Application for Pink-Blue hearts


Application Form
AFF Information
Aff Account: Bada726
Character Information
Birth Name: Han Jaekyung
Korean // English Name : Andrea Han
Nickname(s): Jae
Age: 18
D.O.B: 081493
Blood Type: AB
P.O.B: Okinawa, Japan
She is a very outgoing and optimistic girl, she loves to sleep ALOT, she can sleep everywhere and anytime. She's a very competitive one, and she always wants to be number ONE in everything. She is oftened named as the Ice Queen due to her cold personality, she doesn't want to talk much to strangers. She loves to listen to her friend's love life stories. She always strive for better things to make her parents proud for her. She's a NAGGER when it comes to cleanliness. 
She's not the type of person who will talk to you, if you're not the one who is going to start your conversation. As I told you, She's COLD at everything. She have a verrrryyy high pride. She's short-tempered. A very moody girl. She's the one who will comfort her friends when it comes to their life problems. She's addicted to reading. She always brings a book with her  everytime. When she felt like crying, she'll cry alone, she doesn't want anybody to see her crying, she's not used to relying to anyone. She's very strong and willful. Only Ice cream can light up her mood and can change her usual serious face. Ice cream brings happiness to her and smile to her face. She'll smile the whole day if she's eating the ice cream the whole day. But because she's taking care of her voice, she often eats her most-happy-meal on her life. She knows eveything. And I told ya She's a genius. She can predict and read those people's mind (I dunno why.. ^^) She knows hos to judge a person's personality. She tells everything that she likes to tell truthfully. Even if criticizing a people, she tells it right in front of their faces, their flaws, good sides and etc. She really hates Backstabbers. And believe it or not. She's really a genius. She loves to compose songs, and she can compose songs just like that.
-Sleeping everywhere
-Looking up at NIGHT sky
-Soaking wet at the rain
-Playing Piano and Violin
-Anything that is color BLUE
-SOMEONE who disturbs her when She's SLEEPING
-Color PINK
-Dirty Places or smelly places
-Noisy People and Places
-Someone stealing her food
-Crossing her  legs when standing
- her Lips Everytime
-Hiccuping when Laughing a While
-Eating SPICY FOODS everytime
-Sleeping quickly
-Hard to wake up
-Biting her nails when lying
-Biting her lips when nervous
-Playing Piano and Violin
-Playing Starcraft (She's an addict)
(It became her daily routine habit. :D)
-She's a type AB that's why she's kinda weird.
-Obsessed in anything BLUE
-She fell aspleep easily
-She hates frogs.
-Obsessed with checked shirts. 
-A nagger when it comes to cleanliness
-A Genius, IQ: 200
-She's an OC person (Oc; A disease where a certain person wants everything to be balanced and perfect.. You can Google it:D)
Appearance Information
Name of Ulzzang: Song Ahri
Family Information
Family Member(s):
Parents: Han HyeKyung Mom and Han Jaemoon Dad both 48yrs old, BOTH always at their COMPANY
Siblings: Older brother. --> Jaejin from FT. Island
Background // History // Past :
She grow up without her parents living with her and guiding her in her daily routines. They were always busy taking care of their company; which she grew fond of. They aren't around at times when she needs them, the one only accompanying her is her older brother, when she have awards in school her brother is the one who will accompany her, not until her brother leaved her because he will DEBUT as a part of a 5 group band called 'FT. ISLAND'. Their parents didn't regard his brother anymore as a part of their family because he fought against their will and all the expectations are transferred into her. But being willful as she is, she also fought for her own dreams to come true. She doesn't even care about their family, She's not after their wealth.. All she want is to experience the warmth and the true meaning of a 'FAMILY'.
Relationship Information
Love Interest: Minhyuk, Jonghyun
His Personality: 
He is a very rude to you, but he is very nice to other girls. He likes to tease you all the time on your trainee days you choose to ignore his silliness because you know that if you will fought back you'll be more silly than he is. Then the day come when you the two of you were trapped in a practice room. You can't do anything because no one is there and both of your Cellphones were out of battery *oh fate* He started talking to you about different stuffs because he is so bored and he is definitely afraid in the dark. On the other hand, because you're a sleepy-head and you really want to sleep, you just make your way near him and leaned your head on his shoulder *which made him blush* Then you sleep. Tha stopped him from nagging a lot of things, you told him to sleep too because he is so God-damn noisy and so - he does. That is where all of your moments started.
Bestfriend(s): Key, Amber
Friend(s): Shinee. :D
Rival: NONE
Reason of Rivaly:
Other Information
Song Suggestion? Kara's Lupin
Main Guitarist + Sub-Rapper
Bassist + Sub Vocalist
Any Extra? Comment? Suggestion?
 NONE! Thanks for reading Author-nim. Hope I got picked. :D Saranghae ♥


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RizFall-Chan #1
Congrats for getting choosen!!! And we are very sorry for not updating for such a long, long time (TT_TT)