

Do you know about Satoru-kun?

Supposedly you can call on him. All you need is a cell phone, a pay phone, and a 10 yen coin. 

First, put the coin into the pay phone and call your cell phone. 

If you connect, speak into the pay phone’s receiver: “Satoru-kun, Satoru-kun. If you’re there, would you please come here?” You can also ask him to reply.

Within 24 hours, Satoru will call your cell phone. If you answer the call, he will tell you where he is. He will call you in the same way several times, and his location will slowly get closer and closer to where you are.

Until the last call…

"I’m right behind you," he’ll say. He will answer any question that you ask him. 

You must be very careful, though. If you turn around to look at him or don’t have a question ready to ask him, you will be spirited away to his world.





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silvermist1116 #1
Too bad pay phones don't exist anymore, but if they did I wonder if it'd work with a dime. I'd totally ask about the future or how to get rich.
that's......actually pretty cool. He tells u answers to the things u wanna know. lol
D.O <----- Eyes wide, just like D.O
That's... That's really creepy O.O