Cupid Application Form || Han Seira ||

Name: Han Seira || Real Name: Han Shinyeong

Age: 23

Nationality: Korean-Japanese

Height: 5'6

Weight: 43 kg

Unique Physical Characteristics: a tear mole-Click




Han Seira, at first glance she gives off a cool aura. She's quite laid back and she is cold to the person she doesn't know quite well. Seira also has a trouble in trusting other people due to her family. She also has this 'middle child syndrome' ever since she was young often jealous of her big brother and younger sister. Seira can also be blunt when she is annoyed or when she is having her 'time of the month' Although with that character she is good with hiding her emotions, not even her members can read what she is thinking. She doesn't cry, for she thought people might think of her as a weird girl. 


As you come to know Seira, she'll give nicknames and adding 'chan' or 'chin' in the end to show that you're special with her. She isn't good at showing her emotions cause she needs to be strong, not for herself but for all the people around her. She can goof around also but she knows the limit of that. Everyone around her knows, that when she said something it's final, and she has the aura to make her follow her and not to disobey her. (Sometimes you can change her mind if you're reasonable) 


Seira is also observant, she can notice tiny details or every movement of her other members. She also has this personality of wanting to take all the problems by herself but, she knows her limit. She also hates people opposing her but all she wants was the best for each people around her. 


Han Seira was born in Japan, she grew up with the Japanese culture of being stern. Her father being a politician in Korea made her do everything by the book, but she spices it up a little. At the age of 3, her mother would teach her how to sing and dance for she was a past performer in Japan's Music Industry. When her sister was born when she was 5, this cause her mother's death somehow making her cold to her sister, when her mother died, she has to take up the actions as a mother. 


When she was 8 years old they move to Korea to be with her dad, and there she started growing in a political like life. Everything that needs to be done must be done with a smile. Even though she is cold, she knows how to have fun also. Seira is also close to her brother and she is now trying to open up with her younger sister. She would often feel sad that everyone would call her the spitting image of her mother. 


At the age of 10, she already knows how to play the violin, piano, guitar and the flute... It was later acclaim that she is perfect pitch making her a good singer. When she was 13 she started making a YouTube cover channel, Silv3rt3ar which made her a great hit. Although her father opposes with everything she has done, calling it rebellious, she shrugged it off. She knows how to play the rules but she knows how to make the rules play for her. 


At the age of 16, she became a school rebel, always skipping school which always cause a lot of scolding from her dad. She would listen to him for she knows he only wants the best for her and they have a deal, she'll go to school and she'll train in any entertainment company she likes as long as it doesn't mess with her studies. It was easy for her to be a top student again for she acclaimly a born genius. And she also past the audition in SMEnt. But balancing studies and training tires her so she quit training much to her dismay. 


She became a good student during her middle school and high school days, at the age of 18 she was the president of the student council making her a respectable leader like her dad. And sometimes she would join contest for fun and extra allowance. She has also started theater acting as a hobby, which impressed her dad really well making him proud of her.


When she was 19, something tragic happen to her dad, he died in a car accident, which made the Han kids an orphan. With her brother working in a regular company they needed more income so Seira took up alot of part time job, working in cafes and baby sitting. She also started singing to gain money when she won contests again. Unknown to her other 2 siblings Seira started to carry a lot of burden. After that, she became a CF model, modelling for some facial products which made their income balanceed. Her sister at the age of 14 started training in Cube Entertainment also.


Missing the Entertainment industry, she started auditioning for a lot of company, and she was accepted in Soar High first. She decided to take it, since they're the first ones to accept her. 


>the teddy bear her mother gave her

>the necklace his father gifted to her during her 18th birthday

>her bestfriend, Jessica Jung and Tiffany Hwang


>reading books

>writting songs

>watching anime


>playing chess and shogi

>mystery books

>visiting her parent's grave


>people opposing her

>make ups, she wants to go for a natural look

>superficial people

>peanuts, cucumbers


Face Claim: Ns Yoon G

Link to Gallery: Link

Back Up Face Claim: CL

Link to Gallery:  Link

Position: Leader and Main Vocalist

Back Up Position: Lead Vocalist

Persona: Kuudere Empress




Han Shinji || 56 (dead: 51) || Father || Just like Seira he is very stern with every thing he says to the Han Kids. He doesn't quite shows he loves them for he gives them tough love. He wants the best for his children just like any other parent out there. 

