My Idol Mommy | Lee Jimin

Username: ShirouEn
Nickname: Kae
Activity: 8


Character Basics

Birthname: Lee Jimin
Other Names: None
+ Minnie | SHINee | Since both Taemin and her respond to this name, it's a common occurence that when anyone wants both their attentions, they call them this. They also call each other this. 
Birthday + Age: June 18th, 1989 (24)
Ethnicity: Korean
Nationality: Korean
+ Korean | Fluent | She was born and raised in South Korea.
+ Chinese (Mandarin) | Fluent | She learned Mandarin Chinese all throughout her schooling, since her father did business between South Korea and China a lot. On family vacations or trips to China, she'd use it, and learned to perfect it there. She is good enough to write and read well in Chinese, and even tutored her younger brothers.
Birthplace: Incheon, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Bloodtype: O
Height: 173cm
Weight: 53kg
ual Orientation: Heteroual
Romantic Orientation: Biromantic

More in Depth

+ Stubborn, independent, self-confident (borderline over-confident), ambitious, irascible (given the right situation), diligent, courageous, loyal, out-going, friendly

One of the core traits that Jimin exhibited since she was a wee babe is the fact that she is as stubborn as a mule and twice as fiery. When she sets her mind on something, she rarely backs down, and will fight with words and fists if necessary to defend her way and her opinions. While she is willing to compromise, she usually has a lot of justification for her standpoints, so it takes a lot for her to change her mind on things. Her stubbornness is mostly the result of her desire to be true to herself -- she doesn't want to change how she acts or appears, simply because someone else doesn't like her image or society itself won't accept her. She works independently and she never bothered with receiving approval from anyone outside her mother and littlest brother. Her natural self-confidence and faith in her actions and beliefs lead her to be one tough cookie, whether it's in the multitude of sports that she loves, or in getting her guy. She doesn't care for those who can't accept her way of life, and won't hold back making that obvious.

Unfortunately her tough personality has plenty of the natural flaws that come with being so stubborn and headstrong. Her confidence is so high that more often than not people confuse her for being completely over-confident in her abilities and herself. While yes, she can be, she also is aware of her limits to some degree. She acknowledges that some things she would never be truly good at, like singing or art, and isn't afraid to admit to those weaknesses. Jimin has also been shown to be very easily angered if someone knows how to touch her buttons. She can remain pretty calm for most situations, but when provoked in the right manner, she's as irascible as it gets. She'll lash out and is prone to being extremely rash with her words and rude if she's pissed. Her anger in this state doesn't die easily, and more often than not she'll need to cool off on her own or call up someone close to her to release all her frustration. 

In spite of her flaws, Jimin also displays a lot of ambition and diligence. Since she was denied her dreams as a child, she's become fixated on them now that she can work of her own will and has her own life ahead of her. She drives herself through her self-confidence and her passion for what she loves, and won't hesitate to work extra long or extra hard to accomplish what she sets her mind on. At times, this can get to a point where she develops a one track mind, and can only focus on the task she's trying to accomplish, and will put everything second to finishing it. This does make her a responsible person, but at the same time in order to live up to her responsibilities, she sometimes makes short-sighted decisions and has poor judgement. She often misses out on sleep, or ends up practicing to the point of nearly injuring herself and making herself sick in these situations.

Also within the spectrum of her persona, lies courage and loyalty. As a branch off her confidence once again, Jimin is a very courageous person. She rarely lets her fears (yes she has them) get a hold of her, and is always standing up for her way or whatever she supports. She's the kind of person who would step between a bully and victim, or even get into a fist fight if someone close to her gets hurt. She also has a fierce loyalty -- anyone who she believes deserves her trust will have a hard time finding someone who will be as faithful to them as Jimin could be. She will do anything she can not to let the people she's close to down, and even at the cost of her own well-being she would never betray their faith in her. Jimin will do most anything in her power to deserve the trust that she receives from those she trusts herself.

As an idol, Jimin doesn't believe that the fact that she's on a stage means that she needs to change how to appears to others. She considers it almost like lying, and instead chooses to be true to herself. She'll still be quite stubborn, but is very passionate and diligent. Her raps are representative of her personality, and are very powerful and explosive, getting loud and quick abruptly, and are quite impressive. She makes no effort to portray herself as y on stage, and as a lead dancer, does more of the complex dances that her members can't do from shoe choices. She also acts as the "boy" of the group, and is usually paired with the main dancer in her dances and supports her. She is shown to be teasing, but is quite the friendly, out going character.

