Survey && a little rant~


1.Favorite boy group?&maybe why? Super Junior- they were the first group i’ve ever listen to && not to mention they’re very talented ^.^

2.Favorite girl group ?&maybe why? none but if i had to choose....yeah still none.

3.Choose your favorite from each group! 

SNSD- none. i don’t give a about what anyone will say but i HATE snsd. no im not jealous of them and yes i did try to give them a chance but yeah it didn’t work.

Big Bang- G-Dragon <3333 

SuJu- Shupa Juni-Oh leadah! Teukie Teukie~! *does little dance*

SHINee- my adorable Dubu leader~ *makes heart shape*

2PM- Maknae! ChangSun~

BEAST- tough choice but my biases are HyunSeungie && YoSeobbie~

SS501- *heart eyes* Leader Kim HyunJoong~

T-ara- none, never paid attention to them

2NE1- Dara

Dalmatian- YoungWonnie and JiSu~

U-Kiss- SooHyun <3

D-NA- Mika! :D

Touch- SungYong~ *heart eyes*

DBSK- YooChun~ oh && JunSu~


MBLAQ- Joon && Mir~~

4.If you were stuck on an elevator,who would you want to be stuck with?

hm tough choice...MIR!!!! :DDD

5.How'd you get into kpop?

my friend, one day during lunch we went to the library and she asked me if she could show me a video. she showed me Super Girl and Twin Knock Out. and i loved it :)

6.Current song you're listening to right now?

Me- Touch [SungYong~]

7.All time favorite kpop song?

ah too many i’ll just put a couple: Sorry, Sorry, Why I Like You, Shock, Take Care of My Girlfriend (Say No), Ring Ding Dong, JoJo, Mirotic, Balloons, ect.

8.Favorite solo artist?

Rain <3

9.First kpop song ever?

it was three actually: Sorry, Sorry, Super Girl && Twin Knock Out

10.Have you ever had a dream of any kpop star? XD

heh yesh! xD many and i actually had one with B2ST two days ago 

11.If you're a girl, pretend you're a guy.& if you're a guy pretend you're a girl! Who would you think is "hot" 8D

uhm probably Dara or Rottyful Sky, they’re pretty~

12.Can you do any dance from a mv? if not, which one would you like to learn?

i can kinda do Sorry,Sorry, Mazeltov, Shock, Jiggy, One Better Day and G.O.O.D Luv

but i want to learn how to dance to Ring Ding Dong, Lucifer, AMIGO...i just can’t seem to do SHINee’s dances .___.

13.Favorite music video?

too many, next question xD

14.Ultimate bias?

oh oh! *does dance* Teukie! <333

15.HOTTEST kpop artist to you?

Hottest hottest i think it’s between KiKwang, Joon, Rain && DongJoon O.O

16.PRETTIEST kpop artist to you?

Dara, Rottyful Sky, Kan MiYoun

17.What are most looking forward to in 2011?

SS501’s comeback! :DDDD 



okay so after i finish doing this survey i was reading some artical some pendejo wrote about how he's ashamed of his nationality. ANYWAY! so he started camplaining about how all Mexicans are lazy, are in gangs, girls are who change boyfriends every two weeks, shoot innocent people, blah blah blah. *takes a deep breath* ugh it's pendejos like that that make me so angry! >.< first off don't go insulting my people like that. don't go blaming everyone for what some rotten apples do. Im a Mexican girl. Im not lazy [only sometimes]. Im not in a gang. I've only had 2 boyfriends. I don't even know how to hold a ing gun! The Mexicans I know don't go around shooting people, aren't in gangs and *gasp* they ALL have jobs, tryin' to help their ama! Either this fool has been watching too many damn dramas and movie or he's been living under a ing rock. Yes i'll admit there are a few who are like that. I can probably think of a few from my school who probably have done some of the things that dude listed but it all depends on where you grew up. Im from the North Side and im sure the chicks from the South Side sure as hell don't act like me. they'd probably beat my haha. But they're tough *shrugs* That dude is just a whiny little puto.


"Well let's see I think I hate my own race which are mexicans for some reason, no wait there are reasons all of them are lazy bald idiots who throw gang signs and ruin our neighborhoods and shoot innocent people it just makes me feel so filthy I don't know why I mean my parents are citizens they're not on welfare or anything they know english in fact they're whitewashed even though they were born in mexico and to tell you the truth I'm happy that they are most mexican parents are idiots who don't know what to do with their children that they trun into gangsters I mean its not my fault my stupid great great great great grandfather fled Russia and settled in mexico why couldn't he choose England or Germany Jesus Christ I don't even know what to do anymore it even affects me in school and to tell you the truth I prefer white girls alot of the mexican girls at my school are who get a new boyfriend every 2 weeks im not saying all of them are that way do I have a reason to be ashamed?"


Que mamadas son esas? My parents aren't white washed, aren't on welfare and they aren't idiots. , que culero not all parents are like that. This dude needs a reality check ASAP.



my rant may seem pointless but stupid ignorant people that make me angry. seriously be proud of who you are. don't be ashamed of it or try an hide it. im Mexican-Japanese and im not afraid to hide it. im proud of both cultures.


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