coming naturally, it turns out crooked and cringe-worthy. He isn't a person who laughs often, acts really bright and cheerful, and honestly at some points people wonder why people close to him call him friendly until they get to know the fluffy chubby bunny under the weird exoskeleton that is his awkwardness. In fact, he's very innocent, no matter how rough his exterior may seem. It isn't hard to tell when he's happy if you know him well enough, because his eyes speak as much as they see. He may not smile, but his small, innocent mannerisms like touching hands or offering a comforting shoulder are all very sincere. His actions are honest just like he is, though he holds back telling the truth at times if it won't benefit the situation or may hurt someone else.

Another one of Ki's defining characteristics is the fact that he's a coward. He gets frightened really easily, and has a tough time with gathering the courage to try new things. He is very weird about leaving his comfort zone, and since his family bullied him so harshly in his childhood, he has a horrible lack of self-confidence and self-worth. He acknowledges pretty much only his gift of perception, and otherwise will reject that he's good, or even moderately okay at anything else. He is very sensitive, and takes criticism to heart. More often than not he's hurt easily by the things that other people say, particularly since his perception allows him to tell whether or not they're lying. Even if it's just sarcasm, he isn't able to shrug it off very well, and will usually get a little sad if he's reprimanded or scolded in any manner. He also cries very easily, and once he starts, it's very hard for him to stop. He can be classified as a wimp, but at the very least he's the kind you want to coddle rather than throw off a rooftop. His delicate nature makes him very amiable past his otherwise strange first appearance.
Persuasive, compassionate, awkward, kind, sensitive, sincere
+ Floral scents | He's always loved how they smell and what they do to the atmosphere. His favourite scent is geranium.
+ Dance | Despite the fact he only picked it up for N, he still likes this little bit of physical activity that he actually is able to do. The fact that it makes N happy is a huge bonus too.
+ Tea | In any country he was in, this was basically his staple drink. Probably one of the few new things he wouldn't mind trying is new tea flavours from various parts of the world.
+ Silver | He thinks it's a beautiful colour, and prefers silver over gold accessories.
+ Spicy food | Growing up in South Korea, he was one of those people who you would question why their originally clear soup turned red. He has an exceptional spice tolerance.
+ Styling hair | He likes to mess with his hair for some unknown reason. He is proficient enough to style and cut other people's hair, but would never dare out of fear he would mess it up. 
+ Even numbers | He has this weird thing for things in symmetry, so being able to divide numbers in half makes him happy.
+ First impressions |  Since his own is terrible, he doesn't like judging people without getting to know them first. Granted his "getting to know you" lasts about 5 minutes because of his gift, but either way he doesn't trust first impressions, and always goes out of his way to truly understand people before making judgments.
+ Fights, physical or not | Even if he solves them for a living, he still doesn't like them at all. Conflict makes him scared, and nervous, particularly if it's physical or involves gunfire. He's gotten used to it for the most part being in the mafia, but he avoids it at all costs.
+ His nickname Kiki | He always thought it made him seem like a girl, and his brothers to no end because of it. He only doesn't mind it when his auntie is calling him this, since she rarely calls him anything else.
+ Cursing | He can tolerate it, since he's so used to hearing it and in a multitude of languages, but he himself won't curse.
+ Flirting | He can't do it for his life, no matter how he tries, and he believes that if anyone were to flirt with him it's to get into his family. This was a consequence of his first girlfriend dumping him for his brothers. 
+ The sound of bones cracking | It frightens him. Even simply cracking knuckles makes him twitch and jump.
+ Texting | He prefers to hear the person, or see them. He won't reply to a text, but will call the person instead to speak, unless they really can't talk and tell him that specifically in the message.