A softer side to Jimin however, does exist. Mostly on display when she's around Onew or her children, she has a milder, and much more relaxed personality to those closest to her. She can be a great support, even if she retains her stubborn nature. Her inner calm is here, and she can be very easy-going given the proper situation. She cares deeply for her fiancee and her children, and is very supportive since she doesn't want to become anything like her father was to her. Despite this, she is still stubborn, and is the discipline in the family. She will be strict when it's necessary, and is determined to bring her kids up to be both independent, but functional members of society.

+ Video Games, particularly FPS (First Person Shooter)
+ Driving cars
+ Mixed Martial Arts
+ Most sports, but most prominently football
+ Cooking from scratch
+ Breakdance
+ Fireworks
+ Loose Clothing
+ Fruity drinks
+ Karaoke, even though she

+ Seafood
+ Going out without applying SPF lotion
+ Sitting still unless it's in the driver's seat of a car
+ Swimming
+ Bikes and bikers
+ Smokers
+ The taste of energy drinks
+ Dresses
+ Having body hair, and the task of shaving it all off
+ Getting songs stuck in her head

+ She gives herself pep talks infront of a mirror before shows.
+ She has a tendency to run her hand through her hair often.
+ She sits with her legs open.
+ Her right eye twitches when she gets annoyed.

+ Mixed Martial Arts, specifically Taekwondo and Judo

+ Video games
+ Going out for long, pointless drives.
+ Making chocolates from scratch.
+ Sleeps on her stomach.
+ Likes to make her food from scratch.
+ Fears entering a coma, and would rather be put to sleep than live in a vegetative state.
+ Likes to prove it is completely possible to sprint in heels and wedges.
+ Constantly keeps her nails painted so she won't bite them.
+ Could care less if people thought she was a boy at first sight.
+ Doesn't like being called noona or unnie.
+ Can only do a doggy paddle when swimming.
+ Dislikes airplanes and boats as forms of transportation.
+ Cuts and dyes her hair herself.
+ Changes her hairstyle or colour at least once every three months.
+ Can't draw a circle to save her life.
+ Secretly wishes that she could get along with her father.
+ Would throw almost anything down to go see the Olympics.
+ She has an international driver's license.
+ Has a permanent scar on her shin from when she broke it as a child.
+ Her interest in Karaoke stems from Onew loving to sing, and loving to listen to her try to sing.

+ She named her twins after Daeryong and Soryong from Tasty, because she hopes they end up sharing their passions and lives together like that.
Pet(s): None

Supporting Cast

+ Father | Lee Taegyun | 51 | April 25th, 1963 | Businessman (works for Hyundai Motor Company) | Stubborn, close-minded, confident | 2 | Jimin's relationship with her father has always been strained, due to her boyish tendencies and her independent nature. Ever since she was a child, her father's made many attempts to nip her passions in the bud and instill on her more 'appropriate' mannerisms, that would eventually lead her to following in his footsteps and becoming a part of the business world. Unfortunately, because Jimin inherited his stubbornness, she never did come around. She doesn't truly dislike her father, it's mostly just awkward between them simply because he believes that she should act more like a girl, and that the fact that her little brother has more fame than she does as an idol proves her passion never got her anywhere in life. They mostly avoid one another, which is pretty easy since the man is usually busy at work, and when they're forced to have interactions, they resort to minimal conversation to avoid having more fights that hurt their family.
+ Mother | Seon Yoo Hwa | 53 | April 2nd, 1961 | Physical Therapist | Meek, kind, passive | 10 | Unlike her father, Jimin's mother was much more accepting of her daughter's progression toward more boyish behavior and her decision to pursue her dreams rather than follow her father's insistence in going into business. Jimin often worries about how meek and fragile her mother can be, and wishes she could get along better with her father if only to repay her beloved mother for all the care she's given her. Jimin's mother is the one she goes to in order to express her feelings about her father and their instablity, and they have a very close mother-daughter relationship. She loves her dearly, and is definitely mommy's little girl rather than daddy's.
+ Little Brother | Lee Taemin | 20 | July 18th, 1993 | Idol [SHINee] | Oblivious, cheerful, childish | 10 | Jimin and Taemin get along fine for two siblings with rival careers. The two are incredibly close, just as close as Jimin is to her mother, and while the two have bickered and teased each other like most siblings do, they never had any huge fights. Jimin supports her brother, and he too, was one of her main supports growing up. She appreciates his presence in their family, since he also chose to become an idol like she did, and helped get her father off her back. She frequently contacts him and they tell each other about their exploits in their respective groups. He was apparently one of the pushing factors in Onew gathering the courage to propose to her, and for that she is eternally grateful, even if she gave him a noogie and playfully called him a meddling little pest in their relationship.
+ Little Brother | Lee Taesun | 22 | October 16th, 1991 | Business Student | Quiet, humble, clever | 8 | While she's still pretty close to Taesun, she definitely shares more a connection with Taemin than him. His more quiet nature prevented them from forming a bond when they were younger, and he mostly followed after his father too, which furthered the rift in their early childhood. Despite this, later on Jimin came to be grateful of his presence since her father started focusing on raising him into a businessman, and started to give up on changing her in the process. They got closer in the later years of their lives, and now she teases him about how he should've been the firstborn because he's so calm and mature. He takes this well, knowing Jimin only means it as a joke, and they get along fine, sharing a warm brother-sister relationship.

