" debut :: || ellington byeon


    " [[ ellington byeon :: ]]

name || ellington byeon
other names || 
byeon kyeong in ; korean name
elli ; used by everyone, because elli is cuter and quicker to say than "ellington" (although he takes great pride in his name)
augustus waters/john green ; mabel calls him this because he's so pretentious with his "metaphors". coined from john green and his "fault in our stars" character, augustus waters
 || male

age || 19, 20
birthdate || 14.02.1995
height+weight || 169cm (although he wears insoles and insists he's 173) & 62kg
ethnicity || korean
birthplace+hometown || johannesburg, south africa + hongdae, south korea
languages || 
english ; native. english us the national language of south africa
afrikaans ; semi-fluent. he took it as an elective in high school, and was pretty good at it.
korean ; fluent. he's been in korea since he was 8

plotline || the go-getter

faceclaim ||
jo geun hyeon
back-up faceclaim || hyun
style || 
he is the ultimate hipster. his closet is filled with plaid and denim and glasses. his pants are tighter than your sister's and some wonder if he's secretly trying to castrate himself. the ladies don't really mind though, because of them honey thighs. he has a lot of tattoos. one of a bird on his
neck, a compass on his right arm, and a bunch of symbols and his fingers.
x o x o

likes || 
+ making metaphors ; everything's a metaphor
+ john green ; he's just so deep man

+ banned books ; see how foolish people were for not allow their minds to open
+ being unique ; he's a special snowflake
+ vegan things ; protect the planet man
+ plants ; they're so pretty (and perfect to compare girls to)

dislikes || 
+ people who don't appreciate his metaphors ; how dare you
+ unculutred people ; read up on some of plato's philosophy's and then come talk to him

+ sweatshops ; basically child labor
+ music about drugs, , and money ; how dare people sing about things they enjoy. plebians
+ people who misuse "irony" and "literally" ; those words do not mean what you think they do
+ people saying he has a british accent ; he just really has a resentment towards british accents

hobbies || 
+ quoting john green ; he's so deep man. he's the wandering soul of the 21st century
+ playing guitar ; he's such a deep and tortured soul man

+ spoken word ; he can let out his prose and spit out sick rhymes too
habits || 
+ he always has a pack of cigarrettes on him, but he never smokes them. instead he places them between his lips and calls it a metaphor for not giving something the power to kill you
+ crazy hand gestures ; he picked it up as a tip during one of his poetry slams and he just hasn't stopped

+ talking ; this guy is like always talking. he talks when he's scared, when he's upset, when he's excited. he would interrupt his own funeral just to talk
trivia || 
+ he's actually a big fan of john green and pretty much quotes him 24/7
+ he fears oblivion and not being able to make his mark in the world
+ he's not taken seriously as a rapper, because he always sings about lame things like the state of the world and john green and how "his stars are like stars that he cannot fathom into constellations"
+ was named after jazz artist duke ellington
+ his favorite books are flowers for algernon, lord of the flies, and--of course--the fault in our stars

+ had a questionable gay experience in 7th grade
+ when he was five he made a "make your mark in the world plan in 14 years or less"

personality ||
ellington is both the most pretentious special snowflake, mabel's words, or the most unique and poetic guy ever, everyone else's words. he thinks that because he's cultured and drinks organic coffee and eats dirt and water that he's inherently better than everyone else. he will never flat out say that he's better, but it is heavily implied, as well as the rarity in his qualities despite being exactly like everyone else only listening to some lame greasy band that no one's ever heard about because they most likely . he's been known to make statements like "i'm the guy who would rather read john green than take advantage of girls" and "i'm the type of guy to say 'i love you' and mean it, unlike those other douchebags who only want ". he's the type of guy who's against e-books because having an expensive and space consuming library makes you much more of a literary fan. everyone just has to acknowledge how different he is and he is cool otherwise things are really uncomfortable for him, he deserves to be famous because wow he has his septum pierced, he's so edgy and misunderstood, where's his following? his vocabulary and everyday speech is excessively impressionistic and the words the flow smoothly from his silver-laced tongue are often ostentatious and filled to the brim with lovely prose.

