A L E K T R O ' s┊So Yeo Wang


So Yeo Wang // Yeowang // The Little Queen


Faceclaim: Byeon Seo Eun
Name: So Yeo Wang / Wang Chie Lin / Quinn Elizabeth Wang
Gender: F


Giant Soyeo; mostly the artists of YG calls her that, contradicting to her persona 'Little Queen', she is actually very tall for a girl

Lizzy ; This comes out from her english name 'Quinn Elizabeth Wang'. Her name is actually Quinn but it makes it sounds like 'Queen Elizabeth' so then born the name of Lizzy. She is often called by her past acquintences from Stardom especially Topp Dogg

Devil Dancer; Well, she is a devil and a dancer. Her second persona after Little Queen

Chielin; Her most closest ones calls her by her Chinese name

Yeo Noona; She doesn't exactly like the fact that she's being called noona by younger boys but they did it /shrugs/

Nationality: Chinese-American
Birthplace: Guangzhou, Guandong, China
Hometown: Seattle, Washington, USA
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 56 kg
Blood type: AB positive

Monophobia: Fear of being alone. After the incident with her ex & her fake bestfriend, she came to conclusion that she's all alone that it drives her crazy
Coulrophobia: Fear of Clows. When she was little, her brother pranked her by trapping her in a haunted house. There's this one scary clown that kept chasing her with a knife. She kept running & running while crying loudly, the clowns cue to stop is when she cried but he kept chasing her anyway. They kept doing that until she fainted & had a very high fever the next day

Position: Main Dancer, Lead Rapper
Back-up Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer

Dancing Twin: Rie Hata (BGirl: Ayane)
Talking Twin: Rainbow Hyunyoung
Singing Twin: 4Minute Jihyun
Rapping Twin: T-Ara Eunjung



Background & History:

So Yeo Wang was born January 18th 1995 at Guangzhou, Guangdong. She lived with both of her parents & his bigger brother. Until she's 5 year old, she moved to USA with her mother because her mother's work focused there. She lives at the border between Vancouver & Seattle. When she was asked what citizenship she will hold, she picks as a American. Even though she's American but she spends her time more at Vancouver at her uncle's house & plays with her cousin because her mother had work to do & rarely at home. She founded her passion & love for dancing when she attended ballet. At first was because all of her friends takes ballet course but then she takes it seriously cause she likes it. At 6th grade, she started taking hip-hop & gymnastic making her body extremely flexible & creates a great shape. She's taller than the average 6th grader girl, making her the tallest & has the most desirable body that every girl wants. Because of this, many people are jealous of her. Thus making her enemy list much more longer. But she didn't mind, she just wants to be friends with everyone

At 7th grade, she's interested in an idol life. How it feels to be acknowldge by a huge amount of people. So she auditioned for Stardom Global Casting. She got through & pass the audition through her dancing skills. She move to Seoul, South Korea. At first it was difficult because of the new environtment, language & practicing everyday. But eventually, she mastered the language & the schedule, the fitting in is difficult. She's considered as a foreigner & it was difficult because many of the students are afraid to approach her. It was even more complicated when her boyfriend & her only friend, cheated on her back. This traumatise her so much that it caused a change in herself. She became the Queen of Hearts, the girl with a frozen & bleeding heart. Before this happened she was a shy & sweet girl who never dares to come out of the stage or always at the back. Which caused many trainees to underestimate her & many seniors doesn't take interest on her. But after she change herself, she becomes a very brave & shows what she can do. The results? she had many fans at Stardom & many seniors took interest in her. Also, the possibilty of her being in a new girlgroup. But then the tides are shifting and the tables are turning. Soyeo is not really fond of the concept of the group, which is almost as similar as Crayon Pop and Girls Generation combined. Cute concept, not really her wave. And it focuses on the vocals. With that she changes her company to YG and trained there


My Name Is Soyeo

Soyeo is a quiet & the person who almost never talks. But don't think of her as a shy person. She's a pure evil inside. She's cruel, strong, sly & a genius. She's very blunt & straight-forward also doesn't care of what people think of her. If she doesn't like it, then she will say it. And most of the time she wins in an argument or debate. Mostly she doesn't talk or make any trouble but if someone messes with her, they will regret it. She speaks with her expressions, she often glares, scoff & sighed. Seeing her smile truly & not evilly is like really rare, only a few person that really close to her can see her true inner side

S-Shut Up!