+ Amber Liu | 21 | September 18th, 1992 | Idol [f(x)] | Out-going, independent, impulsive | They met through Taemin, since he said his sister was a lot like Amber in how she dresses and is a tomboy. He introduced them during their trainee periods. | 10 | Due to their many similarities in style and personality, they pretty much meshed the moment they met. They're very friendly with one another, and hang out often when there's time to, usually shopping together or playing games. She shares with Amber as much as she does her mother or brother, and they're always joking with one another and teasing each other.
+ Kim Jonghyun | 24 | April 8th, 1990 | Idol [SHINee] | Bold, loud, comedic | Taemin introduced all s to her when they debuted. | 7 | For the most part, she gets along with Jonghyun the best because they share the most similar personalities. When they're together, they are often talking to one another and laughing at each other. 
+ Kim Kibum (Key) | 21 | September 22, 1991 | Idol [SHINee] | Extroverted, caring, brash | 
Taemin introduced all s to her when they debuted. | 6 | They mostly get along, though they've been known to argue over the silliest things because they're both very stubborn people. They do respect one another, and she will about being SHINee's "umma" figure.
+ Choi Minho | 21 | December 9th, 1991 | Idol [SHINee] | Playful, competitive, confident | Taemin introduced all s to her when they debuted. | 6 | Their shared interest in athleticism makes them pretty close. Usually they'll get competitive with one another, but she suspects Minho of holding back usually because she's a girl and older than him.
+ Lee Chaerin (CL) | 22 | February 26, 1991 | Idol [2NE1] | Passionate, tough, proud | They were both trainees in YG together. | 7 | Since they both aimed to be rappers, they helped one another practice until they both debuted. They are quite close, and will contact one another about how they're doing. They were compared a lot, but CL respects Jimin as her elder, and Jimin is very proud of CL's success as a leader.
+ Kim Eunkyung | 27 | March 3rd, 1987 | Idol [AmbiValencE] | Intuitive, supportive, joyful | They're in the same group. | 8 | At first they weren't very close since Eunkyung was much closer to the older members of AVE, but after their album Feelings and their pair dance, they became very friendly with one another, simply because they spent so long perfecting the dance together and they learned a lot about one another in the period. Jimin respects and looks up to Eunkyung as a dancer, and Eunkyung likes how ambitious Jimin is.


+ Amber Liu | 21 | September 18th, 1992 | Idol [f(x)] | Out-going, independent, impulsive (no difference) | Above. | 5 | They compete mostly because of their similar styles and the fact they're both rappers. | Who says best friends can't be rivals? As much as they get along, they do also push each other and compete with their raps. It's all friendly, and there's never been any malice. If anything, their rivalry is solely to improve the other, but since they both have competitive spirits, it can seem more than that at times to general public.

The Journey Forward

Jimin's childhood isn't something she likes to discuss -- ever since she was young, her father had tried to mold her to his ideal image, particularly since she displayed very early on that she was a rowdy, stubborn little girl. While her mother did her best to try and convince her father that Jimin should grow up with less expectations, he couldn't stand that his daughter was showing signs of being very rebellious in nature, from the way she climbed, ran and jumped over everything, to how she refused to listen to him if he yelled at her or if she really didn't want to do something. From the start, she never got close to her father since both were very close-minded about how they wanted to live well, her life. The only time they really got along was when he'd bring the family with him to car shows and she's oodle over the new models.

