MTDB's Hall of Fame [NEW FEATURE] Check it out!

Hi guys! I've made a new feature for Mental Breakdown Review Request Shop, which is the Hall of Fame.

I don't think I need to explain since the title says it all already, right?  Right?


So yeah. All featured stories, from past to present, will be posted there. I figured I might as well give them some exposure since their stories are that good that they received those grades; plus, I've noticed that they don't acquire that much feedback, so here I am. Just consider it as a free advertisement from me, guys. I know most of you people, who are reading this blogpost right now, are part of those who have been featured in the hall of fame. Congratulations! I hope the best for your stories.


Here's the link to the hall of fame: HALL OF FAME

(Hall of Fame is found on Chapter 3 of the shop.

Thank you!




P.S. Should I host a giveaway? I'm willing to give out a large amount of kpts anyway, and I think it's a form of advertisement for the shop, right? My friends kept telling me to host one since it might get my shop featured.... What do you think? ^^


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