The Monster In My House


There is a monster in my house. 
She'll sneak on you like a little mouse. 
She wears a mask all day long. 
And she has this poisonous song. 
She makes you fall into her trap. 
And make you think she's everything but crap. 
I despise this monster. 
She makes me feel like jumping out of a roller costar. 
I glare at her every time she appeared. 
She always do thing that I feared. 
However, this monster is like my twin. 
And she just makes my life spin. 
But I can't stop her, you see. 
Because that monster is me. 

Hello~ so this is kinda my first poem XD it's about a teen (aka me) during her rebellious stage in life (aka now for me). I wrote this because I truly felt disgusting when that side of me appeared and yea...just got this idea XD Thank you for reading^^


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Congrats on posting your first poem and welcome to the world of poetry. I get where you're coming from.