When she was finally old enough to start dressing herself and defining her true character, Jimin quickly took in athletics and found a way to get out all her excess energy -- martial arts. After her mother spoke to her father to let her go to classes if she'd learn Chinese in school and improve her grades, she was able to learn Taekwondo. While hanging out with her club members though, she quickly discovered the world of rap. Inspired by rappers from far and wide, as well as some of her friends, she took to it herself, and practiced rapping in secret, away from the watching eyes of her father. Eventually she also learned to dance, and using her skills from Taekwondo, she became quite the dancer at a young age. She was actually the catalyst for Taemin eventually learning and loving dance, since she liked to show off in front of her brothers.

By the time she was a pre-teen, Jimin had already become well equipped with her physical and rapping half -- she was well trained and continued to pursue perfection in her arts. Her father had become more concerned with raising her little brothers, whom were much more willing to fit into his idea of perfect sons than Jimin was of being the perfect daughter, so she was mostly on her own devices. She developed her own sense of fashion that made her look much more like a boy, but that mostly didn't matter to her -- she liked how she looked with boy clothing, and it was plenty more comfortable and practical than skirts or dresses. She built stronger relationships with the rest of her family in hopes of not letting it fall too far apart.

Unfortunately, her father nearly had a fit the first time he found out she rapped and danced. He claimed she was turning rebellious, and was shaming his good name with her passion. At this point in her life, Jimin had already started to dream of being an idol one day, and this retaliation from her father only pushed her to exact revenge the best way she could -- by auditioning for YG Entertainment. When she was accepted, her father was pretty much outraged at her tactic against him. And then her father dared to try and hit her. The slap never touched her; almost a decade of martial arts training had paid off, but she could feel the sting of the strike against her heart. For the first time in her life, Jimin expressed to her entire family just how hurt she was, deep down. Her exterior of being a tough, unbreakable spirit shattered, and the night ended with her running off and camping out at a friend's.

She came home the next day with a solid resolve -- she was going to leave home to train and become a rapper and dancer. After her mother pleaded for her to her father, and Jimin showed him her steeled gaze, he finally gave up. He could never have the daughter he wanted. She ended up apologizing to her brothers and mother for the fight, and left home to train under YG and pursue her dreams, and the life she wanted for so long.

In the end, things did work out. Her drive to pursue her dreams also inspired Taemin to pursue his, and he chose to audition for SM. After already dealing with one child wanting to be an idol, her father didn't have much to say here. He did have something to say about the fact that Taemin's group SHINee became more famous than her's when the time came around, but Jimin by then had learned not to care. She was more than happy enough that her brother was achieving his best and becoming such an amazing person. She herself, had more things to worry about anyway -- including an adorably clumsy fiancee and two rowdy twin boys.

Trainee Years:  4 years
Label: YG
Pre-Debut Experience: 
+ She's been a back up dancer for BIG BANG in a few of their stages and MV's.
+ She's modelled for a few magazine photoshoot's before.
+ She's also done photoshoots for short hair in hairstyle example albums.
Trainee History: 
+ Trainee years were mostly typical for Jimin. Since she has such a tough personality and is very diligent, she excelled during these years. Her biggest trouble was the fact she couldn't sing well for the life of her. She's almost tone deaf, and had a hard time passing all her singing examinations. Luckily, her rapping and dancing were completely on par, and her unique image got her through her years. A lot of the trainees were confused at first at her boyish appearance and behaviour, and at times she rubbed others the wrong way because she was so focused on debuting sometimes she'd neglect her fellow trainees. Despite this, she made a relatively close group of friends, and even ended up debuting with a few of them in AVE. She did not have children as a trainee, and debuted at 18 as the second youngest member of AVE.

Group: AmbiValencE (AVE)
Position: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer
Stagename: Jay
Persona: Dynamite Rap
Personal Fanclub: Blue Jays
Fanclub Color(s): #3399cc (Curious Blue)
Social Media: 
+ Private FB :: Lee Jimin
+ CyWorld :: L. Jay
+ Twitter :: @b.l.ue_jay
Solo Activities: None completely solo, but she's done a rap duet with CL for a mini album, and has a few singles out paired with Eunkyung, where they danced together, and she rapped while Eunkyung sang. She also had a guest appearance in one of SHINee's concerts, and did a trio with Taemin and Onew.

