〈 ★ Project: SIDEREAL 。— mae hani

"i am on a mission to steal everyone's heart" 

project: sidereal
shinjigetintherobot | shinji | 10/10
mae ha ni
what's your name

birth name: mae ha ni

other names: 

the young trot star ; her grandpa calls her this, because of her background & passion for singing trot
dirty old man ; used by friends and members, because hani gets too interested in skinship and watching couple's pda and always makes comments that make her sound like a dirty old man
little doe ; used by her grandpa and nice old ladies in her neighborhood because she's small but she has huge doe eyes
goddess of destruction ; she falls and trips over everything

birthday: may 18 1997

age: 17

birthplace: seoul, south korea

hometown: seoul, south korea

ethnicity: korean

korean ; native
english ; proficient

pretty pretty


faceclaim: byeon seungmi aka jney/janey of d-unit & gp basic

gallery: xx oo

backup faceclaim: gong soo ah (funfungirl / stylenada)

gallery: xo

height: 149cm

weight: 46kg

appearance: ( a short writeup of about five sentences. talk about hair colour, tattoos, piercings, scars etc. more is appreciated)
hani has skin as white as snow and her hair is a deep, dark brown. she has slightly arched bangs and her hair flows past her chest. her eyes are huge and black

style: (a short writeup of about five sentences. talk about their dressing senses. at least FIVE links, more is appreciated.)

let's talk about you

personality traits: 
++ passionate, poetic, charismatic, honest, affectionate, curious
-- clumsy, dumb, over-dramatic, pretentious, attention-hog, nosy

hani is called the "goddess of destruction" for a very good reason. hani came out of her mom falling and embarrassing herself. she's hurt herself so many times that long lasting scars cover her body and mind. life with hani is like living in a constant infomercial, dropping and spilling and breaking things in the most improbable way ever. putting on eyeliner and mascara is like playing russian roulette because she'll either get it all over her face or jab her eye out. icy surfaces basically equals impending death. she is 17 years old and she still forgets when she has a beverage in and just starts talking. she's ran into more poles than a stripper, standing too close to her is a liability, she can hardly ever look graceful, and even if she does, it's gone in a moment's notice. hani's honestly a simple girl who puts her bra on one at a time. she's best described as "kool aid in a wine glass" because she looks very high maintenance and unreachable but its funny because hani is honestly just a dumb short kid who likes bugs and taking selfies and trot too much. hani is not the brightest crayon in the box--not by far. one time she tried to jump over a chair put ended up tripping over it mid-air and was practically split in half by it. hani still counts on her fingers and uses a calculator to get "2+2". she once said, "a circle has 8 sides". she once thought the sahara desert was in america and to make it worse, she called it the sahara dessert. it was so embarrassing and she felt like she was going to die.

hani, like abe lincoln, cannot tell a lie. and sometimes, when pointing out the truth, she can be really rude. she doesn't even realize when she's being rude. sometimes she'll be talking about ism and how guys force unrealistic beauty standards on girls and some guy will be like, "well i'm not like that" and hani will respond with, "a.) yeah you probably are, and b-z.) no one cares". there are times when she catches what she says after it's come out and she apologizes so many times. hani plays by the rules, and will reveal when a person is cheating (even herself) because it's part of her moral code. she's very outspoken and is often the one to stand up and speak the truth that no one wants to hear. she's always trusted to tell the truth and she can look at both sides of a situation fairly.

