Please Do Not Be Offended By Vulgar Language and Attitude

First I'd like to say school and the board of education (it doesn't even deserve to be capitalized because it's title is irrelevant). Secondly, I'm not even ing concerned about my damn graduation which in two damn days because my ENTIRE class ing failed our college exam... I'm in despair right now ...I've passed all of my other exams except this one...what the I look like spending 12+ years in college to become a doctor when I've already suffered enough. Yeah life is never easy but nobody will every ing care if you succeed or fail in life so why should I care about anyone else at the point....Yes the higher education you have you're likely to have a nice job and make decent but doesn't mean you'll live a happy life. 


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You and your class can probably appeal your grade to an ombudsperson at your institution. Most post secondary institutions have something like that in place, especially if an entire class fails the exam. Try focus on fixing the problem! It's hard not to despair when you're staring at graduation right in the face but, as a fellow student also finishing up her masters program, focus on how to move forward!
Mixstar #2
Grades are so pointless. Experience is way better. You can know all the things in the world, but that doesn't mean you can put it to action in real life. If only things actully worked that way.
if your whole class fails isn't there some kind of rule that you get to re-take the exam?
If your entire class failed, then how can that be the student's fault? Shouldn't the teachers get blamed for that? It makes no sense to blame the students when everyone in that class failed.....
How did your entire class fail? Was it a computer glitch or were the scores really that low?
Be happy, it's all tha matters !
I always say the same thing as you. Fck school and grades. Why did they even matter anyway?