
Im sorry cuz I wont update my stories for 2 or 3 months. Im sorry sooo much!! 

Anyway, im sad right now...I sent a card for my friends and left with a clue NRMZ. I thought they recognised it.. but its dissapointing.  They just throw it away after reading it... im sooo sad!! :( 

Now I think, I dont wanna be closer with them.. the closer to them, the more the hurt in my heart..

*breath in* 

To all my loves one... please dont leave me like my 'friends' does.. Love u guys a lot!! ♥♥♥ 

Smile, okay?


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Hi I'm not sure if you my Unnie or my Dongseng, but whatever happens I don't leave my friends.And I'm talking about my true friends...not the so called friends who talk behind your back........I have no problem staying your friend....even if your you say a lot of crazy stuff all the time( i do that a lot) Just feel like crying....feel like ranting about how hard life is....or whatever.....Talk to me anytime...even if I'm not on here for a few days still message me and we can talk.....look it's a little hard right now, but things always get worse before they get better.....
Aigoo eonnie i'll never leave you *smiles* you know that right?? ^_^ i will be here by your side even if you tell me to go and leave you~ eonnie you're very important to me okay? Please remember that ^_^
I love you eonnie~ <3
I'm here. Heyo~
I won't leave u no matter what. U r such a nice person. I don't get why they're doing that stuff. Aish.. don't care k? We r always here for u *hugs*