hope you like feminist rants, that's kinda her thing. she truly believes in advancing the rights of all women and hani feels duty bound to promote the well fare and self-esteem of all women because it absolutely is not okay for super junior to say that fat girls don't take care of themselves when shindong looks like he reeks of cheese and nasty ballsack. hani passionately supports a few key causes like going green and equal rights and universal healthcare. and even though she doesn't seem like the smartest, she is one who you don't want to pick an argument with about these things with because she will obliterate you while defending her beliefs very eloquently and stubbornly. hani gets excited over weird and mundane things that make people think she's crazy. if she sees bunnies playing she'll coo in adoration, or she'll gasp and place a hand over her heart if a baby grabs her finger, she stops to pet every pet, and nearly cries when she gets extra chicken nuggets with her happy meal. hani is much more tough than the world gives her credit for. don't be fooled by the big eyes and the flowy clothing--hani mae is a force to be reckoned with. she has no fear of bugs and no desire to be anyone's damsel in distress. hani can be super gullible. she'll listen to any tale wide-eyed and is very easy to trick. someone once told her they had a pet dinosaur and was using very palentologistic words and hani just listened on in awe before asking, "can i get it in pink?". she's also playful and whimsical, and if you hang out with her enough, you'll find yourself laughing at yourself more and taking life less seriously.

hani loves expressing her love for everyone, hugs and kisses for all!! skinship is her specialty and she's always cooing over how cute and pretty everyone is. hani always seems to be hanging off of someone, especially her unnie's because wowie zowie they're so soft and pretty. she loves seeing happy couples everywhere and she can't help but stare when they kiss and hold hands--in fact, she can't help pointing is disbelief and gaping when she sees a couple because, she can't have a boyfriend and they're so cute! it's understandable that hani is curious about relationships and is very physical, but what makes things worse is that she asks questions and says odd things like, "uwaah! unnie's s are so huge!" and "unnie's skin is smoother than silk!" and "oppa, do boners just kinda happen or what??" and "maybe we should kiss to break the tension". she asks questions that are too personal and says things you would never expect to come out of a 17 year old's mouth like, "i would use his spit as mouthwash,".

hani has to be the biggest drama queen since julius caesar. everything is either really amazing like the grace of god or everything has been cursed and she's going to die right that second. there's no in between. hani overreacts to just about everything, someone ate her food? wow everyone in this dorm must hate her, she didn't even do anything all she wanted was to eat her gosh darn food. someone scared her? wow is she going into cardiac arrest i think she is call an ambulance. she exaggerates literally everything and abuses the word "literally" all too much. with natural charisma and a boisterous presence, its impossible to ignore hani, which is great because she loves being the center of attention. hani was made for the stage, she was made to have all eyes on her, and she always has great stories and jokes up her sleeve. hani tells too many bad puns and just in general terribly unfunny jokes but refuses to acknowledge it. every time she opens people either cringe, groan, or get ready to laugh because odds are the next thing out of will be something really really stupid.

hani is either the most pretentious special snowflake or the most unique and poetic girl ever, depending on who you ask. she thinks that because she's cultured and drinks organic coffee and eats "true korean food" that she's inherently better than everyone else. she will never flat out say that she's better, but it is heavily implied by the "rarity" in her qualities despite being exactly like everyone else only listening to some old dusty music that no one's ever heard about because they most likely . she's the type of gal who's against e-books because having an expensive and space consuming library makes you much more of a literary fan. everyone just has to acknowledge how different she is and cool she is.

everyone's eyes just need to be on her, okay? she needs to be everyone's favorite. she needs to be the most talented and the most amusing and hani just needs attention to live. if hani isn't the apple of someone's eye, she'll have an existential crisis because why doesn't this person like her? hani honestly feels very uncomfortable if she's not the main topic of the conversation. she sings trot to impress your grandparents. she's honest and good and annoying to impress adults. she's incredibly dramatic, because that draws attention to her.

