Info / Questions

Again, on mobile so I'm sorry for not making a good layout for this on the main thread or anything, and also sorry for messaging everyone again but this is just something I need a general opinion on. I really need to discuss things with everyone so I know for sure what to do and what not. So please, comment below or send me a message at some point.
First of all, the 'event' kind of thing, I need to know if you prefer to use jotleaf or padlet, or if we should find some other form of roleplaying as a large group for the event/prompt/plot thing. Here is the list of ideas if you have not seen the previous blog: pack war, mating season (more to be said on this later), a celebration of some sort (such as celebrating summer solstice or i don't know at the moment), a full moon.

So please let me know what you would prefer and what plot/prompt/event thing you would like to do or if you have any suggestions!

Another matter that I should address - as I don't want to just put it in the thread/rules and have people feeling awkward or unhappy - is the mating season (or 'heat') in which omegas or submissive wolves will experience. I want to ask, especially those that would experience this, if I should make this a thing or if I should leave it to all roleplayers to deal with themselves. My only concern is that it would involve and of course not everyone is happy with that, which is understandable so it puts me off doing anything about it really. Now, if this were to be a thing, should I just make a general announcement that it is about time for heat and leave it to the roleplayers or would the submissive ones like me to decide a date for everyone individually? Or- I don't even know. Just let me know your thoughts on the whole mating season thing. (I read way too many wolf-au fics for my own good)

So please, let me know if you have any suggestions for anything! I could also make set date every so often for a full moon or something.

Also remember to roleplay with everyone, or at least talk to everyone! And anyone that could advertise the roleplay, please? I'm terrible at advertising!
And we have far too many omegas at the moment, only four alphas and two or three betas so until we have more alphas, not all omegas will have a pack! I'm sorry, but if anyone is considering changing to a higher rank then that's fine! Sorry guys, I'm trying to get more alphas.


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the pack war sounds amazing tbh and i really
like the idea of te celebration and i wouldn't
mind the mating season either but there are
some people who cant handle in a way but
really these are great
i think all these ideas are cool ! and i think padlet would be better since it's more 'cleaner' idk ;; . i'm actually okay with anything.
i really want the mating season / heat to be an event
but i understand there are people who cannot ,
so why don't we just make the event, but exclude the ?
idek, it probably won't work due to too many complications
all these seem really rad!! i think my
favorite would be the celebration thing, though!
also, if betas are still needed, i'm cool w/ making
onew one. :o
the pack war sounds pretty fun tbh,
as for the mating thing i think we should leave it to the roleplayers to decide,
i will be advertising as i too, want some more roleplayers c:
I kinda like having it as an event. the mating season I mean
and I really really really am looking forward to the pack war ; ; sounds so cool tbh
padlet/jotleaf are both the same right? It shouldn't really matter which one you choose
I'll try & see if I can advertise bc I'm bad at it as well );
I think the roleplays should just deal with it themselves - it just happens when it happens :)