TransBeat!'s | Jeon Jisoo



Jeon Jisoo / Jisoo


ohreos- - 10 - Eve - F

05 / 04 / 95 | 20 - 19 | Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer | M | Kim Myoung Jae
Incheon, South Korea | Full Korean | Korean (nativetongue), English (basic), Chinese (basic)
B- | 168 cm | 59 kg
Jisaws |
#6699cc | The Know-it-all Vocalist


Personality: Jisoo is a good boy, he really is. He's very obedient and listens well to both of his parents. He isn't prideful as well, when he doesn't know something, he'll ask. Like, if he doesn't know how to do this or that, he'll ask the person nearest to him. He's very weak and pathetic sometimes because of this. But, he doesn't give up quite easily because Jisoo is teh type of person who cannot differentiate giving up from trying again. Jisoo is also known as a braniac because he's very smart and ridiculously updated with everything and anything, that also menas that this smarty pants is a little too uptight at times and can be very strict. He can also sometimes feel superior around others and can be bossy as well. But, he's very passionate and dedicated in everything he does, especially in singing. He's also helpful to others and lends a helping hand to those who really need it. Jisoo isn't generally quiet, but when he is, then something must be wrong. Although he doesn't talk too much, that doesn't mean he has nothing to say. Jisoo is always full of ideas and his mind is always packed with creativity and imagination that it's sometimes hard for him to voice out his rather complex thoughts and ideas. 

Style: Jisoo can't really pinpoint what his stlye is, but he does love wearing fake glasses and beanies. Also, when it's cold out, he likes to wear sweaters rather than coats or jackets. He also prefers sneakers over tictac shoes and boots. He likes to be comfortable at all times, so usually, his clothes are very comfy and soft with fur. T R A N S 

Background: Jisoo was born in Incheon South Korea and is the oldest of two. Jisoo was raised in Incheon and has never been outside the city until he had to move to Seoul to pursue his career of being a kpop idol. Jisoo isn't that friendly, unlike his brother, Wonwoo. He's the introvert between the two and usually is pinpointed as the listener rather than the talker. 

Because of this, Jisoo didn't spend his youth in internet cafes or amusement parks, he'd lock himself in his room reading books or searching the internet for facts about science and math. He's always striving for improvement and he always work hard to reach his goals and because of this mindset, Jisoo has been the top 1 in his class for four years in a row. Unfortunately, Jisoo had to quit school to go to Seoul and be a trainee, but he did take private lessons during his time there. He stayed with his aunt and she was a teacher. 

Jisoo had always loved to sing, her mother was a singer and her father was one too, they had actually met in the bar when her mother was singing and somehow, at the end of the night, her father had sang a duet with her before they exchanged numbers and 'hooked up'. His mom has been teaching him music ever since he could talk! His mom didn't even worry about him not liking it, because she knew Jisoo would someday make her proud. And she was right because Jisoo has been competing in various competitions revolving around singing and has won a handful of them. 

Trainee Life: Jisoo quit school to pursue his career as an idol. After putting much thought into it, he finally decided that he wanted to be a star, a singer that could touch other people's heart. So when Jisoo came across an ad saying JYP needed trainees, he went to Seoul by train two days later. But, unfortunately, that ad was outdated and when he went there, the slots were already full and JYP was housing more trainees than they wanted. 

But Park Jin young didn't want to waste such talent like Jisoo's. Seeing as how talent-packed the boy was, he contacted his friend, Yang Hyun Suk and the CEO of YG gladly accepted him as a trainee when he blew him away with his cover of Chris Brown's. "With You". 

When YG saw how dreadful he was at dance after a few months of observation, he let Jisoo have extra practice time in dancing and less on vocalization. YG states that Jisoo's voice is already good, but that can be worked on later. He needed to practice on his dancing more for him to not end up embarrassing himself on stage. Over the course of his training though, Jisoo began to be more flexible in dancing and he can move his feet faster swifter than before. 

Jisoo's parents were very supportive of him going to Seoul, they didn't worry too much because there were people they could trust there, like Jisoo's aunt and uncle. He lived under the guidance for two years whilst training in YG. His education was not a problem since he was home-schooled. His mother Skyped him everyday to see how he was doing and Jisoo would always reply with; "I'm doing fine, mom." 

* noise pollution
* procastinating
* cat fur; he likes cats, just not the fur, he's allergic to them
* punk rock music: it makes his ears bleed 


* blueberry: his favorite berries
* cream cheese: he just likes the flavor
* Pigalle and Supreme labels 
* Variety shows
* Running man: he loves watching it 

* Writing
* Sleeping
* Baking

* Biting his tongue when he's dancing
* grinding his teeth when he's annoyed
* showing his teeth when taking a picture
* frowning at every lame joke he comes across 

Trivia/Fun facts
* Jisoo has two pet dogs, Yeon and Hyun 
* His brother is SEVENTEEN's Wonwoo 
* His younger brother is taller than him 
* Jisoo likes listening to American music the most
* but he likes Bigbang and Epik High
* The first concert he went to was Bi Rain's in 2007. 
* He likes Soohee from Wonder Girls and she was one of the reasons
why he wanted to join in JYP Ent.

Family: format is below
father | Jeon Junhyung | Accountant | 43 | Jisoo inherited his brains from his father and because
of this, he likes to make his father proud academically wise
mother | Im Joohee | 39 | Jisoo is closer to his mother and obeys her every word because Jisoo
doesn't like it when her mothe,r or anybody else, is disappointed in him
brother | Jeon Wonwoo | Trainee under Pledis Ent. | 18 | although they're not as close as most
brothers are, Jisoo still cares for Wonwoo even though his jealousy for his younger brother's
height is evident most of the time. Jisoo is a very good hyung and means well towards Wonwoo,
when he became a trainee under Pledis, Jisoo has been checking up on his improvement 24/7. 

Idol Friendships: 
Kim Jiwon "Bobby" | Team B's Rapper | 19 | they've been close ever since they were trainees, and Jisoo
likes listening to Bobby rapping. 
Song Mino | Winner's Rapper | 21 | Due to Mino's friendly and easy-going nature, he made friends with Jisoo
right away. He was Jisoo's first friend in YG and he cherishes their friendship even up to now. 

Love interest: 15&'s Park Jimin 
Date of birth: July 5, 1997 
Birthplace & Hometown: Suwon, South Korea. 
How did you meet: They met as trainees but the two were never close until one time, during their debut days, 15& was also having their promotions so during music shows and variety shows, they'd meet often and Jisoo gets flustered every time he bows towards her. 

Extra comments: hope you like my boooi. c: 
Scene Suggestions: jisoo wakes the members up and some of them are cranky.
jisoo takes control over the group. 
he shows the group his dogs.

Song Suggestions: 

thanks for applying. good luck!


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omg. thank you so much for applying, saeng! c: