I PROMISE I'm updating soon

Okay so I planned on doing it today but I could barely write. I mean, I'm finally coping with Kris leaving (kinda. I just need to stop keeping up with the news on it), but I had a football game to do today (I'm in marching band) and that was pretty exhausting. First time I had to stay outside for more than an hour in a long time. Ha. Next thing should be band camp. Anyway, I know where my story is going, so be ready! I should update it tomorrow/tomorrow night. If not, just shoot me. I'd deserve it. Unless of course, something bad happens. I also have some homework and studying to do tomorrow since I'm kinda failing Chemistry. Not my fault though. My teacher lost four of my assignments. I actually have to redo them because they were all computer assignments that I no longer have the files for. 

Yah. Luck.


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I hate it when teachers lose assignments. I had that happening to me as well and the piece of art (also my best) is still lost to this day. Ugh. But anyway I understand so I'll wait ne? Don't worry :)