+ People Watching | Since Ki wasn't the most sociable of people when he was younger, he'd often sit in the background and watch people go about their daily lives. Not exactly eavesdropping, but he liked seeing how people worked. This contributes to how he became so good at fixing relationship problems, as well as making peace, because he's seen how people interact. He often does this in small cafe's or at the park.
+ Dance | He only picked this up because N insisted he try to dance at least once in his life. He . Horribly. To the point where it's just sad to watch and makes anyone but N cringe at his pathetic efforts. In spite of this, N is still trying to teach him how to dance to help him with his physical ineptness. He practices a little on his own, but there's no sign he'll ever improve.
+ Covering his Head | It's a protective instinct, since Zhensheng liked to hit him when they were younger. Whenever he's scared, he'll put his arms over his face and head.
+ Tongue Chewing | He does this whenever. It's just a habit he's always had, ever since he had teeth. It does attribute to why he doesn't talk often though, since he gets tongue tied because he's chewing his tongue when he tries to speak up.
+ Staring/Making Eye Contact | He doesn't realize it himself, but this is a big part of why he's so good at understanding people. He notices the little things people do by staring and observing, as well as making eye contact and reading them through his eyes. He's been doing it for so long as an instinct he isn't aware it contributes so much to his perception.
+ He considers his tattoo session a traumatic experience. He wouldn't stop crying for the longest time after he got it, and tried to hide it as best he could for years. If he could, he'd get it removed, but he's scared to death of the removal process too. And what his brothers might do to him if they saw it was missing.
+ He smokes, but tries his best to do it in private, or only around other smokers. He actually dislikes it, but he picked it up out of peer pressure in high school and it became one of his stress relievers. He is slightly addicted, and will get very twitchy and snap easily if he hasn't had a smoke in a day or two.
+ He is the only one of his brothers who prefers using his legal Korean name, rather than his Chinese birth name, and none of them use their legal Italian names outside of business matters. Ki even used his Korean name for university in Italy.
+ He is openly biual, but prefers guys ever since his incident with his first girlfriend in university.
+ He doesn't like to lie, but will fib if it'll fix a situation in the moment, or calm someone down, and he can tell the truth later. The truth will always come out eventually though, whether or not he intends it to, because of his guilty conscience.
+ Since he's so good at perceiving people, he works especially well with quiet people. In a way, they can have conversations by looking at each other, which confuses people.
+ He has a cup of tea every morning, and always makes extra for his housemates.
+ He believes in the myth that if you fold 1000 paper cranes, you get a wish. Unfortunately he has no skill in paper folding.
+ He is deathly scared of ghosts. Ghost stories will make him cry.
+ He can ride a moped, and technically has a motorbike license, but he doesn't like them because they're loud.
Physical tasks are what plague Ki worst -- anything that has to do with strength, stamina, speed, physical adeptness; you should definitely count on someone else. He can't lift more than 20lbs without a struggle, runs about as fast as a toddler on a tricycle, and can only do that for probably 100 meters before he's already panting and needing a break. Not only that, but his body could probably be snapped in two with a little bit of effort. He has a condition his brothers like to call "glass bones and paper skin."
"some things are better left unknown"
Ki has the misfortune of being born into the worst situation possible for his kind of body type and personality. His father, Kiong Tengfei, owns and rules a very successful underground mafia in Southern China, and is basically the boss of his group. His mother, a 1/2 Korean 1/2 Italian woman named Bak Eunsoon, on the other hand, was basically a tribute from Selcouth to Tengfei's organization, since Tengfei was stepping in on their territory, but was much too powerful at the time to be trifled with normally. Tengfei however, gradually fell in love with her, and took her as his bride. Three impressive sons were sired between them, while Tengfei was expanding his "empire" across seas.