—hopes to be like 2ne1's dara and have many boys like her

loves jazz music
has horrible english pronunciation and only quotes lines from jazz songs
her ideal type is someone with a lot of aegyo, and who would only look at her. and they have to like trot music. alternatively, her idea type is kevin of u-kiss & bambam of got7
really dislikes mother's day and father's day
absolutely hates fedoras because, have you seen the type of people who wear fedoras?? those nasty guys with neckbeards who wear ill-fitted suits and like memes from 2001 and live in their parents basement and who only go on reddit and 4chan and whose fingers are stained with cheeto dust. 
reads comic books all the time. she likes western comics like the avengers and she loooves scott pilgrim vs the world, but she has a serious weakness for magical girl manga
she's a huge sailor moon nerd and has like all the merchandise
she'd much rather do fun concepts like crayon pop than cute or y concepts
takes a lot of selfies, although most of them are her making ugly faces
loves purikura
thinks kyary pamyu pamyu is a goddess
her favorite thing on a person is their
when at home, wears facemasks 25/8
her entire family is actually really short. the doctors estimate that her brother won't grow to be any taller than 159cm
when she's nervous she just won't shut up, no matter how embarrassing the situation gets
carries tinted lip balm 24/7
she's the worst at taking notes. never ask to copy nots from her unless you wanna see a bunch of ugly doodles and a bunch of shorthanded notes that don't make sense and commentary dryer than your aunt's thanksgiving turkey.
hani is the worst at telling jokes. why couldn't the man find his map? "why" because the man lost his map. and she always laughs at them like they're the funniest things on the planet
—is terrified of birds
—shaved her head and donated her hair for cancer research. it felt really liberating and good to do it, and hani donates hair every two years.
—"babe" and "son" are gender neutral pronouns in hani's book
—starts saying things ironically ("literally, i can't" , "yo" , "babe" , "son" , "can you not?" , "i would drink his dirty bath water," , "totes") but then they slowly became an integrated part of her vocabulary and now she can't stop saying them.
—snails are her absolute favorite animals


where did you come from

background: (one paragragh with five sentences. quality & quantity, more is appreciated)

family members: 

grandpa | mae geon | 87 | restauraunt owner | personality | interaction 

mom | pyo na na | 38 | occupation | personality | nana is deceased, and hani doesn't go out of her way to see her. 

dad | mae gyoo cheol | 45 | occupation | personality | interaction 

younger brother | mae kye in| 7 | occupation | personality | interaction 

younger sister | mae hwi hyang | 4 | occupation | personality | interaction 

friends: (optional. no limit to idol friends, but OCs are much loved. copy & paste if you need more.)

name | age | occupation | personality | interaction 

misc characters: (optional, no limit. ocs are loved. copy & paste if you need more)

name | age | personality

it must be love, 200% sure of it


love interest name: boo joon (oc. faceclaim: kim hui dae)

backup love interest: lee chan hyuk

age: 17

first meeting: (at least five sentences. details are loved)

everyone knows boo joon as that totally hardcore babe who does mosh pits and gets in trouble with the cops and raises hell. and to an extent, he lives up to his image. the babe with a sharp tongue and constant unamused look on his face. joon can be brutal as hell. if you stand in his way, he'll step on your face without a second thought. he's pro-girl, and he won't tolerate any ist bull (picked up from hani), and he won't hesitate to say you look like a shaved cat or say you were rocking the london look before it was even cool. there's a fine line between being sassy and being an , and joon crosses it nearly every day. a lot of people find humor in the insults he slings, although he doesn't try to be funny. his humor is dryer than a thanksgiving turkey. he's sarcastic--and no one can tell if he's ever being serious--and self-righteous and vain. everything about him must be perfect and must be unique. he literally refuses to be like those guys who are buff and sweet and innocent or whatever the craze with boy groups is these days.

he also argues the price of everything and you best believe that joon's coupon game is so ing raw that he once got a $1300 18 karat white gold and jade necklace for his mom's birthday for only $350 dollars. if you give him money and tell him to pick up "an arizona tea and one reese cup" he will come back with a gallon of tea, two king sized packs of reese, and the money you gave him. no one knows how he does it, but joon can always get a great deal, no matter where he is. joon's cheap as hell and refuses to pay more than what he feels he deserves--learned from mom. you're paying sixty bucks for a pair of pants? nah son, let hyung handle this. he'll come back with a whole new wardrobe for you. he gets really upset when people spend money frivilously on stupid things like beauty products and name brand clothes and 18-ply toilet paper.

