My Rant for My Galaxy Oppa

For 1 week now fans are getting together for the sake of keeping EXO as 1... but now SM gotta be a and go double up on Kai on the official EXO concert poster. And the video message has only 11 ppl... like really? One of your artists ho has been with you for 7 years is sick and you don;t care? I heard that several artists are refusing to renew their expired contracts until the issue is resolved and i also read that YG is offering them a contract and the same pay they are recieveing while at SM.. in the case of freedom, YG defintely respects thier atists more. YG and Woolim really repect their artists. The CEP of Woolim even sold his house for Infinite's debut and showcase.. That is dedication right there. YG goes to the extent where he is close with his artists and he care for them as well as give them the freedom to be creative. Imagine EXO under YG? Chanyeol writes music. That would awesome to hear his creations hit the charts... I just hope Kris and Kai is safe and that noone get hurt with the Overdose choreo... my friend alsmost broke his arm falling off my feet =_=  the beginning pose is really dangerous.

Kris will forever be my galaxy oppa and i really don't appreciate ppl telling me i need to pick a ne bias or that i shouldn't worry over Kris. 

1) he's my bias not yours

2) Don't tell me what to do 

3) this involves politics of the motherland... how can i not get involved

4) If i said Naver has info don't turn around and tell me how can i understand it.... If my name says Jung-ae Choi and you see my profile pic as such... then obviously I am Korean... I mean really now.... you even said i resemble Ailee and when i say im Korean American like her you say 8 comments later "oh.. your Chinese how do you know this?"   PLEAZ!!!!!! =_=

5) If your gunna pick a fight with me dont base every fact on Allkpop.... cuz ... i have like 8 different sites opened on my laptop and one is THE KOREAN PORTAL SITE!!!!!! jeez... you dont want to believe Sina/Weibo go ahead... but dont tell me that the offficial Korean Portal site is wrong... cuz all of this is happeneing IN KOREA!! and I AM KOREAN!! so naturally i CAN UNDERSTAND KOREAN


Technically English is my second language ( i started learning it when i was like 5/6 years old... and yes I am born raised and lving in New York) but you know what? just cuz i told you that doesnt mean i cant read it at all!!!  

u ppl bashing the galaxy saying he's 100% wrong is idiotic of you especially if you're basing your comments with the politics of YOUR COUNTRY which IS NOT KOREA!!! I know both my country's politics..... don't come and tell me I'm wrong.. 


the fact that you ppl don't understand how Korean people bond and end up like families proves that you cannot understand what is going on. If you are with someone for 7 years and then suddenly they leave thats a big gap left open. you may not think much about it but in Korean when you have groups that big weather you are an idol or not, you end up making very strong bonds... These bonds do not break all of a sudden like that... If they do, thats when you know something id severly wrong.. Hence keep your big mouths shut and don't tell I don't know cuz ya know what ? I DO KNOW AND I KNOW MORE THAN YOU!!


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