And then Ki came along. The last son to be born to Tengfei's lineage, he was.. the odd one out to say the least. Not only was he premature, but he was much smaller than an average infant, and had nearly killed his mother with all the complications. They both survived (though his twin brothers would say he was better off dead), and returned from Venice to their permanent South Korean base, in Eunsoon's hometown Busan. Since Tengfei was well off, the family had several different homes and bases around the world, so as a child, Ki was a frequent traveler. For the most part, he was raised in South Korea, and officially he was a South Korean citizen, but he also had a lot of exposure to Italy and China because of his father. China especially, because his auntie from his father's side, Kiong Huili, loved him like her own child.

Sometime around when Ki was eight, his mother was caught in a fire set by some misfits with a grudge against his family, and died days later in the hospital. The whole family was devastated; Eunsoon was well beloved by all of them, but none more so than her littlest son. Without her, life for Ki became brutal. His twin brothers had always hated him, to the point where they called him "Trash" as if it were his name. They had always thought he was embarrassing, and couldn't believe such a frail, pathetic boy was their little brother, and since day one they had done their best making his life a living Hell. He was only saved since his mother had been very strict, and disciplined them both whenever they made Ki cry (which in the end had backwards results, since the twin's hatred toward him only grew because of this). His father became much colder when Eunsoon died, and his rage at her death slowly began to turn into disgust for his last son who was basically the failure of the family. Everything that Ki did wrong gave more reason for his father to act disdainful towards him. His eldest brother, never really cared enough for him (or anyone for that matter) to bother much with how the rest of the family was turning against him. Being almost a decade older than him, Jiangyu was usually busy with his own life anyway.

The solace for Ki was the care he got from his auntie. A few weeks after his mother died, she flew out from China for the funeral and couldn't stand the way her beloved nephew was now being treated. She spoke to her younger brother Tengfei, but he mostly ignored her reprimanding comments towards his and his sons' behaviours. At that point, she took it unto herself to properly protect Ki in Eunsoon's place as best as she could. Since then, Ki would spend every summer with his auntie Huili in Hong Kong, since she ran a Hong Kong syndicate and couldn't visit him often. At home in South Korea though, he was mostly raised by a nanny, who didn't do much to stop his twin brothers from harassing him. He went to school as normally as possible for being the son of the head of a criminal organization, but since his family did travel between countries a lot, he had a lot of make-up studies to do. He ended up just a little above-average in rankings by graduation. During this period in time though, he made two close friends, Baekhyun and Tao, who were both part of the mafia, but stuck by his side with friendship rather than with ulterior motives or fear, like most of the other mafia "friends" he had.

Once he graduated high school, Ki went on to go to university in Italy, in Venice, where he was born. He was an international relations student, for the sake of his family, knowing he'd end up probably being a relationship builder in his father's mafia even if he honestly wanted nothing to do with this life, and there he met Bianca. Despite his initial awkwardness, they became study-buddies, and she eventually asked him out. The unfortunate truth was however, she had asked him out because she was interested in his twin brothers, and she dumped him quickly after getting close to Weisheng and Zhensheng. She was the catalyst for him deciding he liked guys better than girls. University did have one good meeting though -- it was where he finally was exposed to a life outside the mafia. His old schools had been mostly children who were part of criminal syndicates. In Venice, he met a pair simply studying abroad, whom would soon become everything and a half to the awkward child.

Jung Taekwoon, or better known as Leo to his friends, shared an immediate connection to Ki. Thanks to Ki's strange adeptness at reading people, Leo never needed to do much talking around him. To someone who disliked communication like that -- it was a glorious new friendship. Over the years, they became the best of friends through their silent way of understanding each other. Leo knows about Ki's involvement in the mafia, and even the horrible history he has with his immediate family. He is the main person that Ki will trust with anything -- including his deepest feelings that are never on display; those for Cha Hakyeon, otherwise known as N.