Han Seira || 51 (dead: 30) || Mother || Even though their time together is quite short, the mother really love her daughter, the meaning why Shinyeong choose Seira as her stage name if because that's her mother's name and is often quite commented to be her mother's spitting image.

Han Shunji || 27 || Older Brother || Shunji is an over protective brother over his two sisters, and he is quite shamed that Seira has to do all his jobs during those times. He is also proud of his sisters into making into the entertainment world.

Han Shinri || 21 || Younger sister|| Shinri is afraid to be called 'Seira's younger sister'. The two of them have a weird sister complex since when Seira is with Shinri she became mother like, since Shinri grew up without a mother.  


Lover's Name: Yuki Furikiwa

Age: 26

How did you met?

Yuki and Seira were childhood friends, since Yuki's piano teacher is Mrs. Han. The two of them would often be seen playing the piano and they're often shipped by their parents. The two grew fond (most especially on Yuki's side) of each other. The two went into the samce schools and after the Han's move in Korea, yearly the two of them visits each other, Seira during mid June and Yuki every end of the year. 

How you treat each other?

People won't notice their relationship since they like to be just inside the house and would watch Yuki's drama or Seira's variety shows. The first person Seira cried onto was Yuki during her mother's funeral. The two of them support each other and Yuki often tease Seira but the girl would think a great comeback for it. Yuki likes skinshipping that much so he would often hold her hand, or even steal a kiss. Every night Yuki would text Seira good night and even send a virtual kiss.



Entertainment Background:

Seira first trained in SMent and she was part of SNSD's line up. Everyone applaud her for her unique singing and good dancing skills. She became fluent in English with the help of her bestfriends, Jessica and Tiffany. But years passed she had quite a hard time balancing studies and training so she quitted. 

She also has her YouTube channel, Silv3rtear which gained alot of followers for her English covers. And she later became a trainee in Soar High at the age of 20 impressing everyone with her singing style. She is also not afraid of their CEO Mr. Jo Younshin.

Audition Tape: Link

singing twin: Kim Taeyeon

back up singing twin: Park Bom

dancing twin: Krystal Jung

back up dancing twin: Seohyun

rapping twin: Tiffany Hwang

back up rapping twin: Amber

Trainee Life: 

Everyone was quite afraid of her since she holds a strong cool aura. But when she started singing everyone started warming up to her and she also became close friends with Jessica Jung and Tiffany Hwang which made her fluent in English. Some would often criticize her dancing skill but that's the reason why she works hard. 



How would you react....

Caught in a scandal?

First of all, as a leader she would annalyze the situation and after finding out the results she would explain her side. For dating scandals, Seira would often let it cool down and when asked during variety shows she would often explain it cleanly.


She doesn't mind them, until they go through a limit she is the type of person that would post on her twitter account to explain to the sasaengs not to hurt any member of their group. 

A fight between a member?

She would hear both sides, annalyze the situation and be the bridge to make the two of them, reconcile. She is often good at this using her 24 years life experience.


Hater's gonna hate, Seira is just thankful for them giving their attention to her and she loves them. She would be the type of person who'll hug a hater and say 'It's okay'

Group dillema?

Annaylze the situation, give them each Seira's talk and when solved she would often plan a group outing to make them forget the dillema.


Comments || Suggestions: None

Scene Request: None at all

Shows: WGM

Running Man

Beatle's Code

Variety shows


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Stupid_Cupid #1
I really love how you made Seira's character. And perhaps the leader aura is suiting to her personality. And the 'Kuudere' thing is quite good to use to describe Seira. And her sad family life makes her much more likable.

I love how you use Yuki Furikawa to be your love interest something unique! Over all, I really love your application! Good luck~
hey, im sorry for disturbing but
is Silv3rt3ar your youtube channel..?