I did say she had a true inner side right? This part of her life is actually the old her. She's a shy, stubborn, cute & happy person. She's very loyal & protective of her friends, not to mention very loving & caring. Some of this positive side of her can only be seen if you know her past & you know what she had been through

Just Who In The World You Think You Are?

Welcome to the most cruel & dark side of Soyeo. This is a section especially made of her personality to the persons that she hates. Soyeo doesn't just instantly picks someone that she dislike & bully them forever. She only hated a person that made a great impact in her. At first, she won't do anything, just some warning glares & ignoring each other. She doesn't like to be a troublemaker so she won't make the mess first. But if her rival make the first move, she will show no mercy & the Queen of Hearts finally shows herself to the world

I-I'm Sorry...

This is another one of her true side, but more sad. She's very broken-hearted & insecure. Although it might be a little dramatic but sometimes she questions the existence of her (an emo to be exact). Sure she doesn't care about other people's opinion, but she really afraid if one of her friends leaves her. She can't handle being lonely nor not being loved

Annyeong Haseyo, Little Queen Yeowang imnida

When she's on-stage, she the Little Queen of Alektro, Yeowang. Yeowang itself means 'queen' & she's one of the maknae line even though she doesn't act like one. She's the y & seductive dancer of the group also the devil of the group. She's not afraid to show the real her & to state whatever opinion that she has in mind

Trainee life and training period: A year at Stardom and 2 years with YG. It was very rough. Language was the main reason. Even though she's half korean, the languages she spoke was only Mandarin, English & Japanese. She was already good at dancing & vocal stuff, for half of the year she spends her time with studying Korean language. Not to mention she has school & problems, she has to endure with the hectic schedule

Style: TRO! 


White carnation

Red roses


Danceable music









Japanese culture, music & fashion








Cute Keychains

Japanese nail art


Loud people

Rude people

Being alone



Sour things

Failed aegyo


Two-faced people



Hot Pink






Playing Games

Reading Books

Writing lyrics & stories



Scoffs when annoyed

Sigh really loud when bored

Smirks when planning something

Chuckled when amused

Instantly lie down & roll on the floor when super tired

Pouts when confused

Bites lips when nervous

Curse quietly when she did something wrong


Is the cousin of Kris Wu

Has an amazing drawing skills

Was part of a dance crew called 'Dare Devils'

Learned gymnastic, pole dance, wushu & kickboxing

Majors at hip-hop, jazz, poppin', locking, b-boy, contemporary, pole dance & ballet

She collects keychains, caps, hoodies & cute stationery stuffs

Always wears 2 bracelet that Seogyu & Wu Fan gave at her 14th birthday

Favourite Colors: Red, Black, Green & Baby blue

Favourite Brands: Rilakkuma, Domo, Hello Kitty, Tokidoki, Adidas, DC & Converse

Favourite Japanese Band: Alice Nine, EGOIST, SuG, Exist Trace & Vocaloid Project

Favourite GB & BB: 2AM, Ladies' Code, Nine Muses, EXO, Block B, Big Bang, Bangtan Sonyeodan, KARA, After School & VIXX

Was in the same school as NU'EST JR

NU'EST JR is her ex-boyfriend

Mostly listens to hip-hop, dubstep, R&B, rock & ballad songs

Has a youtube channel that covers vocaloid and Japanese songs with her friend Elisia named 'Akapyon_Yacchan'

Has an S-Line with abs

Is a great composer & choreographer

Almost everybody underestimate her skills because she's still a trainee & a little girl. But seeing her work at composing, lyric writing & choreographing, people may want to tak that back

Always the best at basketball

Can play guitar & piano

Is a skateboarder

Can do the dolphin voice

Loves porcelain dolls

Still watch Barbie & Spongebob Squarepants

Loves horror stories but doesn't like the ones that has clowns in it


father  // Owner and current CEO of Wang Company  // 43  // His father loves Soyeo dearly & pampered her with all of his support, help & his wealth...even though Soyeo could survive without his wealth

mother  // Secretary of Wang Company  // 40  // Besides her father, her mother is the second most supportive but she discipline her & pampered her with all the love & care that she could give to her

sibling  // Chairman of MAXIM Korea  // 26  // Her brother has two-sides. When he's with his friends & co-workers he becomes the cool, friendly & intimidating guy. But when he's with his sister he becomes the dorky, protective & caring big brother. He will sacrifice his life to protect her (no seriously)