Once Ki graduated from university, his father decided to transfer him back to Selcouth where his mother was originally from. There had been news that there was turmoil between some of their subunits, and the twin brothers immediately took this chance to basically get Ki out of the house for good. They suggested that since Ki had that "weird power" of making people get along, that he be sent over. More than happy to get his biggest headache out of his hair, his father agreed with the proposal. Ki packed his bags and (gratefully) left to go to Selcouth's territory, and start his new life as basically the peacemaker in all of it's subunits. 
Very funny. If it was honestly his choice, he would've chosen to been born in a family of bakers or something. Ki was the unfortunate mistake of fate, and he's constantly reminded of it by his family. He was sent to Selcouth pretty much to be gotten rid of, since his brothers convinced his father he had no necessary skills to the family back home. In actuality, the transfer couldn't have been better news for Ki. His only regret is that he must remain with Selcouth in their city now, so traveling to Hong Kong to see his auntie is much more difficult to arrange.
Currently Ki resides in the area that Selcouth oversees. From the influence of his family name, he lives quite well, in a cute bungalow that his auntie bought for him, and furnished. Leo and N both live with him in the three-bedroom home, and he's the peacemaker of the house since he keeps N from making Leo want to kill him, and Leo from actually trying to kill N. They have a soundproof dance studio in the basement, for N and Leo's purposes, since N is a dance instructor, and Leo is a vocal trainer. His primary job is maintaining relationships inside Selcouth's subunits, particularly Zenith, but he has a side job as a pet store owner's assistant that goes on legal papers. Usually he spends his spare time hanging out with his housemates, either at home or in the city. He will often take weekend trips to Hong Kong to visit his auntie, who is now bedridden. He worries constantly over her new condition, that is still unidentified, even though she tells him she'll be fine.
Kiong Tengfei (Father) / Yes / Relentless, brutal, cunning, sharp, commanding / Disdainful and disgusted / Alive
Bak Eunsoon (Mother) / Yes / Strict, open-minded, bold, confident, courageous / Warm but short-lived / Deceased
Kiong Jiangyu (Oldest Brother) / Yes / Easy-going, nonchalant, intelligent, lazy, ruthless / Distant but without malice / Alive
Kiong Weisheng (Older Twin Brother) / Yes / Proud, deceitful, ambitious, rude, quiet / The first bane of Ki's existence / Alive
Kiong Zhensheng (Younger Twin Brother) / Yes / Brash, envious, sadistic, spiteful, reckless / The second bane of Ki's existence / Alive
Jung Taekwoon (VIXX, Leo) / No / Man-of-few-words, introverted, shy, irritable, straightforward / Some people (specifically N) think they're telepathic, because all they do is look at each other and it suddenly seems like they have an understanding, or carried a conversation between them. They consider each other best friends.
Byun Baekhyun (EXO-K) / Yes / Cheerful, optimistic, sweet, extroverted, bright / They met because he and Tao were close friends from high school. Baekhyun may seem like he's always on Ki's nerves because he's always trying to get him to be more expressive and smiley in public, but Ki actually sincrerely appreciates Baekhyun's attempt to make him less awkward.
Huang Zitao (EXO-M, Tao) / Yes / Humble, easily embarrassed, wallflower, passionate, diligent / They met up whenever Ki went to China, and grew up together in South Korea once Tao moved there. They respect one another, and will often lend each other a hand whenever it's needed. They also have a silent communication thing going on that confuses Baekhyun a lot.
The Kiong Twins / Yes / Above / He does not consider them family, and does his best to avoid them as much as possible. Whenever they're around each other, Weisheng will usually put him down verbally, while Zhensheng harasses him and takes advantage of his physical ineptness to bully him. / They're his older twin brothers, but Ki has no recollection of them ever being anything but hateful towards him. In fact he wouldn't put it past them to one day try to get him assassinated.
Kiong Huili / Yes / Ki's sole protector after his mother died / Auntie / Kind, caring, protective, clever, sharp-tongue
Bianca Elisabetta Faraldo / No / Ex-Girlfriend / Flirty, crafty, playful, creative, funny

"my personal life"
Cha Hakyeon (VIXX, N) / No
N is the kind of person who.. sometimes you want to hit with a big stick. He's very talkative and quite nosy, and trying to either take care of you or push you to doing things. While it mostly stems from him being a motherly kind of person and cheery in nature, it does get pretty annoying (Leo will attest to this). He likes to be a part of things, and always clued in, so he'll often interrupt or jump into conversations or situations. He is a little brash, as well as oblivious, and very persistent. He's always looking for a way to get those around him to show their best, and almost never gives up.