Group History: 
+ Debut Date :: October 6th, 2008
+ Debut Song :: Ambition (2008)
+ Notable Awards :: Ambition (2008) -- Song of the Month [Won], Lingering Feelings (2010) -- Best Choreography [Won], Feelings Album (2010) -- Album of the Year [Nomination]
+ AmbiValencE, better known as just AVE, is a six member girl group from YG Entertainment that debuted in 2008, just before the debut of 2NE1. Jimin was the second member to be revealed, and actually caused quite the confusion since only her picture and stage name Jay was released, so people thought that AVE would be a co-ed group. After her full profile was announced, the initial confusion ended up with her becoming the most well-known member, particularly due to her image, and the fact that she was the elder sister to Lee Taemin of SHINee, whom had debuted earlier that year in May. AVE has had their success over their years, however were mostly outshined by their successors, 2NE1, who debuted the next year. They aren't quite popular, but they have a steady fanbase and support that keeps them active.
+ Jimin gets along quite well with her group members, and is closest to main dancer Kim Eunkyung, since they often do pair dances together. Since Jimin is the second youngest in her group, she did at times get on her older member's nerves because of her stubborn attitude, but at the same time they're all quite accepting of how she lives and works. 
+ When Jimin was pregnant with her twins, the group continued to perform together until her baby bump was too large to hide. After that, she took a hiatus from live activities, but continued recording and helping the group in privacy. She rejoined the group a half year after her twins were born for live activities, and continues to juggle performing and taking care of her children with Onew. 

The Netizens: 
+ Due to the initial confusion over her gender, she picked up many fans pre-debut and they stayed with her throughout her years. It was an unexpected turn around, but nonetheless did quite well for her career and the group's success. Most of her fans enjoy how she is out-going and not afraid to be herself on stage, though some claim she's too straightforward. She is usually shipped with Eunkyung, since Jimin plays the male role in their pair dances. While Jimin is not a secretive person, she did choose to keep most of her private life hidden for the sake of her brother, who likes his privacy. People who aren't fans of AVE usually know her as Taemin's older sister, or Onew's girlfriend/fiancee. Since she is usually spoken well of by them, many people like her, even if she isn't quite the well-known star.

The Face

Ulzzang: Park Younghee
Pics: Gallery

Back Up: Hyun Bi Hyul
Pics: Gallery

Bundles of Joy


Name: Lee Daewon
Other Name(s): None
+ Daewonnie | Parents | Just a cute petname.
Birthday + Age: November 5th, 2012 (2)
Bloodtype: O
Personality: The more reserved elder twin, but not by much. Daewon is actually the more clingy of the two brothers. He's less talkative than his excitable younger sibling, and is in fact, probably much more mature than him, but usually goes along with the stupidly silly things his littler twin likes to do. He's easier to handle, and is more willing to listen, but is still quite noisy and energetic. He usually tags along with his brother's antics, but cries a lot when they get in trouble or are scolded by their mother. He is the more emotional of the two in that regard, and is actually usually the one being comforted by his younger brother. They rarely fight, and are very close. Strangely enough, he is the twin that likes acting cute more, while Sowon seems to prefer a cool or tough image. He is already learning the art of aegyo, and is much more expressive in front of a camera.
Father: Lee Jinki
Appearance: Leo William


Name: Lee Sowon
Other Name(s): None
+ Sowonnie | Parents | Just a cute petname.
Birthday + Age: 
November 5th, 2012 (2)
Bloodtype: O
Personality: The younger by 8 minutes, and much more like Jimin twin. He has already shown signs of inheriting the common trait of stubborness that runs in the family, but isn't as rowdy as his mother was. He likes being silly, and being the center of attention when he can get it. He's not very sensitive either, and is much more proud and boastful than his older twin brother. He likes to brag, and is a little bit of a show off. Since he has a tough skin, usually he is the one taking care of his more emotional elder brother, and he cares for him deeply. He's very whiny though, and makes big fusses that get him in trouble a lot. He is a little scared of his mother since she is usually the one reprimanding his antics, but both brothers love their parents a lot.
Father: Lee Jinki
Appearance: Leo William

Life Support


Love Interest: Lee Jinki (Onew)
Status: Engaged
Birthday + Age: December 14th, 1989 (24)
Bloodtype: O
Occupation: Idol [SHINee]
+ Optimistic, respectful, easy going, passive, mild, honest (bluntly), introverted, calm, clumsy, oblivious

In many more ways than one, Onew is quite the opposite of Jimin. He's very passive, and doesn't fight for himself that often, or maybe he just doesn't have much of an opinion to fight for. He isn't brash, isn't athletic, and more often than not is actually really ditzy. In fact he's just plain clumsy if there was any way to describe it. Mostly he sticks to himself and doesn't pursue anything more than he already has. Onew is content with how things are, and is optimistic that he'll always be this happy.