he puts on an apathetic front, no he doesn't really care, why should he? yeah you could totally go jump off a cliff right now and he wouldn't even bat an eye. what? y-you actually did it? p-pabo why would you do something like that? h-he's not worried as you because he cares, he's worried because you could be really hurt! sh-shut up it isn't the same thing! joon is possibly the least direct person when it comes to his feelings. feelings are for the weak and he doesn't have any. joon claims to be lacking a heart and while most people believe him, those who are close to him know how soft joon can be. he watches over everyone in his own little way, often operating behind the scenes. if someone's sad, he'll make them some dumplings and leave them in the open where they can find them. joon mostly expresses things through body languages and his eyes, so one has to be paying attention or else you'll miss the hidden meaning behind joon's words.


these two are peas in a pod, they know exactly how to make each other shine. the two are very close, probably a lot closer than a boy and girl who are "just friends" should be, and exchange a lot of intimate gestures like cuddling and playing video games. they would both much rather stay in on a friday night, so the two make blanket forts and order chinese food and just in general have a girls night where they do each others makeup--more like hani begging to put makeup on joon and joon caving in because she's so annoying and cute--and talk about boys--more like hani talking about using someone's spit as mouthwash and joon saying she needs jesus. the two have seen everything about each other: barefaced, the aftermath of eating a 7-bean burrito, after no sleep, joon and hani will remain together forever. they will also fiercely shoot down any rumors about the other. hani is a touchy feely loser who's always looking for an excuse to grab joon's . she practically worships it and mentions it every five minutes. hani is, in fact, the only person with permission to touch joons's , and hani claims joon's is the best . they like to talk mad smack and eat junk food and laze around watching bad movies together. they've actually shared many secrets and insecurities and there have been many times where hani has cried on joon's shoulder, and many times where joon cried on hani's.

the two are very close and they know each other for most of their lives. they bring out the best in each other, and are often each other's support. hani likes dragging joon on cute "not dates" like stargazing, they talk about everything and nothing. they go on picnics when its warm and cuddle while watching horrible movies when its cold. they tend to stay in a lot, but will sometimes venture to the aquarium to look at little fishies and shy sharkies. they go to planetariums and go to concerts. they play a bunch of board games which usually end in hani flipping the board or throwing a piece at joon. they just do a bunch of little domestic things with the little time they can spend together. hani's favorite thing is when she's alone with joon and they can be gross together.


relationship status: 
practically married (hani's words)
aka flirtationship

i will love you even if you break me apart


love rival name: 

backup love rival: 


first meeting: 




relationship status: 

this is war

(replace gifs with respective rivals. height is 150px)

rival name: (none is taken yet. optional)

backup rival name: (just in case first option is taken)

age: (keep to original age if idol)

occupation: (their job?)

first meeting: (at least five sentences)

personality: (at least five sentences)

interactions: (how they act around one another. at least five sentences.)

i'm a born singer

stage name: hani mae (even though most people may just call her "hani" it's officially "hani mae")

persona: the golden maknae

position: triple threat

backup position: lead vocalist

fanclub names + colours: (include code)hanibees

talent breakdown: (optional. talk about character's strengths. vocal range, dancing ability etc.)
hani has a vocal range of e3 - g6, although her g6 is pretty weak. her comfort lies in the lower & chest ranges, due to her background as a trot singer, which is why at around b6 her high notes start to sound like screeching

talent twins: 

vocals: sunny + snsd

dancing: dara + 2ne1

rapping: minzy + 2ne1

training duration: (at least two years.)

training background: (be realistic. one paragraph with five sentences at least.)

last song

comments: (rants etc go here)

scene requests: (highly appreciated but optional)

suggestions: (song, variety shows etc)

introduction: (how you want your character introduced;optional but highly appreciated)

password: written in the stars


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