That's My Girl || Jung Hana

That's My Girl!

oppaa2728|| Activeness : 9





"Without Anyone Knowing, I Love You"

Name: Jung Hana

Nicknames: Nana, Han-ah

Age: 18

Hometown: Seoul,South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Occupation: She's a trainee under Woolim ent and currently taking her study in Seoul institute of the arts, majoring in dance


"Without Anyone Knowing, I Think Of You"

Personality: Cold faces which makes people thought she was one to keep her distant from everyone else, apparently, it was a big mistake, her face doesn't show her personality at all. Her ice princess face which describe her as a quiet, non-social,and cold person was completely wrong. Seeing her in photos and seeing her in real life, it was just opposite. When you saw her photos ,she would be all mysterious meanwhile in real life she would be all awkward and shy when meeting stranger, if you want to become close with her, you should be the one to initiate the conversation with her, but once you get closer with her, it would be fun. Cause when you get closer and closer to her, you'll see another her, her bubbly and sweet personality would show up, she would talk more and actually full of aegyo which is one of her charm. You'll feel comfortable with her,if you're a man you would like to have him as a girlfriend , if you're a woman you would wanted to be like her or to have a younger sister like her. She's also one person who can't lie, when she wanted to lie she would bite her lips, people around her notice that already which she hated a lot. She's the type to control her anger quite well, since she wreak/release her anger through things like martial arts, boxing,workout,dancing. But just like a ballon which would burst if you fill in too much air, she would become one scary person when she got too much too handle, just imagine her with her colds face and her martial arts skill become one angry person, but thankfully that was very rare to see.
She's also a person who grew up in a strict family, used with a strict training make her become such a hardworker. She hated when people give up quickly and didn't want to give it a try. But that could also be a bad thing for her, she often push herself out of her limits. She would trained like crazy to the extend she would fainted, although that was the thing which make her have a better physical ability but it wasn't that good to trained like that. She become stubborn and didn't want to listen when people told her intensive training like that was bad for her. When she's all alone or only with her family he 4d's side would come out. She would be all alien's like, blurting words that doesn't make sense, she never and always tried to hide this side of her to her friends and other people though. She make sure this personality of her was a family secret as she thought it was embarrasing.

-Black & White : she just love that colours ,you'll only see that colours in her room, one of the things which make her well matched with sehun
-Photography : something she likes a lot, which she gained from her ex
-Martial arts : she just loved to learn self-defense
-Starbucks : she's very addicted to starbuck, she collected the tumblr and she's well know in starbucks shop all around Seoul
- Earphones/Headphones : she's beats maniac, she just love to listen to music and collected beats even the limited edition


- Liars : no one like liars afterall, plus she broke up with his boyfriend because he cheated on her, and that was categorized as liars
- Pickles : she's allergic and she would just throw up when she eats it
- Cats : she and her siblings all have been a victims of cats scratch
- Sasaeng : who doesn't hate them? especially when they interfere her relationship with sehun
- 2 faces people : she really hate it when especially girl being all kind in front of boys than back being a bi***

- She would clap while laughing
- Unintentional aegyo when she want something

- Dancing : contemporer
- Gymnastic 
- Martial arts : her daily routine, her workout
- Photography 


- Recently she's been learning hip-hop
- Having photography as her hobby which she got from her ex
- She really wanted/anticipating to get the coming of age day's gift from her boyfriend 
- She's a talented dancer and gymnastic
- She's now confuse to either become a gymnastic or to focus on her training as an artist


Background: Born and raised not like average family. It's an all athlete family, her father was a mma fighter, her mother was a gymnastic, her older brother was a swimmer and, her younger sister was a skater. She's used living a discipline life , and a strict rule. To keep her ideal weight and propotion, to strengthen her power, work out from early in the morning. Despite all of that ,they're still close with each other and take care of each other. Her family own a karaoke place which lot of artist often come and a coffee shop where hana and her siblings work when they have free time. Thanks to the sucessful of the karaoke place,they lived in a quite luxurious apartment in seoul.


