This is what I do when I get bored in examination.

Today was biology examination. Three papers in one day. Tiring and killing. But, I love biology then physics, chemistry and add maths. hoho. So, the last paper of bio is paper 2. I has many times. Because of that, I write one shot in examination paper xD lol ! I know this story a little bit sensitive now. But, I still want all of you to read it. Haha ! Sorry for bad english. Happy reading =)

He fixed his sunglasses and hat, before he step out from the building that give him many pain and sweet memories. The fans and reporters that gather outside the building doesn't even know he walk passed them when he slips out from that building. No one feel his present. No one sees him. So now, he can get out from this earth hell and makes his own paradise.

He will bring himself to another-unknown-place. Place that no one know him -an idol in Korea. The place where he can rest and chill in peace. The more important is the place where he can build his new life. After hiding, walking and touring in two days,  he finds the place that he want and imagine. The place is an isolation island. A very tiny and unknown island. But, full of facility. It looks like a normal island -around by South China Sea. Only 86,908 peoples in that island. And, only one shopping mall and one airport. It is a unknown island.

Without he waste his times, he find a place to undergo his 'new life' after he step on the island. He found a cheap and shady room at a hotel that near to beach. Although it was a cheap hotel, a scenery at there so beautiful. It is facing the beach that restful and blue. When he look at the wide sea, he knows he a million miles away from his home, friends, and family. He a little bit guilty about left s. But, he make his own decision. He want a new life at here.

The morning after, he brave himself to try take a walk without disguise -no hat, mask and sunglasses. He want to see what happen if he do that in this place. Despite he knows the answers. Wearing a lose jean and v neck t-shirt, he walked on the streets that many people around. A bunch of school girls, a sweet lovey dovey couple and family. No one looking at him. No one asking him for signature. No one talking with him. People at there look at him just like a normal Chinese man with handsome face. A proud smile don't left from his face. He try to be a social bird. He helping the old man, he talking with a granny, he helping to take the pictures of tourist and many more. He feel like he live in this place a long time ago. He love this tiny island so much.

When in the morning he walked on the street, in night.. He strolling in the beach alone. He want to cool down his head with the sound of wave that crashed to beach under the moonlight. He love this beach that in front of his hotel. Nobody want to take a walk on that beach in night because it look empty. But, not for him. He love it.

One day, when he take a breath on the beach, he see a women and a dog -German Shepherd are jogging. From 100 meters, he can see the dazzling face of the women. He just want to ignore her. But, the moonlight that shine on the women face makes him stay and wait her to come near him. A long ponytail, a pale and sweaty skin, short pant and tight singlet. He lost his mind, when he see that.

"Hey, you." without a care, he greet her. The women stop from jogging and look at him with questioning face. The dog also stop and wait for her owner to join her.

"What do you want ?" she ask with soft voice but harsh tones. He a little taken a back. But, he still want to have a little chat with her. It sound creepy.

"What is your name ?" he know, he sound like a flirty old man now. But, he really want to know who is this beautiful creature in front of him.

She raised her arched eyebrow,  "My name is Angel." she say while wipe her sweat.

"Owh~ What a suitable name for someone has beautiful as you, Miss Angel." cheezy but sweet, isn't ? And, it was a reality.

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Stranger." she sound mocking.

He know what she mean by 'stranger', he introduced himself with friendly smile, "Sorry for late introducing, my name is Yifan."

For his first time in his life, he see a beautiful smile from her. "Good to know you, Mr. Yifan." she said with sparkle eyes. He really lucky this night.

"So, do you alone right now?" His silly question make her chuckle.

"What a genius question you got there, Mr. Yifan." she tried now to laugh loudly over this stupidity. He can feel heat creep up to his face. He clear his throat and start to talk again.

"Well, I want to talk a little bit with you." he rub his back neck with his silly smiles.

"You can talk to me about everything, Mr.Yifan." she say with a cute and pretty smile.

Day passes by, Yifan and Angel become a good friend at the beach and under the moonlight. They will meet at the beach every nights. They will talk about Yifan's life. Angel know Yifan is an ex-idol in Korea. But, Yifan don't know anything about Angel. Except, her name and her dog name, Jewel. She don't like talking about her life. She just like to listen all Yifan stories.

"Angel, can I know where is your house?" Yifan ask. His face really show the he want to know about it. A sighed escape from . She have no choice.

"I live at where all the people live in the end." she said with bitter smile.

"What do you mean?" Yifan need some explaination about what had she said before.

" You don't have to know about it, Yifan." her answer make Yifan drop that subject and ask her another question that always play on his head.

"What about your parents and families? Where was them?" Yifan tried to be more cheerful went asked this question and he hope he got the right answer.

"I don't have any families. My mother died when giving birth of me and my father-" she a little bi hesitating to continued her story.

"What about your father ?"

"I killed my father." Yifan could not believe what he hear. He laugh awkwardly.

"I want to know the real answer, Angel. Don't joke around." he said. A cold breeze that send shiver to his spine make his heartbeats rapidly.

"It true, Yifan. I kill my father. Then, I killed myself." she look at her feet. Guilty, hurt, pain, she feel it now. She to scare to say what true. She scare if her one and only friend left her because of the reality.

"Angel. Stop joking. It not funny at all." Yifan look at her that beside him. He can see tears streaming down from her eyes.

"Sorry, Yifan. I choose the wrong way. I don't want to hear my father say bad words to the men I love the most. I don't want his filthy mouth keep cursing to him.  I don't have any choice. I have to keep him shut up. So, I killed him. With my own hands." she cried. She said it all. Yifan gasp. He don't know what to do. Run or left. His feat stuck in front of her.

"But then, I know.. The men I love left. And, it makes me crazy ! I can't control myself. So, I killed myself. Like I said, I don't have any choice, Yifan. Not like you. You have many choice. Stay, left and dissapear." she continued.

"Who is the man you loved, Angel ? Tell me." even Yifan is shaking and trembling, he still want to know.

"Wu Yifan. Kris from EXO."

Curiosity eat himself.


-The Ends-


p/s : To haters, love the way your curse.


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86,908 i see what you did there
shining_writer #2
It was indeed funny. But "Hey, you" is considered to be impolite. This reminds me of some EXO fan being murdered by her father though.