City Lights are Shining Application~

Username: danaq22

Your Character
Name: Ahn Myung Hee
Goddess:(If Other is chosen please state the name of the Goddess and what they are the Goddess of next to Other)
[] Thesis
[] Nyx
[] Nemisis
[] Mnemosyne
[X] Other: Artemis, Goddess of the moon, wilderness and animals.

Powers: Is able to talk to animals, grow plants really fast (like plant a seed and have a flower bloom in 30 sec.), change the phase of the moon.
The Crime committed: Killing a river god.
Punishment: Sentenced to earth and reducing her powers. (like she can't change the phases of the moon, and cannot speak to animals anymore. But she can still garden very well, and she is really good with animals. It's just the level of power is reduced. Except for the moon phase thing, she cannot do that at all.)
Length of Sentence on Earth: 100 years.
Mark of the Gods: She has a tattoo of a crescent moon on her back. (

About your Goddess:


Myung Hee/Artemis is really more of a quiet and shy girl that keeps to her self. She doesn't really talk to people, but she is like a child in many many ways. She gets mad kind of easily, but really can't hold a grudge. She also gets excited really easily, especially if its things she likes. She loves animals. She is also really straightforward and honest. She seems very mysterious to other people, but its only because she doesn't like talking to people and is kind of shy. She is easily embarrased. She is also really loyal.


-Playing with animals








-The Night




-Not being straightforward


-Overly sunny days



-She whisltes when she's in a good mood.

-She bites her nails when she's nervous.

-She taps her feet when she's bored.

-She smiles when she's mad. (Sort of like Ren of Skip Beat, if you know what that is.)
Age: looks 19, actually 5789.
The Lovely Looks:

We Found Love:

1.Onew of SHINee

2. Kang Min Hyuk of CNBlue
What's he like?:

1. Onew is outgoing, fun, clumsy, and adventurous. He is sort of like the opposite of Myung Hee, but they're also similar in many ways, because they both are kind of childish, but mature when they need to be.

2. Min Hyuk is quiet, shy, and caring. He is a gentleman, and is sort of similar to Myung Hee, but he is more mature and detailed than Myung Hee. She is more clumsy and forgetful.
How did they meet?: 

1. They met at a cafe, when Onew was in a hurry, and accidentally spilled his coffee onto Myung Hee. He was really sorry, but had to leave quickly. He gave Myung Hee his phone number to call him for the fee for dry cleaning, which she did.

2. They met at a baseball game, where Myung Hee just went for fun to see what a baseball game was really like. They were seated next to each other, and they started chatting. They found out that they both really like hiking and nature. By the end of the baseball game, they already traded phone numbers and were great friends.
Anything else needed to know about your partner?: Hi XD I hope this app is okay!~ if I did anything wrong please PM me :)


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