with natural charisma and a powerful stage presence, its near impossible to ignore elli. which is great because no matter how modest and coy he acts, he loves being the apple of everyone's eyes. elli was made for fanmeets, he was made for talk shows, he was made for the stage. he's always equiped with an arsenal of bad jokes and silly anectdotes and pretentious life lessons about how he wants to build a school in africa because he thinks it'll show people how much of a humanitarian he is. people naturally gravitate around him, as if he was earth and they were the moon. elli is an endless source of entertainment, a real riot that will have you slapping your knee. he lacks a mind-to-mouth filter, and while he doesn't say rude things, he says things that are completely out of left field like "swans are just larger, ier ducks" or "i want to kiss every bug but they are so small and my lips are so strong" or "i'm just a bean" or "'ph' is for 'ffa ffa'!" he's a breath of fresh air that (most) people love being around.

elli has to be the biggest drama queen since julius caesar. everything is either really amazing like the grace of god or everything has a personal vendetta against him, probably he's too deep for them. there's no in between. elli overreacts to just about everything, someone ate his food? wow everyone in this dorm must hate h, he didn't even do anything all he wanted was to eat his gosh darn food and if he eats any other food he will die bc he's a vegan for a reason (that's totally not to be seen as cool). someone scared him? wow is he going into cardiac arrest i think he is call an ambulance because his life has only been an unanswered shout into the void. wear a fedora? you sir obviously need the grace of god but don't worry because elli is here to cleanse you with the art of loving yourself. he literally does not know how to be subtle about anything at all, not even when it comes to girls he likes. speaking of girls he likes, he always considers realationships to be more intimate than they actually are. wow a girl looked at him? they're gonna get married.

while some people say other people are 4d, people are still trying to figure out which dimensional plane elli came from. he's definitely on his own wavelength. elli is his own person and refuses to go with the flow--he believes in individuality and doesn't want to be a carbon copy of every other person. he's very suspicious of things and always questions them. he's a big fan of conspiracy theories and loves practicing his inductive reasoning--what if? elli doesn't always pay attention, he may be too busy thinking about whether exo is really a group of androids sent to collect the souls of girls. elli's naive and jovial and even outgoing. he looks forward to his future and rarely ever frowns. he is that type of guy who could dedicate his life to making people happy. he's a bit of a doormat too, letting people take advantage of him with a smile on his face because hey, at least they're happy. he hates conflict and does whatever it takes to avoid it. he's oblivious to things around him so you'll often find him in his own little world, so you might hear him mumbling song lyrics or see him jamming out in the back or see him making ugly faces or doing aegyo.

elli is basically and 85 year old man who has no clue how anything works these days. whenever sometimes tries to show him how to use a computer, ello just looks at it like its some kind of witchcraft. everything's too confusing and too technological and elli misses the days where things were just paper and pencil. he tends to reminisce on things he wasn't even alive for, like who could forget the smooth jazz of frank sinatra? he's also arguably the cheapest person on the planet and refuses to pay more than he has to. elli is genuinely concerned when people say they spent 60 bucks on pants; 60 bucks can get elli an new wardrobe with an actual wardrobe to go with it.

background || 
elli was born in south africa. his mom and dad were poets, and rather avant-garde, so he was interested in poetry from a young age. his parents also introduced him to k-pop when he was young, and watching everyone on stage made him yearn to be famous, they also watched a lot of odd programs like "what is the meaning of life?" and elli started thinking of oblivion and emptiness and who he was. he decided at a young age that he was going to make his mark on the world and save himself from oblivion, so he came up with his "how to make your mark in the world in 14 years or less". he started music lessons, only to find that he couldn't sing for , and that caused him to have an existential crisis about falling into oblivion until he heard rap for the very first time. he was amazed at the similarities between poetry. the family moved to korea when elli was 8, and he took up poetry slams and looked up some underground rappers. elli's plan to make his mark on the world had to change, but only slightly. he auditioned for pretty much every record label until he was accepted at monkey funch. his skills in poetry eventually developed into rapping skills, and he learned rapid-fire rapping by spitting out sick poems as fast as he could.