"All Day I Remember You"

Face claim: Baek sumin

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Second Claim: Park seul

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"It's A Love That Only You And I Know In This World"





Name: Oh Sehun

Age: 20

Group: Exo

Personality: Eveyone first impression for him would be cold guy with a straight face but for long time fans to sum up his personality in one sentence, it would be confusing. Cause he's just different and weird. One time he would be all cold and silent which gave people chills and thought that this guy must be a very scary and cold person plus his face support that kind of side of him, but suddenly he would be all talkative, can't shut his mouth, being all lovey dovey and affectionate, for a prove at the fansigning he would be all aegyoish and throwing heart here and there but suddenly didn't want to talk or didin't want to answer fans question, but for hana and exo , they know that sehun was like that because he show his mood. He showed his moods. He didn't hides his feelings at all, when he's pissed or having a bad day he would be silent and give fans a silent treatment than he saw something which make him happy or he saw his moodbooster and he became all bright again. When he have a normal day his face would be a pokerface, when he's happy he would go "yehet" and go crazy.
                  When he's with the one he loved, he showed his affectionate side, he would become a skinship monster, he could be suddenly become all cheesy. Within s and friends ,he love to tease them, and become one bratty mischivieous kid and everyone love him. He would never showed his cheesy side as they would playfully hit him, or said things like "are you really the expressionless maknae?"

"Every Day, I Am Love Sick Over You" 

Nicknames for him: Oh Sehun/ Hun oppa

Nicknames for her: Ms.Oh /Nana

How You met: She's 2eyes jung daeun relatives, and they're quiet close with each other. Daeun is sehun's bestfriend, they've been friends eversince highschool freshman. On 2013 sehun's and daeun's graduation, hana come to congratulate daeun. There she was lost in school and that's when sehun met her for the first time, helping her to find his bestfriend and her relatives, when they finally met daeun, daeun introduce both sehun and hana formally to each other and after sometimes talking, she left both of them alone as she needs to find her family. There as both of them didn't want to have a awkward situation, they just talk and talk, and exchange their numbers. Eversince then, they often contact each other, and get closer day by day.

How he asked you out/proposed: On her birthday, she threw a small birthday party at her house,as that time it was her sweet seventeenth ,lot of people come and sehun come too despite his busy schedule. When she asked her for her birthday present, sehun said he would give him something special ,and asked her for a private place. So they go out to the park and that's when sehun asked her out by saying, "i've always had this feelings for you from the start, will you go out with me?" while giving her one of the couple ring and hana whom also like him since the beggining gladly said yes.

How long have you been together?: Since her birthday which is 7 may, so about 1 year.

How you act around him: She's unexpectedly very shy at first, especially since sehun loves to initiate skinship with her, but recently she adapt well and just becomes herself.

How he acts around you: Eversince day-1 , sehun loves to initiate skinship with her, he thought it was cute to see her blushing and actually become shy. But, since now she strarted to adapt with him, he brings her skinship one level higher.

Pro's and Con's of the relationship: 

- they are well match
- having someone to truly put all their trust on
- to brighten up their bad day
- can rely on each other
- having someone to take care of him

- they didn't have much time to meet each other
- exo's sasaeng 
- afraid SM ent will know
- cant't have a normal relationship since he's an idol
- depressing since few people started to feel suspicious 

"I Love You More Than Myself"

Details of your relationship path: 

- Frustating since exo's sasaeng are everywhere
- Once have a big fight since hana was really frustrated by his fans
- Someone from kpop industry (up to you please) likes sehun and targeting hana
- Hana tease sehun as he's more likely ship with luhan rather than any girl
- Hana get jealous when sehun interact with taeyeon which fans like
- Hana who hides all the bruises from sehun which she got from sasaengs
- They shoot commercial together 
- Fans called them ice couples, as they have that cold look on the first glance
- Both of them take acting class together
- They dance together which have embarrasing/intimate choreo
- Sehun introduced hana to exo's member (kris would still be in the story right T.T)
- Having a normal date untul midnight where they found a photobox on the street and started taking cute,romantic,and derp picture together
- Hana taught sehun and other exo members martial arts
- Both of them being crazy and all 4ds in clothing shop
- They walk with couple outfits from head to toe
- They're playing truth or dare where sehun got all jealous and mad when hana for the first time confess that she've dated once in highschool 
- They're having a some sort of photoshoot together where the photographer is hana's ex



Comments: Yo~ hana here.... so i've applied ,sorry if i make any mistake and i think it's a fun story so fighting with the story



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