For the most part, Onew is an easy-going person -- very hard to anger, and very forgiving; he has a hard time staying mad at people. He doesn't like tension, or fights, and even less causing trouble, so in the end his nature is very calming. He's very respectful, always using honorifics and bowing 90 degrees when speaking to others, and he knows how to be polite. He keeps his manners in check, but at the same time, won't hesitate to be bluntly honest if it comes down to it. His actions may be respectful, but his words can sting. More than anything else, Onew values honesty, so he won't hold back his opinions in favour of being a little more respectful.

Onew is mostly introverted as well. He does talk, and when you get him talking he's very good at doing so, but being around people for extended periods of time easily tires him out. He prefers to have some alone time and space, particularly to go to sleep and recharge. His personality is probably best summed up as mild -- nothing extreme, nothing particularly standing out, but all around average with a sprinkle of awkward Onew condition. He's also quite oblivious since he doesn't care to get too involved or think too much about things. At times he'll accidentally miss hints since he doesn't realize they mean something beyond what he's given. This also connects with why he's so bluntly honest -- since he needs blunt honesty for himself to understand situations and things.
How they met: 
Onew and Jimin were actually unlikely friends since elementary. It pretty much all started when Jimin accidently dropped fingerpaint on his head when she was running around the play area avoiding the teacher. Even as a child he was mostly calm about it, and recovered quickly from the surprise. In the end, rather than being angry, he gave her a smile and put a red handprint on her face to get back at her. Since then, she became attached to the odd, easy going boy since he was one of the few people who wouldn't get mad at some point at her wild nature. He moved out of the district mid-way through elementary, but they kept in touch, and were quite shocked when they realized he'd be debuting with her younger brother Taemin.
How they interact:
Onew is kind of like a foil to Jimin; always relaxed, with few things bothering him, and very willing to listen and let other people's perspectives influence his own. It was probably these differences that actually made them get along so well -- they balanced each other out. Over the years, Onew was the one steady friend she talked to most, even after he moved away. Even if they didn't share the same talents or interests, they were supportive of the other's passions. Jimin came to understand that Onew would never be as active as she was -- in a way she preferred it that way. When she's around him, everything just seems more mild, and her life just seems like it's finally in order, and not always on the rush.

Onew himself, knew that Jimin would never change her ways -- she was as feral as it got, and he was fine with that. It was a dynamic of life he didn't get to participate or see much due to his interests in sleeping and fried chicken. In a sense, he admires how headstrong and bold Jimin acts and runs her life how she wants to.

When they're together, it's very much like a scale that comes to equilibrium. Onew becomes more talkative and bold, where Jimin mellows out and becomes more level headed and open. They enjoy more simpler activities that stablize their lives and prevent them from falling into one extreme or the other. They rarely run out of things to talk about, or things to do, and they sincerely enjoy each other's company doing the more simpler things in life. When one or the other gets upset, they're always there to carry each other out of their problems and back them up. Onew is one of the few people that Jimin doesn't mind talking about her emotional weaknesses to, and elaborating on them. She trusts him, and he trusts her, and both are equally faithful to the other.

As time passed, eventually it was Jimin who furthered their relationship. In the middle of 2007, she followed her feelings for Onew that had developed over the years, and asked him out during their trainee years. It was a bit of a shocking experience for Onew, but at the same time it wasn't anything he could disagree to. They already shared many moments that could've established them as a couple long ago -- the words boyfriend and girlfriend just made things official. They decided to keep the relationship on the low, simply to preserve their careers and achieve their dreams.

In the end, not much changed with their relationship when they established that they were dating. Nothing really needed change, so neither bothered with messing with something that was already working perfectly on its own. Two years after they debuted, they went public with their relationship, which was received relatively well by the public though the media still considered it a scandal. They received support from both AVE and SHINee, and continued with their careers as if nothing happened. The only changes were the skinship in public increased, and they spent a little more time together in the open.