    " [[ ellington :: ]]

preferred positions || main rapper, lead dancer, choreographer
persona || the romantic
previous company || monkey funch

trainee years || 8
trainee life || 
trainee life was pretty bland for elli, he trained and trained especially with dancing. he still can't carry a tune in a bucket, but that's not important. he started training at a very young and ripe age, age 11, and at first trainee life was both hell and heaven. he had that young enthusiasm yet the training was pretty hard. as he got older, life got easier to adjust to. he had some friends, usually other poets like him, and not many people liked him because he was annoying and pretentious.

reason for leaving ||
elli quit because eight years later, he was a legal adult, and he still had not made his mark on the world. that kinda sent him into an existential crisis about oblivion and being forgotten. he just kinda stormed into the ceo's office and had a meltdown and said he quit and other pretentious things--which he actually really regretted later.

as he was working at the local chinese restaurant, he overheard the ringleader say that mabel would be perfect for their idol group and watched as they chased after her. seeing this as his opprotunity to get even closer to the (incredibly cute) girl, he approached travis and got on his knees and took travis's hand in his (everyone in the place thought elli was proposing) and said, "please please please let me be in your group too!! i can rap, i-i can dance!! i'm amazing and gorgeous and a tortured soul!" travis didn't exactly know how to feel about the strange guy, but he was moved by his ability to reach out to travis first, so travis said 'okay'.
part-time job || works at a chinese restaurant

singing twin ||
dancing twin || key
rapping twin || zee-ah-co (zico)
idol twin ||
bang yongguk ; mainly because of yongguk's ways of being philosophical and deep and kind


    " [[ mabel madigan :: ]]

other names ||
kwon ae kyu ; korean name
little doe ;  used by family, friends, and ellington because she's really tiny and has huge doe eyes (also do's eyes haha)
leprechaun ; because she's short and irish haha. only rude people call her this
hazel grace ; ellington calls him this because if he's augustus waters, then she's his hazel grace
 || female
age || 21, 22
birthdate || 05.05.1993

personality || 

mabel is a very quiet person--in speech, movement, and presence. mabel's presence often goes unnoticed and she often scares people because hse "pops up out of nowhere" (when in reality she's been there the whole time). mabel has an irrational fear of just about everything. the sensation in her gut is almost always that feeling when you tip back too far in a chair. mabel just wants to be safe and cozy and ends up avoiding things because of it because hey, everything can kill her and nothing is safe and if something can go wrong, it will go wrong. call her obsessive, but she has at least 25 plans and 58 backup plans to handle any worst case scenario that wriggles its ugly face into her head. because of her constant worrying, she has a difficulty accepting compliments because what if they were asked by a friend to make fun of her? i mean, it has happened before. mabel just kinda wants to hide herself away from the world sometimes, taking comfort in her blog and in making music. she feels like she's not equal to others and is very easily discouraged and very suspicious that people are looking down on her. she needs constant validation and encouragement from her friends and she must be eased out of her shell otherwise, she'd just stay in bed all day. she's afraid people won't like her, and often times detaches herself from people and would much rather be alone than disliked. at least no one can hurt her or make her feel worse than she already does. she wears a lot of armor. cold, heavy, affection-proof armor covered with spikes that she developed as a kid. mabel is 100% certain that no one will be able to break through it. mabe; doesn't talk much, mainly because she doesn't know what to say and partly because she can't gather the courage to speak. she stammers a lot, and blushes when she feels people staring at her when she talks. she'll sometimes start speaking but since no one notices her, her voice will just trail off. mabel always second-guesses and third-guesses and fourth-guesses herself. she just can't seem to trust her instincts because they were wrong before and they can be wrong again. if she wants to get anything done, like going to the store or hoping on board with a crazy scheme brought to her by the ringleader, she has to do it spur of the moment.

