Turn Up The Bright Lights PDF

Hello all~ Many, many people have asked me for a PDF file of TUtBL, and for a long time I didn't even know how to make one. Because I mainly get online from my phone, I can't figure out a way to upload this anywhere, but I've finally downloaded a PDF version from the other site its hosted on, and have it available. If you're interested, email me at [email protected] and I will email you the PDF for Turn Up The Bright Lights (finally XDD) And maybe at some point, I'll figure out a way to upload the file to mediafire or something so you can download it directly~


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Your last post reminded me that you had said something about a PDF version of Turn Up the Bright Lights, when I first saw this I kept saying I'd ask you for it sometime but I never did. So, I was wondering if you were still offering it?
Oh lordyyyy~