Idol Friendship:

Amber J. Liu  // 22  // They're really close & you can't just seperate Soyeo & Amber when they're together. You can mistake them as a couple (cause you know...Amber looks like a guy and...), they even call each other with cute nicknames. Soyeo can open up to Amber easily that she considered her as her own family. Amber understands her problem & promises that she will be there & protect her. She's also the same as Wu Fan, she's very protective & sometimes doesn't trust other people except she's not as extreme as Wu Fan. But she swears if anybody dare to hurt her, She Will Kill All Of Them

Kim Sanggyun / A-Tom  // 19  // It's like an innocent noona-dongsaeng relationship. He's always stay by her side & when he wants to talk to her he will shyly say 'Yeo noona...'. He's very biased of her & likes her, a fanboy before her debut. She treated him like he's her real dongsaeng, not aware of his feelings towards her

Lee Yeon Ju / J-Da  // 20  // They're like a mother & daughter. She worries about her & always contact her, making sure she's okay. Yeonju even called her 'mommy~' all the time. She clings to Soyeo all the time, it's like she's biased of Soyeo

Love interest: Kim Hansol
Age + DOB: 21 + June 18th 1993
Personality: The sassy prince. The aegyo machine. The boy with the monstrous grin. That’s what people had been calling him. He is a very cheeky and lively person, not to mention bold and doesn’t have any equal kind of respect to anybody. He always thinks that everyone is his friend and everybody loves him, no matter what he does or what he says. He’s super optimistic and always happy. You will never find a guy that will not smile even a second. But there are times that he will go quiet especially when he’s feeling cold or unamused. He loves everything in his eyes that looks cute and squishable, even if it’s a person. He’s a total sweetheart and cheesy, he loves making cute picking up lines to girls. He only loves those girls who are considered interesting in his eyes and not just cute and squishable. Yet he has this side who’s mischievous and playful also, that is when with someone he likes. He’s more carefree and flirtious, showing that even he can be naughty. He can be your bad boy if you want him to be


How they met: It was a busy day for Soyeo. The little queen must practice cause she's one of the chosen trainee to debut in Stardom's new girlgroup. She was practicing a couple of dance moves & it includes some saltos & tumbling. She kept on failing at the second time & keep practicing, until she twisted her ankles & falls. Being the only one who practice alone, there was nobody to help her. Or that what she thinks. The whole time a certain boy with a fair pale skin had been watching her in amusement & it became a reflex when he saw her falls over. He helped her & treat her ankles. When their eyes met, there was a certain electiricty shooting through their spines & their heartbeat accelerated. They kept staring at each other until Hansol awkwardly cough & tell her to be careful & give her some tips to do an easy tumbling. After that they both keep on talking, laughs & giggles can be heard around the empty & hollow studio

Back-up love interst: Shin Jiho / Xero
Age + DOB:  20 + February 3rd 1994
Personality:  Towards other people: Shy, Quiet & Mysterious. Towards his friends: Playful, Caring, Baby-Type, Scaredy Cat, Friendly & Protective. Towards Soyeo: Cocky, Playful, Loving, Caring, Over-Protective, Possessive, Flirtious, Intimate, Spoilt, Mushy, Skinship Monster & Childish

Social Media: deezy_Wang (Instagram), ALT_Quinn (Twitter)

Comments: Not much to say, Thank you for reviewing and considering her, I hope she's up to your expectations. If I have mistakes, do remind me and I'll fix it right away. Thank you and good luck
Scene Requests: 

Hansol openly flirting with her and she tries to prevent it

Hansol pulls her to a empty space to kiss her

Sanggyun got a bit touchy with her then Hansol growled at them. He takes her away and hissed "Mine" to Sanggyun

Hansol being overprotective to her when he saw JR and growled at him

thanks for applying~ 




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