"is she one of those special snowflakes or has she just not grown out of her awkward teenager phase?" is what most people ask when they meet mabel. she's the worst at social situations. there needs to be a jail for people who still break out in a cold sweat whenever they have to knock on someone's door, and mabel needs to get 18 life sentences. mabel gets dizzy and her hands become clammy at the very thought of looking a stranger or aquaintance in the eye (and by in the eye i mean in their general area). good lord, handshakes are the worst for her, is it gonna be normal or is it gonna blow up but what about jellyfishing? mabel just doesn't know and that's really awful and stresses her out so much. mabel tells too many bad puns and just in general terribly unfunny jokes but refuses to acknowledge it. every time she opens people either cringe, groan, or get ready to laugh because odds are the next thing out of will be something really really stupid. why couldn't the man find his map "why" because the man lost his map. she hates meeting "a friend of a friend", that's the absolute worst because the her friend'll leave and she'll be alone with the stranger and she'll have to maintain that 49% smile that lets everyone know she's only pretending to enjoy herself.

mabel is the goddess of destruction for a very good reason. mabel came out of her mom falling and embarrassing herself. she's hurt herself so many times that long lasting scars cover her body and mind. life with mabel is like living in a constant infomercial, dropping and spilling and breaking things in the most improbable way ever. putting on eyeliner and mascara is like playing russian roulette because she'll either get it all over her face or jab her eye out. icy surfaces basically equals impending death. she is 21 years old and she still forgets when she has a beverage in and just starts talking. she's ran into more poles than a stripper, standing too close to her is a liability, she can hardly ever look graceful, no matter what.

"like zooey deschanel only not awful" describes her pretty well. mabel gets excited over weird and mundane things that make people think she's crazy. if she sees bunnies playing she'll coo in adoration, or she gasp and place a hand over her heart if a baby grabs her finger, and nearly cries when she gets extra chicken nuggets with her happy meal. there are few things that can bring her out of her shell quicker than anything else, and those are: bugs, plants, robots, magical gils, and 8-bit music tracks. if you let her, she'll blabber on for hours and hours about her magical girl series and her magical boy and her magical inter person because oh boy, she just loves them so much. she'll write you an 80 page essay, double spaced, size 12 font, times new roman, all about robots and how cute they are. she'll wake up in the middle of the night and won't be able to fall back asleep because has an 8-bit track stuck in her head that needs to be composed right that second. she wants to learn everything she can about them, so she reads and reads and reads and researches everything. she gets lost in her work when doing something involving them. her heart speeds up and her eyes sparkle and she's not as anxious or paranoid when talking about them. there are times when mabel's head is in the clouds, but she is by no means flighty. she was just chasing down a though that was more interesting than the conversation at hand.you could tell her that you have a pet dinosaur, and as long as you use palentologist sounding words, she'll listen with eyes wider than they already are before asking, "d-do you think they have them in pink?". she keeps her naive side locked up in a dungeon, leigons below her cold affection-proof armor because she can't risk getting hurt again.

mabel can be brought out of her shell, if you pressure her enough and if the conditions are right. she needs a non-threatening atmosphere or familiar people around in order to open up a bit. she's very much like a deer, and must be approached with much caution and consideration. gentle encouragement and praise goes a long way for mabel, celebrating the short instances when she's able to actually break out of her shell makes her heart flutter and makes her want to break out more. pressuring mabel seems to be the fastest and easiest way to get her to do something, especially if more than one person is doing it. she's quick to give into peer pressure because please please please stop staring at her.  her anxiety gets even worse when people are egging her on to do something because they are doing pretty much everything she hates and she just wants it to stop, so she just does it

interactions || 
it's easy to say he fell in love with her as soon as she ordered a soy dish from his restaurant. before he even saw her face, he was fantasizing about their vegan future together and how cultured they'd be and how he'd introduce her to the literary genius that is john green. he insisted on taking the delivery to her house. ellington had half a mind to pick up flowers on the way there, but ultimately he decided not to because he didn't want her tofu to get cold--tofu always tastes the best when it's warm (athough he arguably wasted more time trying to decide on whether or not it would be worth it than if he actually just went and bought the flowers). he hopped on the restaurant's little bike and began pedaling. his heart was pounding and he found heart pounding as he imagined how beautiful she'd be like.

he was practically shaking when he rang the doorbell, his hands were clammy. he heard three--no six?--locks being undone and he waited with baited breath for her to open the door. and when he saw her, he feel for her even harder. that pale skin, those dark circles, the small figure, the doe eyes! oh, she was an unappreciated beauty that's for sure, in her grandpa sweater with her hair tied up. she handed him the money without a word and when she went to grab for the bags, their hands touched and elli felt a jolt spread throughout his body. yup. he was addicted to the girl in apartment 305.