Despite his odd quirks though, N is a loving person. He is expressive, and tries to always be smiling or happy, and all of this is sincere. He's honest about his feelings, and his heart is laid on his sleeve. He's an open person, willing to listen as much as he likes to jump in, and can be serious when the time comes. He cares for others more than himself, and is always there to offer a shoulder, or comfort. He will always give 200% to those he considers close to him. N is also very playful, and loves teasing people, regardless of their age. He is full of laughter, and has a very bright personality that resonates and almost infects those around him to be equally happy and cheerful. He is also an eternal optimist, and is rarely upset or mad because of this.
Puppy-love, Crushing | You could call it love at first sight, but that kind of cheesy makes people cringe. Even so, Ki has always liked N as more than a friend since the moment they met. While studying abroad in Italy, N and Leo ended up meeting Ki in one of their Italian classes, where the elder helped settle a fit the two were having. Right from there, N was impressed at Ki's strange ability to settle just about any dispute, and was very appreciative of Ki's interference since it kept Leo from trying to break his neck. As the cheery extrovert he was, N immediately looked past Ki's awkward exterior and befriended him. Ki himself, was admiring the way N worked, and could be so expressive and open. He loved the way that N was, and how he understood N to be, and in the end, the trio became the best of friends.

Ki's feelings for N though, were much more than just friendly. The more he got to know and hung around the other, his admirance grew, and somewhere he felt that he belonged. He finds N's personality attractive, and they get along very well since both are very kind, caring people. Both also quickly found out that neither minded the other being touchy feely, so their communication extended to actions. Whenever Ki needs comforting, N is usually the one he cries to, and seeks solace in. Ki finds N's presence warm, and the way N just accepts how Ki is really speaks to the boy. They hug often, touch hands as comfort, and N enjoys being playful and invading Ki's personal space by poking him lightly or scaring him a little with pushes. Ki can be found clinging to N's arm whenever he's frightened too, and his smile comes a lot more often around him. More often than not, N is the one who gets him to do new things, or try new things, and often takes him out of his comfort zone. N draws out the friendly, fun side to Ki, and Ki loves talking to him and being around his brightness. Even if Ki is nervous, N is able to bring out his courage, or instill within Ki some of his own, and Ki has learned to trust him almost unconditionally. N always has his best interests in mind, even if some of his methods of drawing out his best makes him uncomfortable at first.

Unfortunately, because of Ki's gift, he is terrified of opening his deepest feelings for N to him. He's told Leo about this, but his fears still haven't subsided. He feels that N only sees him as one of his best friends, and since he's very good at judging things like this, he can't help but have no confidence that if he tries to pursue their relationship, that nothing will come out of his confession. He remains kind and sweet to the other in spite of his growing fears and feelings though, and N doesn't seem to have caught on to the different kind of longing gaze that Ki gives him.
"some parting words"
I pictured N and Leo growing up together, and mostly Leo sticks around him because of that and N's persistence. They have a very big love-hate friendship, and Ki kinda in to become the balance and ultimately is like the fix and keeps them as friends when they're older. They went to Italy in a study abroad program in their art's college, and ended up in Ki's university. After about a year of being friends, Ki ends up telling N and Leo his identity as the son of a mafia boss. By then, they got along so well that the obstacle was overcome, and they came to accept it as a part of Ki's life. Besides, it was damn obvious Ki hadn't the slightest choice about being a part of it, so they couldn't blame him. They decided to move in together when Ki was transferred, since well, almost free housing and job opportunities.
Whoa this ended up so much more detailed and long than I expected.. I hope you don't mind that Ki is older than almost everyone x ux I thought it'd be cute to have him be older than his love interest and best friend, especially since he's still such a crybaby and helpless. Also, gives him a few more years to perfect his "power" tee hee. I tried to make him a pretty cohesive but interesting person all the same, and kinda unexpected for the peacemaker plotline. Sorry if I played around too much x .x I have a tendency to do that. I really have loved the teasers so far and I'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes~ Please do tell if I messed anything up or if somethings don't match x ux I ended up doing half of this at 5am in the morning because jet lag haha, so I might be a bit loopy. Thank you!
Voodoo Doll, though it might be Eternity by the time you review this haha.



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