Why I love watching Roommate

I live in America and we have a show called Jersey Shore. For those who don't know, it's similar to Roommate. There's about 8 friends who live together in Jersey and the show is just what they do everyday. But since it's American, it's not entertaining to watch. They're always drunk, always fighting with each other, always causing problems, going to clubs, being trashy and other things I don't want to say. No one even knows why they were even casted for the show lol

Roommate makes Jersey Shore look even worse than it already does hahaha. Has anyone else been keeping up with Roommate?? I have to wait until the middle of the week for it to be subbed in English so I just now watched the third episode.

Bommie is so cute omfg I wish I could live with her!!! And So Ra is so amusing too! At first I thought she was going to be like the mean mother of the group but she's so sweet now that she opened up to everyone.


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