since that day, whenever she ordered her soy dish, ellington would be the one to deliver it. every time their hands would touch and every time ellington would fall deeper and deeper in love with her. one day, he noticed her expansive bookshelf and was in awe and pointed to whichever book he saw first. "oh! the story of chunhyangjeon! i've heard such great things about this book, i've been dying to pick up a copy,"
"it's a classic," she said, and elli was on cloud nine. she actually spoke to him! 
"i heard! it's a staple in the history of korean prose! um, i was wondering if i could borrow it? i promis i'll give it back next time you order from us, okay?"
"is that some kind of marketing ploy?"
"maybe, and maybe i just want an excuse to talk to you again. i'll read the entire thing and then we can't chat about it all, okay?"
"um... o-okay," eep, she stammered, how cuuuute.

elli had been reading the book day and night, and asking his friends what it all meant because he didn't speak old korean, he spoke hip and unheard of korean, but he read it all and when he got the call for the tofu dish for dining in, he knew it was going to be his day. as per usual on friday nights at the restauraunt, elli whipped out his guitar and engaged the diners and staff in impropmtu karaoke. men and women and children and teens sang along to random kpop songs, and some people even started dancing. that's when she walked in with her giant fluffy dog, pretty surprised. at first she didn't know what to do, she kinda walked out before walking back in and then she lifted the dog leash in confusion, and she flinched when the owner bellowed, "come on in, bring your pooch too!!"

she nodded and took a seat up by the counter, and let juniper play with all the people. elli stared long and hard at her, before playing the riffs of a wonder girls song and mouthed "sing!". she shook her head modestly, and soon the whole place was egging her on. with her face redder than a tomato, she took a deep breath and started to sing. she was really quiet at first, but then seemed to get really into it  and even started dancing a bit. when the song was over, she scurried back to her seat in embarrassment. her food was finally done, and elli insisted he take her food to her, so one of the other guys started beatboxing.

when he handed her the food, he also handed her her book. "you really came!" he beamed.
"i-i kinda wanted my book back," she flushed.
"it was a really good book. thanks for letting me borrow it, uh... ,"
"madigan mabel,"
"mabel-sshi. and thanks for singing along!"
the two ended up talking for a really long time, until it was closing time actually.
"mabel-sshi, do you want me to walk you home?"
"no! i mean, no thank you, i have juniper to go with me,"

since that day, mabel goes to the restauraunt every friday. crushes are complicated things to deal with. elli like needs to be the center of mabel's attention, always directing conversations when she's around because he really wants to talk about cool things with her (even if she may not want to respond or even if she calls him dumb because of all his john green quotes). when he's hanging out with his homies, he sometimes wishes mabel was hanging out with them. elli makes an effort to invite mabel to hang out with him, even if she is a bit reluctant to go (or downright refuses). he often sends her cute messages while he's out, even if he knows she won't respond. his deep heart flutters whenever he gets a reply back even if its one word. sometimes during more intimate and one on one interactions between them, elli will stumble over his words and his mind will go blank because he got distracted by that really really cute face. no matter how hard he tries, he always ends up taking glances at her. elli wants to cuddle mabel in his arms forever, and doesn't really like the fact that she's reluctant to open up to him about her leaving her company, and doesn't really like how she locks herself away so she can stay safe; elli wants to be the one to watch out for her, because he really really likes her, and doesn't want her to be afraid of the world around her. he'll occasionally place a hand on her shoulder, or while they're chatting they'll lean in realy close and their thighs will touch.

mabel doesn't really care that elli left his company, and never asks about it. she expects him to do the same and gets upset when he starts prying
status || 
helpless crush

    " [[ debut :: ]]

aff name || shinjigetintherobot
preferred name || shinji

comments || 
i've actually never read fault in our stars. i put the book down after the first paragraph where her mom thought she was depressed bc she read the same book all the time.
i suggest you read mabel's app first, so you aren't as confused
questions || nah
suggestions || you're doing great!!

scene requests || 
+mabel and elli getting to go on their first "date" (which is really just the group sending them out to go pick something up)
+elli playing with juniper


extra || "i will work hard , and i'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure in saying true things. i will work hard, and i know that success is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all my labor has been returned to dust, and i know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, but i promise to work hard even after i succeed. "

layout by shirouen


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