Sometime though in late 2011, the shocking news came that Jimin was pregnant. For the protection of their future children, they kept this news a secret, and supported one another in private. After the children were born, they stayed with Jimin for the most part, but Onew was always around to take care of them as well, and give Jimin the support she needed. For the first years of their lives, their identities were kept a secret, until the show.

Just recently, Onew proposed to a sweaty Jimin backstage AVE's comeback concert, with all her members, SHINee, and the staff watching. At that point she almost reinjured Onew's neck tackling him to the floor in happiness, but fortunately, no one was injured that day. The news quickly spread that the two had become engaged after photographs of the two with their engagement rings on were posted on allkpop. With their new relationship status, not much changed between the two, but they did move in together so that they could take more proper care of their children and each other. 
What do they think of her going on this show? 
It was actually his idea. He came home one day with the news of the show opening, and suggested that she go on so that they could make their children public too. They both disliked keeping their kids a secret, and wanted to spend more time in public with them, so Jimin quickly agreed to appear on the show. 
Is he the father? Yes


Back Up: Kim Sunggyu
Status: Engaged
Birthday + Age: April 28, 1989 (25)
Bloodtype: A
Occupation: Idol [INFINITE]
Personality: Same as above.
How they met: Same as above, except he'd be debuting later, with INFINITE.
How they interact: Same as above, except with INFINITE.
What do they think of her going on this show? Same as above.
Is he the father? Yes

Here's the End

Comments/Concerns: If it so happens I need to use my back up, Sunggyu would be the father of the twins, and take Onew's place in her story. Jimin is too loyal to have children with anyone but the person she's actually in love with. I also apologize if her history and her background with Onew was very long. I wanted to make her realistic and tried to match timelines as well as possible x ux Please tell me if there are any conflicting dates that you find~ Otherwise, I think this is an amazing idea :3 I love the teasers so far, and I'm really glad I found this before the deadline! I hope Jimin is suitable for the show > u< I also answered the extra in first person, so you can get an idea of how Jimin talks and thinks, and played a bit with her relationship to some of them (I hope that was okay . u.)
Scene Requests: 
+ Perhaps a scene were Tasty comes onto the show after Jimin admits that she named her twin boys after them, and they get to meet her and the two little rascals.
+ During the show, she discovers Raeni has bipolar disorder, and that's likely what happened back during the MV that led their cold relationship. This could lead to them reconciling and becoming closer on the show. Perhaps their kids could also get along, which would help them become friendly with one another.
+ Backstage, Jimin invites the other cast members to her and Onew's wedding after they become close. This could be a topic on the show, but the wedding itself would be private, invitation only, and include just the other cast members, SHINee, AVE, close friends, and family.

A Little Extra

In all honesty, I don't like doing first impressions simply because I don't think I got a very good image of a person until I get to know'em, but I can try.
+ Kim Jin Ni :: The first time I heard she was dating another girl, I was damn impressed. I mean, it does take a lot of guts to go public with something like that here. I think she's an admirable character, and I hope we get along. I respect her already, even though we haven't yet met in person.
+ Malee Lee :: We actually knew each other, since we were both trainees in YG. I didn't get to see her much, since I was more focused on learning how to sing, but she always seemed like a confident, funny girl. I like her, and I think we could've been friends earlier if being trainees wasn't so obnoxiously busy. I hope to get to know her better on the show, and that we can talk about our experiences together being under the same company.
+ Kim Yong Rin :: We also knew each other in YG, and I'm actually pretty familiar with her since we were called opposites -- I couldn't sing or act for my life, and she couldn't rap or dance. We hung out a little together with CL, and I like her. I say we're acquaintances mostly though for now.
+ Song Cheonsa :: Holy cow there are a lot of YG kids here.. I knew her too, but only by name. She comes off as really nice, and I think I'd like her if we talked.
+ Lee Mirae :: Somebody called in the sunshine.. I've never seen this girl frown, and I like that about her, but it does make me wonder if there's something behind it. Call me a skeptic but the fact that not even Onew can smile as often as this girl just makes me a little iffy about it. Even so, I don't like to judge like that, so I'm hoping I get to know her better.
+ Kang Raeni :: So, I guess we got off on the wrong foot? We met as back up dancers to one of BIG BANG's MV's, but I guess I said something wrong and it got really cold, really fast. I haven't really kept up with her because of this, so I honestly don't know how this is going to go. I'm a little worried, but we did finish the MV together fine. I think I'll keep my opinions to myself for now though.



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I love the details adn the everything